Viv - logged on.

Amy - logged on.

Amy - Just a few minutes and the chat will begin!
Flea Bag - logged on

Dogs rule - logged on

Amy - Just waiting for Rick...wait...I think he’s finally made it online
Amy - AHA
Flea Bag - Where is Mr. Spreeeenfield... He said 7PM
Dogs rule - Sorry, (pant, pant) I just got here
Amy - Welcome Dogs...aka Rick...and Fleas...mystery guest
Viv - has this chat gone to the dogs already?
Amy - Welcome Rick! Thanks for doing this chat tonight!
Amy - Everyone wants to know Rick how Wayne Brady went.
Dogs rule - Hellooooo
Viv - yes, welcome and congratulations on the new release.
Dogs rule - Wayne was great. it was a rocking good show
Amy - It airs tomorrow, right?
Dogs rule - Thanks
Dogs rule - Yes in the AM I beleive
Amy - Ready for some Qs?
Viv - I’ve never seen the show but I sure will tomorrow!!
Dogs rule - Uh huh
Amy - Donna T from DE: What do you think your biggest appeal is to keep your fans coming back year after year, concert after concert, album after album?
Dogs rule - the increasing and decreasing size of my pecs.
Viv - Michele in Las Vegas wondersWhat’s it like to hear yourself on the radio? Do you rock out to your own songs?
Dogs rule - Actually I think its that we all have so much fun
Flea Bag - If I purchased the new Limp Bizcuit album and don’t care for it, Can I trade it in for the new Rick album?
Dogs rule - Not really but it is a charge to hear the songs
Dogs rule - Yes you can Flea B. I believe Tower has a one for one trade offer
Amy - Mila in Ventura asks what are your hopes for SDAA coming out tomorrow?
Dogs rule - No you cannot get your money back PLUS my CD
Dogs rule - That its the biggest record in the history of recorded music
Dogs rule - Also that it does well
Flea Bag - What about my Jim Nabors album... I only like two songs on that one???

Viv - Susie in AZ says "I realize that you’re not much into watching
Dogs rule - Hey, where’s my glass of red wine???
Dogs do rule - logged on

Viv - television, however, have you ever watched American Idol? If approached,
Dogs do rule - logged off.
Dogs rule - I LOVE watching!
Viv - would you consider being a Celebrity Judge? I think it would be a terrific idea &
Dogs rule - oh, television....sorry
Viv - perfect timing with the new cd coming out; not to mention the great exposure!"
Dogs rule - absolutely...... NOT
Amy - What is your favorite song on SDAA right now to play live asks Cheryl from MA
Viv - whew that was a long question
Dogs rule - I’m too nice to other musicians. I’d let eveybody win.
Dogs rule - Ronnie says if I were a girl I’d be pregnant ALL the time
Viv - LOL
Dogs rule - Jesus saves is fun to play becuase everyone is joining in already. It’s so cool. Happy is fun.. they all are.
Dogs rule - It’s so great to be playing new music tghat people like
Dogs rule - that
Dogs rule - my typiung still sukcs
Viv - Catharine in CT asks where the cover photo for the SDAA cd taken & who was the photographer?
Dogs rule - Suzuki a japanese photographer took it and she took it in a side street in LA near Pico and La Cienega I think
Amy - Brian Petrin asks: I’m a male, singer songwriter who is 30 years old and looking to put out my first cd. Advice?
Dogs rule - Hey who took that horrible shot at the top of this chat???
Dogs rule - Well the internet is a cool alternative.
Amy - Uh....that’s a good question. I’ll have to ask the graphic artist and get back to you on that. <ducking>
Viv - Lisa in WI wants to know "Are you planning on retiring any time soon?
Dogs rule - Pray a lot too. I think that helps.

Dogs rule - Retiring???? My car maybe.
Intox - logged on.

Dogs rule - I’ll retire when Bucky gets too old
Amy - Michelle from Perth, Australia asks: Artists and critics last year were slamming The Stones for still recording at age 60. Thoughts? Will you still?
Viv - oh oh...hi there intox!!
Dogs rule - Wait is it retiring time yet???
Intox - Get Lisa out of here!
Dogs rule - haha,I have one woed for the criticd go Bucky yourself...wait , that’s 3 words.
Intox - My computer won’t allow me to use it if my blood alcohol level is more then .08
Dogs rule - word and critics
Flea Bag - Great cover photo!!!... are those your real teeth???
Viv - Diana in NJ asks "If you could have a sixth sense or superhuman ability, what would it be?"
Dogs rule - no they are my ’photo’ teeth. I ahve a different set for all occasions...eating, chewing out the band, Biting dogs ears....especially when they are reaaaalllly long ears
Dogs rule - I’d be invisible. Then I could sneak in to the girls bathroom.
Dogs rule - Oh, I could also find and kill Bin Laden...and steal lots of things
Amy - Anne Easterling in Atlanta, GA wants you to know that she is heading to the store at midnight to get the CD. Others have reported this as well. What do you think of that??
Dogs rule - I could find out what the band really thinks of me
Dogs rule - I could find out what goes on in Rodgers bathroom late at night when we’ve all gone home
Dogs rule - I think they are amazing.
Viv - Tina Wyche asks "If you had to pick your most cherished song from SDAA....which one would it be?"
Dogs rule - Too soon to tell. They all mean a lot to me. Time will reveal all.
Amy - Christina B asks: Ok here is my question, which song off the S/D/A/A cd took you the longest to write, in other words wich song did you give the most thought about?
Intox - Where did Flea Bag go????
Dogs rule - I think Intox and Flea bag are having a ’moment’
Dogs rule - Oh there you are!!!!!
Dogs rule - Jesus saves took the longest only becuase I had part of it for 5 years before I finished the song
Intox - While I have my moment can you explain"No Bad Love"
Flea Bag - Have you ever had to perform while suffering an ailment such as bunyons, hemmoroids or gas???
Dogs rule - Nullus Malus Amor is our motto and it is surrounded by issues
Viv - Dave Festini from NJ says asks if you plan on adding more new material to your set, and if so, what songs will make it (I’d love to hear "Wasted"’s my favorite so far on the new CD).
Dogs rule - I think Flea bag could best answer that. I hear that you NEVER run out of gas on the freeway
Amy - Harry in OH asks what you think of the Shock Street Team and all of their efforts to help promote the CD.
Dogs rule - Wasted has gotten a lot of attention from frist listenings and i think as other songs become favourites we will add more
Dogs rule - first
Intox - Gomer actually told me he wasn’t getting enough lately...did you run out of peanut butter?
Dogs rule - Everyone is blown away by the shock team. And I mean everyone. people want tot do stories on them and the record comp. cant believe itDogs rule - Ha ha ha. Gomer is actually sitting beside me and staring up at me in his inimitable way
Intox - Let’s have a toast to the Shock Team
Dogs rule - I’m toasting away baby!!!!
Amy - Mindy in TX asks Since you’ve started the SDAA tour, How does it feel compared to the tours over the past few years? (Since you’re playing new music and not ALL the older fan favorites)
Amy - We are all really proud of the team!
Dogs rule - Gomer wants to know if anyone is saying anything rude about him
Intox - Ooops I am over .08 again
Amy - Someone did write in asking if Gomer was single.
Amy - We have had offers.
Dogs rule - logged off

Intox - Do Rodger and you ever share shaving experiences?
DamnI hit the wrong dodad

Viv - Kerry in MN asks "Were the new songs played at the concerts on the East coast pretty much the ones we will be hearing or will more other new songs be added in here and there? Well, O.K. More specifically will we get to hear Perfect?? :o)

DamnI hit the wrong dodad - logged off. –

Im back - logged on

Im back - Okay, no more hitting the wrong buttons
Amy - Did intox share with you??
Im back - I think we will add Perfect and Wasted soon.
Viv - fat finger problem?
Im back - I wish
Im back - FFP
Amy - Rick, we are going to ask you to choose a number now between one and one thousand

Amy - Think carefully
Amy - You’re choosing the winner of the Shock Team Stockage contest
Amy - (winner will be verified and notified privately)
Im back - Rodger introduced me to the joys of shaving
Intox - Somebody is hitting the Merlot!
Im back - Only one winner,, i have lots of things here to give away!!!!
Im back - I never hit anything, wait, maybe guitars
Amy - :) One for THIS contest. You’re giving awya lots in other contests too, dont’ worry.
Im back - 376. I hit the keybord blind and thats what came up
Amy - between one and one thousand....think...think...
Im back - keyboard
Amy - OK. I will find entry 376, verify it and notify the team tmorrow. :) Yay!
Im back - hey you mispelled away... I’m not the only one!
Amy - Rick how does it feel to play the new music vs the older set lists? Mindy in TX
Im back - I like it more because change is good
Intox - Is is true the Rodger and Matty are going to be roommates??
Viv - Sylvia in IL heard you say your tour would be sponsored by VH1. What does that mean exactly?
Flea Bag - If 100 homeless hound dogs showed up at your door, would you put them up and let them sleep in your bed?
Im back - What happened to flea bag? Can’t take the heat eh FB???
Intox - Maybe you could give entry 376 ...Matty!
Im back - They dont make a bigger bed than Kingsize but they are ALL welome. Just no dreaming! Dogs always kick when they dream.
Intox - I’ll drink to that!
Amy - Well intox that’s a really valuable prize I dont’ think Rick could bear to part with
Amy - Rick, Sabrina in OR asks "Are you really stopping I Get Excited???"
Im back - I’d like to film that
Im back - I’m thinking about it. I’ll put it to a vote.
Flea Bag - Since your are an equal opportunity employer and hired a female sound engineer, how about hiring a female tour manager???
Amy - I’ll have one on the site tomorrow.
Amy - Rick, we have a fan who won a chance to chat with you in our last raffle.
Amy - Are you ready to talk to her??
Im back - Oh oh.
Intox - I’ll drink to that too!!
Amy - Mary?
Amy - Come on down, Mary!
Mary - logged on.

Im back - I’ll drink to anything
Amy - Welcome Mary!
Im back - Let’s drink to giving #376 Matty
Intox - Is Mary the new tour manager??
Im back - It doesn’t pay much Mary!
Amy - want the job Mary?
Im back - In fact you have to pay us
Mary - Hi Rick and all!! made it home in the snow after the show today
Intox - But the hours are long!
Amy - Glad you made it back Mary.
Mary - Are there any fringe benefits?
Im back - Wait, what snow? What show?
Im back - The hours are sooooooooo long
Intox - The women who won the EFX guitar
Mary - Idyllwild snow and The Wayne Brady Show (which was excellent by the way)
Im back - Oh yes.
Intox - Oh yes...... more wine
Mary - Rick, are you planning to tour OZ this year??
Im back - YES we are looking at NOV
Im back - Wine??? yes please
Amy - OH I can hear the excitement half a world away. Wow that is awesome news.
Viv - I know many that will be happy about that one!!
Amy - Keep asking Mary, don’t be shy. This is your time!
Mary - Hopefully near Melbourne?? Geelong?
Im back - Wow. Geelong. You’ve been studying your atlas
Mary - During the Karma tour you didn’t play much from that cd, will there be more new stuff this year?
Im back - I think Flea bag is in a compromising position with a certain MR. Do-right
Flea Bag - Will there be a tour book available with a picture of Bucky in it?
Im back - We are doing 6 new songs live at the moment. And will add more. This CD lends itself to live performance better than karma did
Mary - Actually I have a Rick fan friend in Bell Post Hill ,near Geelong who is desperate to see you perform.
Im back - We have no good photos of Bucky. Please insert your own in the tour book
Im back - Hey, I’ve never heard of Bell Post Hill. You just one-uped me
Mary - We took her to concerts and EFX Alive when she visited us in 2002-she waved the Aussie flag at you a bit!!
Im back - I remember aussie flags
Im back - logged off.

Mr Rick Springfield - logged on.

Mr Rick Springfield - i keep hitting the wrong buttons
Mary - I’d like to see Bucky in the tour book too!! He is so nice to us crazy fans and always has a Sharpie available
Amy - Wow now theres a name you have never used in chat before
Mr Rick Springfield - must be my fat fingers again
Intox - Yeah everybody send good pictures of Bucky to Rick
Amy - Bucky is always nice to everyone. Poor underappreciated Bucky.
Mr Rick Springfield - It says it at the top .