1. Does the learner have reliable and consistent computer and (high
speed) internet access? (not just access to a smartphone or tablet) / ☐Yes ☐No / If no, please hold off registering until access is guaranteed.
  1. Will there be firewalls or classroom computer security issues with the LearningHUB’s learning platforms, ie. Plato, LearnScape, Moodle, SABA?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / If yes, please consult with LearningHUB tech support prior to registering learners, to find a solution that may work for you.
  1. Has the learner shown commitment to their LBS class and interest in online learning? (ie. Hasn't just shown up to class once then been registered for the LearningHUB.)
/ ☐Yes ☐No / If no, please refrain from registering with the LearningHUB. Learners should be self-motivated and committed in order to be successful in an online environment.
  1. Does the learner have a basic comfort with computers?
(ie. is not brand new to computers) / ☐Yes ☐No / If no, consider providing the learner with some computer exposure prior to registration with the LearningHUB.
  1. Is the learner able to use the keyboard and mouse well enough to correspond with an online practitioner?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / If no, consider directing the learner to a Mouse Tutorial and/or Typing Tutorial.
  1. Does the learner have an active, valid, personal email account that they access regularly?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / If no, consider directing the learner to a Gmail Tutorial.
  1. Has the learner demonstrated the ability to write, send and reply to emails?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / If no, please hold off registering until the learner is able to perform these functions.Try GCF Learn Free.
  1. Is the learner able to access their email account from the literacy classroom if that's where they will be doing their training? (ie. Do you have firewalls that will block these?)
/ ☐Yes ☐No / If you think this may be an issue, consider having learners create a learning-specific email account that will be accessible from yoursite.
  1. Does the learner have a reasonable goal and timeframe to reach it?
(ie. don’t register learner May 10 if they are writing the GED May 27) / ☐Yes ☐No / Please allow time between registration and assignment of curriculum for the LearningHUB to do the necessary intake processes, ie. Assessments. Unless a learner accesses and responds to emails immediately, this process can take time.
  1. Is the learner willing to make the 3-hour weekly commitment at the time of registration?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / Learners should be ready to start immediately (not in 6 weeks when they get a computer/internet, or next month when they start attending classes full time, or in two weeks when their employment ends.)
  1. Is the learner self-motivated and willing to problem-solve?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / The term “willing” is different than “able”. Learners need to be open to learning.
  1. Is the learner willing to ask for help when needed and able to articulate those thoughts simply in writing?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / Please encourage learners to ask questions. Communication between LearningHUB staff and learners is critical to learner success. Learners should be able to read and write well enough to answer simple enquiries.
  1. If the learner is involved in other upgrading, will s/he have enough time/computer access to make progress with the LearningHUB?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / If no, perhaps this is not the best time to register with the LearningHUB.
  1. If the learner is an English as a Second Language learner, do they have a minimum Canadian Benchmark Level 6 (ability to comprehend emails/written instructions)?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / If no, please refrain from registering learner until this level is attained. Learners should be able to read/write well enough to communicate via email with their online practitioner.
  1. Has the learner been with the LearningHUB before, and if so, have they progressed beyond what they were previously working on, or are they able to make progress in a reasonable timeframe?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / Please assess learner’s suitability based on past history and current motivation and situation. If need be, please contact the LearningHUB prior to re-registration.
  1. Is there time before your program’s summer shut down for the learner to make progress with the LearningHUB, or do they have access to a computer over the summer months so they can continue?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / If no, registration with the LearningHUB might not be appropriate at this time.
  1. If the learner is intending to upgrade their digital literacy do they have the necessary computer applications on their computer? (ie. Microsoft Office?)
/ ☐Yes ☐No / Please ensure learner has access to a computer that has the appropriate software on it. Learners cannot complete courses that require Microsoft software using a Mac computer.
  1. Practitioners – Do you have computers set up and ready to work before you register learners with the LearningHUB?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / Please do not register learners with the LearningHUB until you have the resources in place for them to access this program.
  1. Practitioners – In order to best serve the interests of “blended learners” are you willing to share assessment results and other information, such Learning Plans?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / Blended learners can be best served if the LearningHUB can work collaboratively with other agencies/organizations providing service to them. The LearningHUB registration form contains a Consent to share information with other Service Providers, which would allow the sharing of information with classroom practitioners if selected.
  1. Practitioners – If you are listed as a support, will you be seeing or communicating with this learner regularly, to offer support and motivation to continue their online work?
/ ☐Yes ☐No / Since the LearningHUB program is delivered from a distance it is beneficial to blended learners when classroom practitioners encourage them in their online work, and intercede on behalf of the LearningHUB as necessary when issues arise.
  1. Practitioners – If you are listed as a support, are you comfortable receiving and replying to emails from LearningHUB practitioners and assisting if there is an issue? (The LearningHUB has its own tech support so practitioners would not be expected to perform that function.)
/ ☐Yes ☐No / Since learners come to our program with varying skill levels, it is helpful when classroom practitioners areable to provide in-person support for learners if issues arise.