Cornell Cooperative Extension Schuyler County

Strategic Plan Committee


April 24, 2014, 9:25 a.m. in the Human Services Complex Room 115.

Present:Dick Peterson (Chairman), Karen Stewart, Jerry Smyder, Danielle Hautaniemi (staff). Erin Thaete, Tim O’Hearn, Michael Lausell.







Call to order

/ Meeting called to order at 9:25 am byDick Peterson
Public Comment / No Public Comments were presented.
Minutes / Committee reviewed and accepted previous meeting minutes / Approval moved by Jerry, seconded by Karen. Minutes approved unanimously.
Old Business / Included in new business discussion below.
Website update: Danielle still working on it.
Survey: Not all committee members received email, re-generate. Committee reviewed survey again. Suggestion to add School Districts line to “How did you hear about us?” (With addition of which district). Add “I’ve always known about it!” Question 2: How are you hearing about us right now?” (reword). Question 4: add “I didn’t qualify for the program I was interested in.” Why? Which program? Question 5: Add STEM opportunities for youth to Non-camp 4H. What programs attracted you to CCESC (change to question, scratch “to benefit ..” section of first option.) Question 6: Which following activities have you (or your family) … and add “including Robotics” to 4H. Reword Question 7 to include resources, and then break out: social media, 4H and Camp. Question 8: Specific youth opportunities? Question 9: Can I rework this to reflect Question 5 categories to Question 9, and then run satisfaction categories across top, rearrange satisfaction categories from left to right. Question 10: “…if you would like to receive information …” What are your areas of interest? (Reword question to thank respondents for time, make it clear that info is optional). Add separate question on county of residence, early on.
Summary progress report to be discussed at next meeting.
Review Columbia/Greene materials and process at next meeting.
Community meeting: Hidden Valley 4H Camp on a Saturday. Arnot Forest, winery, WG Community Center, Youth Site, Logan Ridge (weekday afternoon, second week in August.) / Danielle will double-check email list.
Danielle will make edits to the survey.
Committee members will review summary progress report by next meeting.
Committee will review Columbia Greene plan for discussion in May.
Danielle will work with Sue Larson to contact locations and get quotes.
New Business / Columbia Greene Strategic Plan Discussion
  • Liked specificity of implementation, reflected common concerns also for CCE Schuyler.
  • For the term of the CCE Schuyler Plan, should we assume that we remain a stand-alone, single-County Association.
  • Continued discussion on regional delivery of programs or Association cooperation.
  • We should focus on a set of achievable goals, broken out into programs and advisory committees.
  • Columbia Greene process does keep the entire Board actively involved.
  • How to structure process to:
  • Keep focused on mission.
  • Keep Board involved
  • Utilize full input of community
  • Stay open to possibilities for sharing program and services
Survey Review
  • Question edits made.
  • Who will receive this? Pull from existing databases (Association, online and Camp) and partner groups (Chamber, Winery Association, Farm Bureau, can we access the schools?)
Focus Groups/ future planning meetings
  • How to integrate this? Purpose and timing?
  • Set of standard questions.
  • Could we do this in one meeting? Committee/Board members can staff these groups and then come back together.
  • Do we want to use the program groups to structure the small groups in the larger meeting?
Structure of Plan:
  • Move to five year plan. (2015-2019)
  • Reassess feedback from meeting to see if we need to look at what other Associations are doing and if we need to conduct additional focus group meetings.
/ Committee will move forward with an abbreviated version of large strategic planning meeting, in the first two weeks of August. Location? Arnot Forest, Hidden Valley, wineries (ask Liz if there is a good winery candidate), SWCD/Youth Site, Community Center, WGI Media Center.
Danielle will send out survey by the end of April. Committee will approve final via email. Staff and Committee will review final draft
Meeting Schedule / Meetings scheduled for the fourth Thursday of every month, through September. Time? 9:15 am (immediately following CCESC Board meeting.)Dates: May 22nd; June 26th; July 24th; August 28th; September 25th.
Plan to proceed /
  • Complete Survey, have staff and Committee members review/check for flow and quality.
  • Continue set up and go live with resource website.
  • Ask Board to extend existing plan through end of 2014.
  • Send out survey, returns back my mid-May.
  • Large group meeting in first two weeks of August.
  • Draft Plan completed by committee by end of September.
  • Distributed to Board by October 10, 2014, discussion at October Board meeting.
  • Revisions between October and November Board meeting.
  • Adoption at November 20th (rescheduled) Board meeting.
  • Public roll-out at December Annual meeting.
/ Dick Peterson to update Board on revised Strategic Plan schedule.
Board to formally extend current plan through end of 2014 at April meeting.
Danielle will complete survey and send out to staff and committee for quality control..
Danielle to set up resource website for materials.
Danielle and Sue Larson will test out dates for meeting with Arnot Forest, other locations (WGI Media center, winery.)
Next Meeting / May 22, 2014
Adjourn / 11:00 am (approximately)

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Danielle Hautaniemi