7, rue des GaresTel: +41 22 740 14 41

1201 Geneva (Switzerland)

Registration form for French courses

Date: 09/14/2018(Day / Month / Year)

Last name (family name):
First name: Gender: MaleFemale
Birth date: (Day / Month / Year)Mother tongue:

Home address (abroad):


Street, number:

Zip code: City:

Country: Tel.:

Nationality (citizenship of):

Address in Switzerland or in France nearby (if you already have one):


Street, number:

Zip code: City:


You can leave empty the part concerning the address in Switzerland if you don't already have one. In this case, you can only fill out the home address.

Which French level do you think you have?:

You can mention your level on the Council of Europe scale if you know it:


If you are coming to Switzerland with a student visa or you plan to ask for a student permit in Geneva, you can only choose "5 courses per week".

Preferred starting date:

As soon as possible

At the following date: (Day / Month / Year)

Desired duration: weeks

Desired schedule:

Please note that this is a preference only. Depending on registrations, your choice may not be taken into account. If you cannot change your schedule, please mention it below (in the comments).

How did you hear about our school?

From a search engine on the Internet / Link found on another website / On a forum on the Internet
From an acquaintance
(friend, relative, etc) / From an advertisement / Other


To read carefully

School fees are payable before the beginning of each period (four-week period).

Registration fees are not reimbursed, even if the student chooses not to attend the class. The only exception is when school management decides not to open the class.

School management may not open a class if the number of students is not sufficient.

If the student cancels the registration less than two weeks before the starting date, school fees already paid are not completely refunded (two weeks of class will be charged at most). In any case, after a period of time of one year, school fees already paid are not refunded.

In the case where the student decides to leave the school, paid school fees are not reimbursed. In case of absolute necessity only, school fees from the current period already paid are partly reimbursed depending on the number of remaining days until the end of the period.

In case of non-attendance, the missed days are neither refunded nor compensated.

Photocopy fees of CHF 10.- are required from the student once per period.The material (books, etc) is not included in the school fees.

The student certifies he has read the information above.

This form can be sent by e-mail to: