Paula Waeschle,, Co-Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. in Room 149 at the Allamuchy Township School.

Present: 8 members, including 3 Board Members

Secretary's Report

Gina Reardon, Secretary, presented the April 2014 meeting minutes.

A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Paula Waeschle

Second: Fran Muhlenbruch

Motion Carried.

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurers Report waspresented. Tiffany was absent but sent the report.

A motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as written was made by Gina Reardon.

Second: Sue Costello

Motion Carried.

Grant Requests

1. JoAnne Ferguson, Teacher, requested $75.00 for supplies for a surprise farewell breakfast for the 8th graders.

2. Rob White, Teacher, requesting $49.00 for 7 pizzas for the winners of the soccer tournament taking place on June 2, 2014.

3. Vicki Patterson, teacher, requesting $150.00 to pay for breakfast items for the 5th and 6th grade transition program.

4. Melissa Arrimbide and Samiljan, 2nd grade teachers, each requesting $100.00 (200$ TOTAL) to cover the expenses for the Authors Tea, including drinks, snacks, paper plates etc.

A Motion to approve 1-4 of the above requested grants was made by Paula Waeschle.

Second: Gina Reardon

Motion Carried.

Old Business

  1. Reopen Deb DeAngelis request for HP Printer Ink for $100

Motion to accept: Paula Waeschle

Second: Fran Muchlenbruch

Motion Carried.

New Business

  1. Artist in Residence At Rutherford Hall

Amy Huffnagel, Staff Member at Rutherford Hall, requesting $400 for the remainder of supplies needed for the Artist in Residence Pregram at Rutherford Hall on June 10 and 11th. This is a school wide program where Inventor, Michael Flynn, will showcase his interavtive machines that are headed for a museum. He will be showing to Allamuchy and Freilinghysen School.

The Education Foundation has already donated $1000, BOE providing the busing, and Freilinghysen donating $1800.00.

It comes out to about $1.00 per child.

A motion to approve this grant was made by Fran Muhlenbruch.

Second: Sue Costello

Motion Carried.

  1. Summer Enrichment Program at Allamuchy

Sue Costello brought up the idea of the PTO helping to fund the Summer Enrichment Program. The need is for up to $2000.00. Sue was NOT speaking on behalf of the Board of Ed, just as a parent and PTO member. Since she can not request a grant, Fran Muhlenbruch said she would do it.

After much discussion, and being so many were not there to hear it, we decided to table it until the June Meeting. So, here is a recap (my recollection) so you all can be informed for the next meeting.

The Summer Enrichment Program is offered for 4 weeks over the course of the summer.

This summer, for the first time.families are being asked to pay 100.00 per week per child to attend.

The children can attend any of the weeks the program is offered - they can do one or up to four.

This year, the Enrichment Program is being offered to all students, not just students who qualify through their IEP or if they are "on the cusp" of needing additional assistance at school.

The Board of Ed is donating the Transportation. Not sure what else

The Board of Ed MUST PAY for those children who have the need for the Program in their IEP’s. The program WILL RUN for those kids, whose families are NOT required to pay at all. The difference will be time. The program will run REGARDLESS OF PTO support for 1.5 hours instead of 3 hours.

As of the date of the last meeting, only a few children had signed up, but that is not unusual. Per Fran, many sign up at the last minute. There was a deadline, but I think it was going to be extended. First, we need to make sure enough kids signed up for the program to run.

Sue Costello spoke to how our school has had the enrichment program for the past 15? years. There has never been a cost associated with sending your children. It has been a great program and helped many students who were "on the cusp"

and helped to “close the gap” for kids who lose information over the extended summer break.

The question was brought up what would the $2000 be funding? The answer came down to two things - teacher salaries and supplies. Most attendees seemed to object to the idea of paying the teachers salaries, as that is not really within the rhelm of the PTO, however, would the PTO be willing to pay for the supplies or paying for those families that can not afford the cost this year? The financial need would be determined by the school.

on a negative note, it was spoken about how in the past, the program has been used as a sort of baby sitter - it was free and people sent children to do their summer work so they didn’t have to do it. Although it was not supposed to be open to everyone, only if the child was recommended, the rule was not strictly followed. Others were allowed to attend.


  1. Nominations for Next Year

Paula Waeschle nominated

  1. Gina Reardon for Secretary
  2. Tiffany Ulch for Treasurer
  3. Paige Schmiedeke for Co-Vice President

Gina Reardon nominated

  1. Paula Waeschle for Co-Vice President

We are currently looking for Co Presidents. No one was nominated for those positions.

The above nominations were seconded by Paige Schmeideke.

Motion Carried.

  1. IPADS

Paige mentioned the possibility of purchasing IPADS for those teachers who do not have one. She will send out email to find out needs.

The following is the email from Paige: sent on June 3rd:

I sent the email out to staff to see what their iPad needs were and was quite surprised by the large number of teachers who do not have a school-issued iPad. The PTO has purchased 3 iPads, one for Tracy Holt which is now used by Laurie Weingarten, one for Deb DeAngelis and the most recent one for Nancy Baglio. The list of requests follows:

Michelle McElwee 4th grade

Joanne Ferguson Middle School Social Studies

Michelle Ricci Middle School Language Arts

Brian Lohse 4th/5th grade

Anemarie Hall 5th grade LA

Vicki Patterson 5/6 LA

Lauren Boden Speech

Kate Stiner Middle School Science

Robin Samiljan 2nd grade

Sam Greco Middle School Math

Theresa Funaro Middle School Math and ?

Clare Saalfield Special Education

Rob White 5th-6th Science and Social Studies

Dawn Asbjorn Middle School Math and ?

Julie Profito School Counselor

Scott Brady, Tina Kay and Donna Stassi (instructional aide) also responded that they do not have one.

Since I won't be at the meeting, what kind of information would you like from me to facilitate the discussion?

Thanks so much!!!


Adjournment Meting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. by Paula Waeschle.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Reardon

PTO Secretary