On ThursdayOctober 19th,USC will participate in theannual Statewide Great California ShakeOut. The goal istohave everyone inSouthernCalifornia Drop, Cover,andHoldat 10:19amfor 30-seconds.

In orderfor USC to fully participate, weare askingeveryofficeand schoolonevery USC campusto appoint a ShakeOut Drill Ambassadorto conduct thedrill. He orshe can bea manager,director, assistant,coach, or anyonethat can rallythe officetogether fora fewminutes toensure that wecan executethedrillsuccessfully. Facultymembersshouldfacilitate inclassrooms.

ShakeOut Ambassador Instructions:

1.Advise everyonein your areaaboutthedrill. Encourageeveryoneto visit to learnmore. In additionto staff,students and facultyparticipating,the Southern California Earthquake Center(SCEC) at USC is leadingthe planningeffortfor theexercise inmanyother statesandcountries. Encourage Facebook users tojointhe USC Emergency PreparednessGroup (

2.Go to Clickonyourbuilding namefora complete building fact sheet that includes emergencysupply locations, Evacuation Assembly Area locationand other critical information about yourbuilding. Be prepared tosharethe informationas partofthe post drilldiscussion.

3.Approximately 1-hour priortothedrill, walk thefloors ofyour building(s) andsendout an e- mailto remindeveryoneabout thedrill.If youcannot get toallareas,appointadditional help.

4.Please take digital pictures and/or short video clipsofpeople participating in yourarea.

Uploadthepictures/video totheUSCEmergency PreparednessFacebookgroup ( or email them to .

5.At 10:19am on 10/19, announcethefollowing:

“This is a drill—EARTHQUAKE—Everyone Drop,CoverandHold.Anyone whocannotget under a desk or table should kneeldown infront ofan interior wall andprotect theirhead andneck”.

In lecture halls, students shoulddrop down betweentheseats andcover their headand neck. After30-seconds have passed,tell everyone toget upcarefully andmeet ina common area suchas aconference room, lobby,or entry wayfora 5-minute follow up.

6.Following Drop, Cover, and Holddrill, usethe Speaking Points on thesecond pageof this document, read and reviewtheinformation witheveryone. We ask that you havea discussion rather thanjustmaking copies foreveryoneso participants can sharetheir ideas as well asdiscuss any issuesspecific toyour area.

7.Leteveryoneknowthat thedrillis justthe beginning.Everyoneshould takethetimetoget preparedat work,school,andat home.Alsosharethe informationandlessonslearned todaywiththeir familyandfriends.


Duringan Earthquakeyou should:

Whenthequake startsquickly take cover. Donotwaitto see how bad itmight turn out to

be. You havevery littletime to gettoa safeplace to avoid being hit bymoving objects.Drop, Cover, and Hold-On undera sturdytable or desk.

If therearenotables to getunder, kneeldown next toaninterior wallandprotectyour head and neck.Avoid areas withwindows or unsecurefurnishings.

If outside, tryto getawayfrombuildings andpower lines.Debris canfallasmuchas 1 ½

times theheight ofthebuilding.

If indoors, avoidrunning outside.Morepeople get hurt whilerunning asdebris falls.

Following theshakingyou should:

Check for injuries and people trapped.Check all offices,classrooms, andelevators.

Report lifethreatening situationstotheDepartment ofPublic SafetyEmergency Line213-

740-4321 (UPC)or 323-442-1000 (HSC).You canalso use theLiveSafe App.

Onlyevacuateif thefire alarm isactivated,you seeorsmell smoke,fire, hazardous materials spills, gasleaks, or other safety hazards.

If thequake wasminor andthereareno apparentproblemsin your building, you may resume normal operations.However, bepreparedforpossibleaftershocks.

Secure yourworkspace:

Anything over4 feet tallor that is tallerthan itis wide should besecuredwithappropriate earthquake restraint materials. This mayinclude straps, Velcro, earthquakeputty or earthquake picture hooks.Facilities Management provides services for securing furnishings.

Be prepared at home:

Havea family disastersurvival kit at home,in the car, and for youroffice.USC staff, students, and facultyreceivea10% discount offkitsfrom a list of recommended supplies.

Establish anout ofstatephonecontactforyour familyandbepreparedto use text messaging withyourfamilyand co-workers.

BuildingSpecific Info and Communications:

Share building specificinformationfromthebuilding fact sheet (seefacilitatorinstructions

#2). Discussanyspecificissues relatedtoyour classroom orwork area.This may include theneed to stop any hazardous activities or securing chemicalsfollowing a quake.

Forinformationfollowing an earthquake visit theUSC emergency web page at

Finally,to schedule emergency preparednesstraining for your department or ifyou haveany questions,pleasecontact SteveGoldfarb,Office ofFire Safety &Emergency Planning (r213-740-3962).