The Department of Public Safety and the Justice Facility Task Force is announcing an art competition to get local, Native artwork for the Pine Ridge Justice Facility. The Facility will contain the Oglala Sioux Tribal Courts (Supreme and Lower Courts, including Civil, Criminal, Family, Juvenile and Traffic); The Attorney General’s Office; the Public Defender; and Public Safety Administration, Law Enforcement, 911 Dispatch, and Corrections.
Two entries from each District will be awarded prizes (one first place and one second place prize). The entry forms will be submitted to through the District’s representative on the Public Safety Board of Trustees. First Place prizes of $2,000 will be awarded to each artist for their winning entry; Second Place prizes of $1,000 will be awarded to each artist for their second place winning entry. Artist can submit more than one entry for each category. The winning art pieces will be displayed in the public areas of the new building, including the entry; center circular hallway walls; the interior circular courtyard; courtroom walls.
We are seeking artwork in three major categories:
1. Paintings (oil, acrylic, water color, pastels, pen and ink, pencil sketches).
2. Sculpture (stone, metal, wood, other natural material)
3. Textiles (wall hangings, quilts, leather, winter-counts)
We are also seeking entries for special prizes of $2,500 in three separate categories:
1. A design for a wall mural for the Restorative Justice Courtroom.
2. A landscape design for the center courtyard of the building. The circular building is designed around an open courtyard; the public hallway around the interior of the building will have floor to ceiling windows so the courtyard is visible all the way around.
3. Floor tile design for the entry way.
A three-judge panel will be named to choose the winners for the artwork and to decide the location of the 18 pieces of artwork that are submitted from the Districts.
Entries are limited to Oglala Sioux Tribal members who are residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation. All entries should reflect our cultural values, particularly about justice, keeping in mind that artwork will be chosen to hang in courtrooms, hallways and other significant public areas of the building. Themes to be considered include: the Lakota way of life, values, history and significant events, historic figures and leaders, and role models.
Size Requirements:
1. Paintings must be at least 30” x 36”. The painting entry can be one painting of that size or a set of smaller paintings designed to be displayed together to fill the minimum size.
2. Sculptures must be a maximum of 1’ high x 2’ wide or 2’ high x 1’ wide.
3. Textiles must be no larger than 5’ x 5’.
Entry forms must be submitted through the Districts’ Public Safety Board of Trustees representative and meet the contest criteria for size, appropriateness for public display, and must be submitted by the deadline of Close of Business on July 29, 2011. The actual artwork will be submitted to the OST-DPS Grants & Contracts office on July 29, 2011 between the hours of 8:00am and 4:30pm. OST-DPS reserves the right to reject any entries that do not meet the contest criteria. Contest rules are subject to change depending on the number of entries and artwork submitted. Winners will be announced at the Oglala Nation Wacipi on August 6th at 1:30pm.
Entry forms can be obtained from the Department of Public Safety website; from Districts’ Public Safety Board of Trustees representative. All winning entries become the property of the Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Public Safety.