Present:Craig Button (Chair)Tim HarrisPeter Valentine. (SOP)
George BaileyMatthew BoltonCorey Aldridge
Alistair McClellandTony Carabot
Phone in:Nil
CAMS Personnel:Nil
Visitors:JohnMahon (GORBA)
Apologies:Greg RyanDamien NicollDave Groten
Meeting Opened:7:44
17-038Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes from previous meeting (1-9-17) had been distributed;
Moved Alistair McClelland, Seconded Matt Boulton
- Nomination forms for panel members (2off)
- TORC report on possible inclusion at off Road events.
- AORCom report- M. Emmins
- VORRA Report- B. Price
- CAMS- Sound and Weather Meter kit for use in off-road
- CAMS VORC Levy statement.
- Various email regarding the Vic Off Road Calendar.
17-040Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
- 2017 Vic Off Road Presentation Evening- being held next weekend at Clifton Springs hosted by GORBA, Tim Harris indicated planning was going along well, trying to secure kids entertainment for the night, G. Bailey and A. McClelland wish to apologise for their non-attendance due to work commitments.
17-041Chairman’s Report
The chair (Craig Button) gave a verbal report.
After the last meeting the chair had been contacted by the CAMS CEO regarding the suspension of the 2018 CAMS VORC and attended the Victorian State Council Executive where an agenda item was table by Brett Price indicating he was disappointed with the VORAP motion regarding the 2018 VORC, he asked the VSCE to ask the VORAP to overturn the decision.
Also during this time there was several emails regarding the Vic Calendar where in the chair’s opinion things got a little out of hand, then the chair phoned B. Price to hope to stop the continuing emails that were going nowhere.
Over the last 12-18 months the chair felt that the Victorian off road based clubs and the VORAP have worked well together but the chair was disappointed that VORRA (B. Price) felt they could not discuss the VORC issue directly with him, the chair was also made aware that B. Price had made contact with the VSC chairman and staff in the CAMS office over the issue without making contact with the VORAP or it’s chair first.
Club Reports
Alistair McClelland reported that the club planning to have their presentation early in the new year. Several of their members have competed in numerous events recently. At one of the events one of their members were question on his apparel by a scrutineer, upon investigation it was found that the scrutineer was not fully aware of the apparel requirements, this was discussed by the panel.
As a result of the discussion the VORAP chair indicated he will compile a memo for clubs on the current apparel requirements.
Tim Harris gave a verbal report.
The club has been disappointed with the low entries at their last 2 events with the second one (Avalon) being cancelled with only 6 entries received.
The club held their 40th Anniversary evening on the 14th October. The club was pleased with the turn with over 100attending including several past presidents as well as a lot of faces from the past and present.
The presentation evening is going to plan.
The club will hold their AGM next week.
17-044 VORRA
Brett Price had emailed a brief report, indication the club will celebrate 50 years in 2018.
Planning for their Rainbow event is underway. Again, the event has been included in the CAMS AORC.
Tony Carabot asked the floor their opinion on why competitor number have dropped over the last couple of years. There was much discussion regarding this but no one could give a definitive answer to.
Tony also indicated that the club would like to thank G. Bailey and C. Aldridge for their help during the event.
Peter Valentine gave a verbal report.
The club received 11 entries for its VORC/Mallee Shield event with only 9 of them nominating for the VORC, it was disappointing with the low numbers but the inclusion of the TORC buggies on the weekend it helped the club make it a successful day.
The club is currently working on the format of the 2018 event.
Jamie Baensch emailed a brief report.
He indicated that the club would like to be involved in more events run by the VORAP clubs if there is a suitable track available.
17-047 LSCORC
The chair indicted that he had spoken with Mark Jennings, the club will not be running a CAMS state championship event this year, they have recently sent out a survey to most of its previous competitors on to get an idea of what competitors think.
The chair had spoken with D. Nicol and D. Groten.
The club held their AGM last Friday.
Planning for the King of the Dunes is underway.
Other reports
17-049 AORCom
M. Emmins emailed a report through.
2018 BFGoodrich CAMS Australian Off Road Championship
Round 1 – St George 4-6 May
Round 2 – Finke 8-10 June
Round 3 – Rainbow 10-12 August
An Organisers meeting was held in early August, very positive meeting...
A F2F Commission meeting to be held in Melbourne early December, mainly to work on Strategic Plan leading into the new year.
Composition of 2018 Commission to be formally announced mid-December, after Board meeting.
The last commission meeting was held on 31 October, due to our EO taking Annual Leave the formal summary of this meeting will not be published until the next coming week. Will forward to Panel members when released.
If the Panel has any items to be raised at the next commission meeting please forward then in detail to me no later than Tuesday 21 November.
The VORAP discussed the recent surveys that had been sent out to selected off road competitors regarding the increase of engine capacity and 4X4 Buggies, the reps requested that the AORCom review this, an agenda item to be sent to the AORCom for discussion.
Last year a question was asked why the rule allowing 2-piece driving suits in off road was overturned, the CAMS admin was not able to clarify.
The VORAP had received feedback from event scrutineers concerned with their use due to them separating, exposing the competitors to unnecessary risk.
The VORAP would like a review by AORCom on the use as these items of apparel on safety grounds. An agenda item to be sent to the AORCom for discussion.
General Business
17-0502018 Calendar
Since the last meeting the VORAP have been discussing the calendar via email.
A draft calendar was tabled.
Moved G. Bailey Seconded C. Aldridge
17-0512018 VORC
At the last meeting the VORAP moved to suspend the 2018 VORC. VORRA, through B. Price, approached the CAMS Victorian State Council to approach the VORAP to reconsider the decision.
The VORAP chair approached a couple of clubs to see if they were interested running a second VORC round. The BCC nominated they would run a round on their calendared date (1st July).
The format would most likely be a single day low budget event.
In light of a second nomination for a 2018 VORC round it was moved to overturn the previous motion to suspend the 2018 VORC and run a 2 round 208 VORC
Moved G. Bailey Seconded T. Carabot
Carried 5:0:2
17-0522018 VORC Standing Regulations
A redrafted set of 2018 VORC Standing Regulation were tabled.
Major changes from previous years was that competitors must compete in both rounds to be eligible for championship awards.
Moved M. BoltonSeconded A. McClelland
17-053VORC Trophy Levy
The chair had received a statement from CAMS for the VORC levy account. It is noted that the levy for the following events have not been deposited as yet.
- Moorex
- Rainbow
- Bagshot.
The chair will contact the CAMS admin to follow up.
17-054Victorian Off Road Promotions
C. Aldridge has produced 2 versions of a 2018 Off Road calendar, one Victorian based and one of his personal pick photos, these are selling well, message him for orders. He also indicated that he was in discussions with M+R/Hi-Tec again for 2018. With the issues presented this year he is not sure if they will come on board, he will provide the panel with updates as they arise.
17-0552018 VORAP.
All current VORAP reps have indicated they are will to stay on for 2018, The chair received 2 nominations from VORRA, one was for T. Carabot, this was accepted as he is an existing panel member.
The other was M. Emmins. The chair had consulted with the Victorian State Council Executive (VSCE) at its last meeting as well as other panel reps leading up to this meeting.
The VORAP chair indicated he would not accept this nomination and would present this to the VSCE at their next meeting.
The proposed 2018 VORAP representatives are:
- Craig Button (Chair)
- Greg Ryan (Deputy Chair)
- Corey Aldridge (Promotions)
- Peter Valentine (VSOP)
- Alistair McClelland
- Tim Harris
- Tony Carabot
- George Bailey
- Matthew Bolton
- Damien Nicol
- Dave Groten
17-056Mallee Shield Trophy fund.
The Chair indicated that he has only sent out invoices for the 2017 Mallee Shield fund to clubs this week.
Meeting Close
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 23.10 hours.
I have sighted these minutes and declare they are a true and accurate record of the meeting:
Next meeting:
Distribution to: (Commissions/Victorian State Council Executive)
CAMS Personnel