Virginia Pilot
Provider Handbook
Chapter 3
Service Provider Requirements
March 2001
Version – 2.0
Page 1 / Table of Contents
3Service Provider Requirements......
3.1Provider Registration and Licensure Requirements......
3.1.1Provider Registration Application......
3.1.2State Corporation Commission's (SCC) License Requirements......
3.1.3AEP’s Response to Applications......
3.2Financial Credit Requirements......
3.3Electronic Data Interchange / Electronic Business Transactions Requirements......
3.3.1Business Process & Electronic Exchange Overview......
3.3.2EDI Implementation Guidelines......
3.3.3Hardware & Software Requirements......
3.3.4EDI Transaction Sets......
3.3.5Data Formats......
3.3.6EDI Transmission Requirements......
3.3.7Computer Operations......
3.3.8Transaction Processing......
Page 1 / Service Provider Requirements
3Service Provider Requirements
3.1Provider Registration and Licensure Requirements
AEP requires the completion of the following documents and agreements for a Competitive Service Provider (CSP) or Aggregator. The instructions for completing and handling these forms and agreements are included with each document. CSPs may initiate this process by contacting AEP Provider Support or by downloading the forms and agreements from the AEP website
CSP registration requirements:
Provider Registration Application and $100.00 Registration Fee
Trading Partner Set-up Form
Trading Partner Certification Checklist
Network Integration Transmission Service Application or Point-to-Point Transmission Service Application
LDC/Competitive Service Provider Agreement and any applicable Consolidated Billing Addendum
EDI Trading Partner Agreement
Network Transmission Service Agreement (OATT Attachment F) or Point-to-Point Transmission Service Agreement (OATT Attachment A)
3.1.1Provider Registration Application
The registration package must be completed in its entirety and submitted to AEP Provider Support.
3.1.2State Corporation Commission's (SCC) License Requirements
For License requirements, see Interim Rules Case Number PUE980812 at
3.1.3AEP’s Response to Applications
Upon receipt of an application, AEP will determine if the application is complete. If incomplete, the applicant will be notified and missing information will be requested. Once the application is deemed complete, it is AEP’s goal to make every effort to process the registration in a two week time period. The applicant will be notified of the result of its creditworthiness evaluation and advised if any financial instrument for security will be required. Once any necessary financial instrument is provided to AEP, the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) certification is completed according to the Virginia Electronic Business Data Transfer Working Group (VAEDT) interim rules, an SCC license is obtained, and all appropriate agreements are executed, the CSP will be registered to operate in AEP’s Virginia service territory.
3.2Financial Credit Requirements
AEP requires an appropriate level of financial security, which may be provided by one of the following. The provider must use the AEP approved format for these financial instruments. These documents are available on AEP’s website at
Irrevocable Letter of Credit
Surety Bond
Corporate Guaranty Agreement
Cash Deposit
Cash deposits must be received and funds deposited in AEP’s account before registration will be granted. Checks should be made payable to American Electric Power.
3.3Electronic Data Interchange / Electronic Business Transactions Requirements
3.3.1Business Process & Electronic Exchange Overview
The Virginia Electronic Data Interchange standards can be accessed at:
The SCC is highly encouraging Electronic Data Interchange and AEP is prepared to accept EDI in conformance with the Interim Rules.
The Interim Rules specify the responsibilities of the parties, as summarized here:
Customers will:
Indicate to AEP their willingness to volunteer to participate in the pilot.
Give affirmative authorization to AEP to release additional customer information to CSPs such as: name, account number, or historical usage.
Be responsible for evaluating and securing services from the CSP.
Be responsible for notifying the appropriate service provider of any problems related to energy supply.
Notify both the service provider and AEP of their move or termination of service and any name or address changes.
Competitive Service Providers will:
Obtain affirmative authorization from customers for customer enrollment and release of any information (name, account number, and historical data) other than customer’s address.
Exchange information electronically with AEP or other service provider for enrollment, changes, discontinuance of service, etc.
Utilize a single billing option for all of their customers.
Render a bill to the customer for service when the CSP Consolidated or Dual Bill option is allowed for and selected by the CSP.
Provide AEP with the necessary billing information when AEP consolidated customer billing is provided and selected by the CSP.
Render a bill for AEP as specified in tariffs when CSP consolidated customer billing is provided and selected by the CSP.
Maintain records on customer payments and fees as per the billing services provided.
Provide a point of contact to AEP to facilitate business and technical communications.
Abide by applicable rules issued by the SCC.
Implement and maintain data transmission guidelines as described within this document.
Provide customer payment data to AEP when CSP provides consolidated billing for AEP.
Forward funds collected from customers on behalf of AEP to AEP as specified in the company’s retail tariff and in accordance with Commission orders.
Provide meter reading and usage information to AEP when the CSP controls the reading of the customer’s meter(s).
Communicate and attempt to resolve customer disputes related to CSP charges or issues.
AEP will:
Provide customers with a list of licensed CSPs registered with AEP.
Provide customer information to CSPs as allowed by the Interim Rules.
Exchange information electronically with CSPs for enrollment, changes or discontinuance of service, etc.
Maintain an Internet site or other vehicle for customer choice information for access by suppliers.
Provide appropriate load profiles to CSPs.
Render a bill to the customer for service when the dual bill option is provided for and selected by the CSP.
Provide the CSP with the necessary billing information when CSP consolidated customer billing is provided for and selected by the CSP.
Render a bill for the CSP charges as specified in tariffs when AEP consolidated customer billing is provided for and selected by the CSP.
Maintain records on customer payments and fees as per the billing services provided.
Provide a point of contact to the CSP to facilitate business and technical communications.
Abide by applicable rules issued by the Commission.
Implement and maintain data transmission guidelines as described within this document.
Provide meter reading and usage information to the appropriate service provider where AEP controls the reading of the customer's meter(s).
Attempt to resolve customer or CSP disputes related to AEP charges or issues.
Forward payment for purchased energy receivables to the CSP according to a contractual agreement with the CSP.
Collect applicable taxes and distribute same to the appropriate taxing authority.
AEP will use a Market Data ClearingHouse (MDCH) built by Logica, Inc. as its agent in EDI interactions with you. For the most part, this should be transparent to you.
3.3.2EDI Implementation Guidelines
Please refer to the working group document at and the AEP Electronic Data Interchange Agreement (available on for details.
3.3.3Hardware & Software Requirements
EDI transport will be provided by agreed mechanisms between AEP and the CSP that are consistent with VAEDT guidelines for electronic data transfer. As specified by VAEDT guidelines, that default transport mechanism will be by Value Added Networks (VAN) unless both parties agree otherwise.
3.3.4EDI Transaction Sets
The following procedures will be used for customer enrollments, switches and changes to customer data. Several variations of the EDI 814 transaction are used for these scenarios.
Customer enrollment for generation services
Customer cancels enrollment
Customer switches to new ESP
Customer cancels ESP switch
Customer or ESP initiates drop
Customer contacts AEP to drop ESP
Customer Account Maintenance
The following changes to a customer’s account require information exchanges between AEP and the CSP.
Customer contacts AEP to relocate outside AEP’s Virginia service territory
Customer contacts AEP to relocate within AEP’s Virginia service territory
Customer data changes from AEP
Customer data changes from the CSP
Customer contacts AEP to relocate outside AEP’s Virginia service territory – Revert to owner account
Customer contacts AEP to relocate within AEP’s Virginia service territory - Revert to owner account
Historical Usage Requests
The CSP may request historical usage for a customer in any of the scenarios listed below. In each case, the data returned contains values for the previous 12 months regardless of the way the customer is metered. No more than 12 months of data will be provided. If AEP does not have 12 months of data for the customer, AEP shall send the CSP data for the number of months available for the customer.
CSP requests historical usage on an 814 Enrollment Request (Supplier Selection)
CSP requests historical usage After Enrollment using an 814 (Supplier Selected)
Meter Information Requests
Please refer to VAEDT Plan Version 1.0.
A write-off will be accomplished with a 248 transaction set. The billing party taking the write-off shall notify the non-billing party of this action, or of a re-instatement when collection shall resume, using this mechanism. This is only needed in a consolidated billing scenario.
3.3.5Data Formats
No special grouping or packaging is required except that transmissions must be compatible with ANSI X12 enveloping standards. The sender should be aware that individual transactions will be processed in the order in which they occur within functional group envelopes.
3.3.6EDI Transmission Requirements
The MDCH helps to establish standards that ensure a consistent platform for all participants and access to the same data. The MDCH can be configured to support the specific rules and scenarios required by each market. Thus the MDCH service requires that participants comply with standard conditions for the service. These conditions include, but shall not be limited to, use of Electronic Business Transactions (EBT) and EDI for sending and receiving data.
Logica’s implementation of the MDCH, in the markets in which it operates, includes its participation in all EDI tests needed to enable a successful market implementation.
The MDCH has the capability of communicating over multiple transports using multiple protocols via dial-up, leased line connections and over the Internet. In Virginia, current regulations for the Pilot Plan require that VANs are supported where no alternative transport mechanism is mutually agreed. Support for other emerging industry standard transport mechanisms and protocols may be provided in the future.
T1, fractional T1, ISDN, and analog dial modem may be used for Wide Area Network connection. Terms and conditions would be negotiated with the MDCH, as to specific configurations, network providers, and costs.
The MDCH will comply with the SCC Pilot Plan for non-EDI communications between trading partners for the Virginia Pilot.
3.3.7Computer Operations
Contact the MDCH to determine scheduling and file handling requirements.
Contact:Matt Graham
Normal work hours: 8:30 am – 5:30pm EST/EDT Monday - Friday
The VA EDI at has specified all Level One and Level Two test sets and data. Please access that information.
3.3.8Transaction Processing
EDI Transactions must be received by 5:00 pm EST/EDT
Normal work hours: 8:30am – 5:30 pm EST/EDT Monday – Friday
Holiday schedule:April 13, 2001
May 28, 2001
July 4, 2001
September 3, 2001
November 22-23, 2001
December 24-25, 2001