East County ASA General Board Meeting
August 3rd, 2015
7:00 PM
- Called to Order at 6:59 Pm by President Edgar Moscoso
- Meeting Minutes- Motion by Edgar Moscoso to approve meeting minutes from July 20th, 2015. Second by Jessica Moscoso. Approved unanimously
- Financial Update- Treasurer gave & handed out financial report.
- New Business
- Magnolia fields update. City is working on plumbing now. Fields should be ready for use by 3rd week of August
- Winter ball Update given by Player Agent Heather Parent- 125 kids have signed up so far. We are almost to capacity. Discussed extending signups to Sunday, August 9th without charging late fee. Edgar made a motion to extend signups to August 9th without a late fee. Seconded by Heather Amison. 11 Yes, 1 Abstained. Approved
- Keys- Jessica will begin distributing board keys.
- Softball clinic- Sam Acord distributed a flyer for upcoming softball clinic.Hosted by former ECASA player Madison Labshere on August 15th, 2015 at Valhalla High School.
- Winter ball Purchases-(Ray) Enough material is left from Rec season for Winter Ball. Ray wants to replace banners on all fields at Melody & Magnolia. Melody will need plywood for banners in centerfield. Would also like 2 banners for batting cages. Jessica will gather quotes. Fields need new pitching rubbers.
Snack Bar Purchases- Bunny believes snack bar is already well stocked. Everything was packed in plastic tubs after rec season and expiration dates have been checked.
- Roundtable
JC- Began work at Magnolia on both fields to prep for winter ball.
Ray- Gave field update and requested quotes on banners (See New business)
Motion to adjourn by President Edgar Moscoso at 7:55 PM. Seconded by Ray. Approved unanimously.
Members Present:
Edgar Moscoso President
Dennis Rivera2nd Vice President & Safety Director
Jessica MoscosoTreasurer
Heather AmisonSecretary
Heather ParentPlayer Agent
Sam Acord Coaches & Clinics Director
Bunny LangteauConcessions-Magnolia
Ray LeaField Director-Supervisor
JC GonzalezField Director-Melody
Matt FishField Director-Magnolia
Joyce TeagueFundraising & Events Director
Bob GallWebmaster
Members Absent:
Kara Sandoval1st Vice President
Jonathan Baron3rd Vice Pres & Corky Russell/Tournaments Director
Adrianna Rodriguez Concessions-Melody
Manny Sandoval Sergeant at Arms
Amanda Fleischer Umpire in Chief