East County ASA General Board Meeting

August 3rd, 2015

7:00 PM

  1. Called to Order at 6:59 Pm by President Edgar Moscoso
  2. Meeting Minutes- Motion by Edgar Moscoso to approve meeting minutes from July 20th, 2015. Second by Jessica Moscoso. Approved unanimously
  3. Financial Update- Treasurer gave & handed out financial report.
  4. New Business
  1. Magnolia fields update. City is working on plumbing now. Fields should be ready for use by 3rd week of August
  2. Winter ball Update given by Player Agent Heather Parent- 125 kids have signed up so far. We are almost to capacity. Discussed extending signups to Sunday, August 9th without charging late fee. Edgar made a motion to extend signups to August 9th without a late fee. Seconded by Heather Amison. 11 Yes, 1 Abstained. Approved
  3. Keys- Jessica will begin distributing board keys.
  4. Softball clinic- Sam Acord distributed a flyer for upcoming softball clinic.Hosted by former ECASA player Madison Labshere on August 15th, 2015 at Valhalla High School.
  5. Winter ball Purchases-(Ray) Enough material is left from Rec season for Winter Ball. Ray wants to replace banners on all fields at Melody & Magnolia. Melody will need plywood for banners in centerfield. Would also like 2 banners for batting cages. Jessica will gather quotes. Fields need new pitching rubbers.

Snack Bar Purchases- Bunny believes snack bar is already well stocked. Everything was packed in plastic tubs after rec season and expiration dates have been checked.

  1. Roundtable

JC- Began work at Magnolia on both fields to prep for winter ball.

Ray- Gave field update and requested quotes on banners (See New business)

Motion to adjourn by President Edgar Moscoso at 7:55 PM. Seconded by Ray. Approved unanimously.

Members Present:

Edgar Moscoso President

Dennis Rivera2nd Vice President & Safety Director

Jessica MoscosoTreasurer

Heather AmisonSecretary

Heather ParentPlayer Agent

Sam Acord Coaches & Clinics Director

Bunny LangteauConcessions-Magnolia

Ray LeaField Director-Supervisor

JC GonzalezField Director-Melody

Matt FishField Director-Magnolia

Joyce TeagueFundraising & Events Director

Bob GallWebmaster

Members Absent:

Kara Sandoval1st Vice President

Jonathan Baron3rd Vice Pres & Corky Russell/Tournaments Director

Adrianna Rodriguez Concessions-Melody

Manny Sandoval Sergeant at Arms

Amanda Fleischer Umpire in Chief