Mr. Feldpausch
Room 430
Earth Science
Office Hours 7:15-7:40 M-F
Class Guidelines/Syllabus
I. Introduction
Welcome to all! I will be your instructor throughout the course of this school year in Earth Science. I have a strong passion for the topics we are going to cover this year in Earth Science for several reasons. First of all, the study of the Earth is what motivated several great researchers of the past such as Archimedes, Galileo, and William Smith, “the father of modern geology”, the study of Earth is the root of all other sciences. Secondly, we really do live on an island we call Earth, our planet has not always been the way we know it today and it is constantly changing still. It is critical to understand the consequences of our actions as guests on this island. Finally, I am fascinated by the dynamics of our planet, how our planet interacts and balances out. There are examples of this every where we look, the carbon cycle, plate tectonics, and atmospheric circulation too name a few.
Please keep in mind that I am here to help you learn and become more successful. I will attempt to help you in any way I can. I will be available before school for individual help. Please come in and see me if there is anything you do not understand. REMEMBER, this is a team effort. I am looking forward to a great year of teaching and learning.
II. Course Statement
This Earth science course is a one-year introductory course that is intended to help students develop an appreciation and understanding for the world they live on. Objectives will be attained through a variety of learning approaches. Textbooks will be used along with discussions, laboratory experiments, activity worksheets, reinforcement activities, study guides, reviews, and tests.
First semester Units Second Semester Units
Atmosphere and Weather Geosphere
SafetyGreat Lakes Formation
Density Plate Tectonics Theory
SeasonsElement recycling
Air movementWaves
Weather patternsConservation of Mass
Heat transferFossil Fuels
Human impact
Solar System Hydrosphere
SunMovement of water
Light and Color Human impact on water quality
Formation of Stars
Technology and Science
III. Class Requirements
1. Notebook, pencil and/or pen brought to class each day.
2. Completed homework brought to class each day.
3. Positive attitude.
IV. Procedures
1. You are expected to be in your assigned seat at the sound of the bell.
2. The bell does NOT dismiss you I do.
3. If you miss a day it is your responsibility to find out what work you missed. Get on the website, ask another student, orfinally come to the teacher.
V. Behavior Guidelines
1. Respect others
2. Be polite and helpful
3. Be prepared for class
4. Be in your seat when the bell rings
If you CHOOSE to violate any of these guidelines, you will be subject to the following consequences!
First offense: Verbal Warning
Second offense: Discussion with teacher
Third offense: Referral to Assistant Principal
*NOTE* Depending on the severity of the offense, some steps may be skipped.
VI Grading
Grades will be based on the following criteriaApproximately
1. Laboratory experiments15%
2. Homework/worksheets40%
3. Quizzes/Tests/Exams45%
Grading scale:
93 – 100A73 – 76.9C
90 – 92.9A-70 – 72.9C-
87 – 89.9B+67 – 69.9D+
83 – 86.9B63 – 66.9D
80 – 82.9B-60 – 62.9D-
77 – 79.9C+ 0 - 59.9 E
%= Points earned
Points possible
Marking period grades are 30% of the total grade for the semester and the final 10%.
(Marking period) 30% x 3 = 90% + (final) 10% = 100%
Work hard and this will be a great school year!
You are fortunate to be here!
By signing this syllabus you, the student, are stating that you have read through the syllabus and are dedicated to following the guidelines established by Mr. Feldpausch. As a parent/guardian you are stating that you have also read the syllabus and agree to support the student and teacher throughout the school year as the student works to achieve success in this class.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______