Meeting Minutes
Rescheduled from 1/6/14
Organizational and Regular Business Meeting
January 16, 2014
1. Meeting Called to Order at 7 p.m. by Chair Mariani, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence.
2. Nominations / Elections / Appointments:
a. Pickel nominated Mohr for Chair of the BOS; Second by Mohr; Mariani and McKain opposed; Shearer did not vote.
Shearer nominated Mariani for Chair; Second by McKain; Pickel opposed. Mariani elected.
b. Mariani nominated Mohr for Vice-Chair of the BOS; Second by McKain; Mohr elected.
c. Mariani nominated Shearer as Secretary Treasurer; Second by McKain; Shearer elected. Motion by Shearer to set
bond amount at $3 million; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
d. Appointment and reappointment of non-elected officials: Motion by Mariani to retain as (i) Animal Control Officer John L. Shearer and Alternate Stephen L. Mohr; and (ii) Hanover Engineering Associates, Inc. on an as-needed basis; Second by Shearer. Motion by Shearer to approve Township Engineer to prepare and submit 2013 Chapter 94 Report in 2014; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
Motion by Mariani to reappoint (iii) Marvin Stoner as Sewage Enforcement Officer; (iv) Nikolaus & Hohenadel as Township Solicitor; (v) Zoning Officer Janet Hardman and Hanover Engineering Associates, Alternate Zoning Officer on an as-needed basis; (vi) Donna J. Alexander as Right-to Know Officer; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
e. Appointment to Boards and Authorities: (i) Bainbridge Water Authority: Request from BWA to reappoint Jacob McConnell whose term expired 12/31/2013 to an additional 5 year term; Replacement needed for Bonnie Nauman who served as Secretary-Treasurer. Lance Carter is interested in serving in this position. BOS agreed to suggestion by Mohr to keep positions open for one month and to let it be known there are two vacancies available.
(i) Parks and Recreation Commission: Gina Mariani 5 year term expires January 2013; interested in serving an additional 5 year term; John L. Shearer will not be serving an additional term; Tom Grove is interested in serving a now vacant additional 5 year term. Motion by Pickel to reappoint Mariani and to appoint Tom Grove; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.
(iii) Planning Commission: Motion by Mohr to reappoint Chris Geesey and Wayne Rullo to PC; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
(iv) Zoning Hearing Board - As per s.903 of the MPC, members shall not hold any other elected or appointed office.
David Kauffman 5 year term expires January 2014; interested in serving an additional term. Alternate Zoning Hearing Board Member Ken Brosey 3 year term expires January 2014; interested in serving an additional term. Motion by Mohr to reappoint Kauffman and Brosey; Second by Shearer; Alternate Zoning Hearing Board Member 3 year term is vacant. BOS decided to leave the position vacant. Motion carried.
(v) Susquehanna Regional Police Commission Member Stephen L. Mohr and Alternate Gina R. Mariani; Motion by Mohr
to retain appointments as is; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
(vi) Elizabethtown Area Community Service Authority: Motion by McKain to reappoint Mariani to a 3 year term; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.
(vii) Historical Review Commission: Motion by Mohr to reappoint Mary Lee Nissley to a 5 year term; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
(viii) Elizabethtown Area Regional Authority: Vacancy needs to be filled with 5 year term that expired December 31, 2011; new term would expire 12/31/16. BOS decided to leave position vacant.
(ix) Vacancy Board Chair: Motion by Shearer to reappoint Patti Jo Bigler to 1 year term; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
(x) Ag Security Advisory Committee: No vacancies.
(xi) NWLCRT – Gina R. Mariani, elected official; Kathy Hipple, non-elected official will continue to serve on the Advisory Committee in 2014.
f. Motion by Shearer to retain Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau for earned income tax collection; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
g. Salaries and Wages for 2014: (i) Motion by Shearer to retain non-Township Supervisor Crossing Guard wages at $15 per appearance; half of fee to be paid by School Board. Second by McKain; Motion carried. Township Supervisor Crossing Guard wages to be approved by Township auditors. (ii) Motion by Shearer to retain Zoning Hearing Board payment at $25 per hearing; Second by McKain; Motion carried. (iii) Elected Officials hourly wage recommendation to Township Auditors for BOS members as employees. Motion by Pickel to recommend to Township Auditors to increase the current $17.68 hourly wage by 1.5%. Mariani called for vote; no Second. Motion by Mohr to recommend to Township Auditor’s BOS as employees hourly wage of $17.68 hour; Second by Shearer; Pickel opposed; Motion carried. (iv) Motion by Mohr to increase 2014 hourly wage rate 1.5% effective January 1, 2014 for full-time employees; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
h. Depositories for Township funds are Susquehanna Bank and PLGIT.
i. Motion by Mohr to keep Assignment of Areas of Responsibility to Supervisors the same as in 2013; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.
j. Motion by Shearer to retain Stephen Mohr as Individual responsible for assignment of house numbers; and
k. Greg Smith as individual responsible for issuance of driveway permits with Stephen Mohr as Alternate; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
l. Set Rental Rates for (i) Township Equipment: Amount to include Township Operator as per insurance stipulation. Motion by Shearer to add $5.00 additional charge to current rate; Second by McKain; Motion carried. (ii) Motion by Mariani to keep Snow Removal rates at $65.00 per hour; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
m. Motion by Shearer for Authorization and insurance coverage to Bainbridge Fire Company for fund-raising activities; Second by Mohr; Motion carried. Shearer asked for confirmation that coverage is also for fire police which is correct.
n. Motion by Shearer to ratify legal ad that was placed 12/13/13 to set regular monthly meeting location, time and dates for BOS, and other meetings in accordance with the Sunshine Law; Second by Mohr; Motion carried.
o. Motion by Mohr to approve same 2013 paid holidays for 2014 for full-time Township employees; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.
p. Mariani made announcement of tentative 2014 Clean-up Days as follows: April 11, 12, 13, 2014; October 10, 11, 12, 2014 contingent upon availability of LCSWMA.
q. Motion by Shearer to appoint Pickel as voting delegate for PA State Association of Township Supervisors April 13 – 16, 2014 and to approve other conferences, conventions and authorized reasonable expenses to be paid for by Township; Second by McKain; Motion carried. BOS members are to notify Donna Alexander if they will be attending PSATS conference.
r. Motion by Mohr for Shearer and Mohr to serve on Township Capital Planning & Programming Committee for long-term infrastructure and policy projects, e.g. road – sidewalk – curbing, sewer plants, 537 Plan update, etc., starting in February 2014, and present their draft to the full Board no later than the October 2014 Meeting for review and direction; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
s. Motion by Mohr for McKain and Shearer to serve on Township Advisory Committee for preparation of 2015 Budget along with staff, starting in September 2014, and present their draft to the full Board no later than the October 2014 meeting for initial review and direction; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
t. Motion by Mohr to accept 2014 IRS mileage rate of 56 cents / mile; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.
1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Mariani.
2. Motion by Mohr to approve Minutes of December 12, 2013 BOS Meeting; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.
3. Chair – Announcements and additional agenda items: (i) Executive Session to follow public session of BOS meeting
to discuss personnel. (ii) John L. Shearer was elected to an additional 6 year term as a Township Supervisor and Kelly Heisey was elected as Township Auditor for an additional 6 year term.
4. Secretary-Treasurer: (i) Invoice from EACSA for $1,811.00 for capital improvement expenses. (ii) Lancaster County
Drug Task Force has invoiced Township for $3,194.00.
5. Report of Committees / Officers:
a. Emergency Management – No report.
b. Bainbridge Fire Company – 10 calls in December – 2 in Conoy; 1 E-town Boro; 2 ED Twp; 3 WD Twp; 1 Marietta Boro; 1 Londonderry Twp. (ii) Motion by Mohr for Township to match Bainbridge Fire Company fundraisers of $3,647.79 from block party, Halloween parade, SOFFD and chicken bar-b-q and $2,479.00 of fire police fundraisers from Marietta carnival, Nissley’s, SOFFD, goat races, pie sale, Halloween parade, hayride and HERCO run for a grand total of $6,126.79; Second by Shearer; Motion carried. Funds to be used for equipment purchases. Goal is $500,000.00. (iii) Motion by Pickel to purchase letters for Bainbridge Fire Company sign at $75.00; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
c. NW Emergency Medical Services – 17 calls in December for a total of 206 calls in 2013.
d. Police – Report is available.
e. TMI – No report.
f. Waste to Energy Plant (Incinerator). Report available. December 2013 Host Fee $53, 033.78; and 29794.26 Tons. 2013 – 2012 Comparison available.
g. Roads – Roadmaster report is available.
h. Sewage Enforcement Officer – Permit issued to Brentwood Builders for Lot 15, Stone Creek Estates.
i. Sanitary Sewer System – No report.
j. Solicitor – No report.
k. Zoning Officer - Report is available.
l. Buildings – Pickel advised BOS we need a demolition permit to tear down former Zorger house. Mohr commented for the last three weeks the house is being demolished.
m. Personnel – Motion by Shearer for carry over 2013 leave to 2014: Sean Laverty - 3/4 hour vacation; Greg Smith – 1 hour personal leave; Second by Mohr; Motion carried.
n. Parks and Recreation – (i) Mariani received telephone call from George Longridge, EASD that the Bainbridge Elementary School will remain open and the roof will be replaced this summer. Summer Playground will potentially be held at the Lutheran Church. (ii) Meeting on this coming Monday. (iii) Mohr reported Township will need to spend funds for 4 month schedule of treatment and for field to be reseeded at GS Park.
o. Planning, Subdivision and Development – (i) Mohr reported engineer asked for Township to look at proposed subdivision at Crestwood Development. Plan will be provided to Zoning Officer and Planning Commission for review.
6. Financial Reports – FYI – See General Fund Deposit Detail, General Check Detail and Payroll Summary reports and Sewer Fund Deposit Detail and General Check Detail for December 2013.
7. Motion by Shearer to pay bills (see General Fund 12/17 (2), 12/20/13, 12/26/13; 12/31/13; 1/7/14; 1/9/14; 1/14/14; and 1/15/14 (2); and Sewer Fund 12/17/13, 12/26/13 and 1/9/14 Unpaid Bills Detail Reports); Second by McKain; Motion carried.
8. Old Business: (i) Request for Proposal for Fisherman’s Wharf. Staff to check on single-use purposes, i.e., weddings, birthday parties, caterers.
9. New Business: (i) Motion by Mohr that all sewer bills for the Bainbridge Elementary School be waived from this quarter for a five year period.
10. Other Items and Public Participation: (i) Tom and Charlene Grove, 620 Stackstown Road, Marietta, PA addressed BOS on snow clearing on Township Roads. Mohr explained policy of Townships having opportunity to provide winter service agreement with PennDOT for plowing State roads. Mohr believed conditions reported were unusual circumstances.
11. Motion by Mohr to Adjourn at 8:54 p.m.; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
John L. Shearer
Executive Session followed.
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