English I Honors, Yearlong Course
Mrs. Nance
Hunt High School
Course Description: English I Honors- The successful completion of this course is required for promotion to sophomore status. At the completion of this course, students will recognize and respond to information from informational and literary texts and will study different genres of literature, grammar, conventions, and literary elements. Students will be provided multiple opportunities to take greater responsibility for their learning in independent reading and research and will present their findings through individual speaking tasks. A complete list of the Common Core State Standards for English can be found at http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/languagearts/.
Technology: Required: Every student needs a Chromebook in order to conduct research, construct essays, take online quizzes and tests, and download class documents. Please see the school’s technology web site about how to obtain a Chromebook. If this is a financial strain, please let me know.
Google Classroom: My Google Classroom code is ______. We will use this app in class very often. You should only use your school email to login to my Google Classroom. Sign in as soon as possible. Students should also text @______to 81010 to sign up for Remind 101 texts.
Texts: Students will read poems, drama (Romeo and Juliet), fiction, and non-fiction from Prentice Hall. Students will also read from the following list of novels. Other selections may come from online sites, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Possible novels:
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Outsiders, by SE Hinton
Killing Mr. Griffin, by Lois Duncan
House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros
The Carolina Way, by Dean Smith
Grading Criteria: Students will be required to complete all assignments: class work, homework, tests, quizzes, presentations and written essays. Failure to complete an assignment will result with a grade of zero. Late work will be deducted 10 points for each day it is late, including weekends.
Assignment Weights:
Classwork, Homework, Essays, Quizzes- 40%
(Quizzes are counted twice)
Tests, Research Papers,Presentations - 60%
Grading Scale
100-90 – A
89-80 – B
79-70 – C
69-60 – D
59 or lower – F
Absent more than 8 days (16 year-long) with passing grade – FF (must retake course)
Assessments: All students will take a mid-term exam provided by the district, and a NC Final Exam provided by the NC Department of Public instruction. The mid-term will count as a test grade in the nine-weeks it is given. The NCFE will count 20% of the students final grade per WCS Board Policy.
Absences and Missed Work:
Students who know they will miss class should ask for work in advance and turn it in on the day it is due for the rest of the class; this includes absences due to sports, chorus, band, or field trips. If you miss a test or quiz, it is likely you will receive a different version. Missed tests and quizzes must be made up after school, not during class.
Students who unexpectedly miss school (such as for illness) have two days to make up all missed work per WCS Board policy. It is the student’s responsibility to request missed work and to be willing to pick up his/her assignments at 2:30. I cannot stop a lesson to give a student missed assignments. Students are encouraged to make up their time in Learning Lab to avoid an FF.
Contact Information:
Phone: 252-399-7930, ext. 4049
Remind Code- Parents should text @______to 81010 to receive text message reminders for our class and important school information. When you send that code, you will be asked your name. No record of your phone number is used.
Supply List: Same as the AVID supply list
Chromebook (a USB is helpful as well)
Pencils, Pens
2 Highlighters
College Ruled notebook paper
3 Ring Binder (one 2 or 3 inch binder should be used for all classes- with one divider for each class) Buying a more expensive binder is worth it; cheaper ones rarely last the entire year.
Keep this syllabus in your binder. Please have your parents email me to let me know they have read the syllabus and joined Remind. When I receive the email, you will receive a 100 as a homework grade. If I receive no parent contact, I will call home to confirm you have shared the syllabus with your parents and you will not receive a 100.