FMTrack Basics

The FMTrack User Interface / 2-1

2The FMTrack User Interface

The FMTrack Business System is a relational database application that provides a graphical user interface. In earlier, text-based database systems, users interacted with the systemby entering programming scripts and codes at a command line. The graphical interfaces used in current database applicationsoffer a simple, intuitive and visual way to enter, retrieve, process and manage data.

Actions in FMTrack are performedthrough manipulating common Microsoft Windows-based graphic features and elements, such as windows, screens, buttons, links, selection boxes, tabs, scroll bars, menus, etc. These basic Windows components are described in detail in many other publications, including Microsoft-published documents, and are not covered in this document.

Examined in this section are the windows, screen andother graphical components primarily specific to FMTrack. The section is organized around the following topics:

  • The FMTrack Desktop Window
  • The FMTrack Main Menu Window
  • FMTrack Module Screens
  • FMTrack Data Windows

The FMTrack Desktop Window

When you successfully log into FMTrack, the first window that opens is the FMTrack Desktop window. This window is the work area for FMTrack business application users. All FMTrack activities occur within the parameters of this window.

Residing on the FMTrack desktop is the FMTrack Main Menu window, which opens on the desktop when FMTrack launches. The Main Menu window is always present on the FMTrack desktop, in either an open or minimized form. The Main Menu window is described in more detail later.

The image below shows the FMTrack Desktop window and the FMTrack Main Menu window.

The FMTrack Desktop window consists of the following components, which are described below:

  • title bar,
  • menu bar, and
  • desktop.

FMTrack Title Bar

The title bar spans horizontally across the top of the FMTrack Desktop window. It identifies the window and contains the title “FMTrack.” Each FMTrack window contains a title bar that identifies that particular window.

FMTrack Menu Bar

The FMTrack menu bar spans horizontally across the FMTrack Desktop window, just below the title bar. It contains seven menus and also includes a link to the FMTrack Main Menu window. Of the items in the menu bar, those most applicable to common FMTrack tasks are:

  • Forms menu,
  • Search menu,
  • Window menu, and
  • Main Menu link.

Forms menu:
Click on “Forms” to open the menu. The Forms menu provides links to some of the most common FMTrack forms (form windows), including Work Order, CostCenter, Project, PM Asset, Requisition, Asset, Contract, Inventory Item, and Vendor.

Each form window can also be opened from the associated FMTrack module (for example, the Project form window from the Projects module). The button element at the module screen is typically what opens a form window (though some buttons open other types of windows).

Search menu:
Click on “Search” to open the menu. The Search menu provides links to some of the most popular search/query windows, such as Contract Invoices, Inventory Items, PeopleSoft POs, Requisition Invoices, Time Cards, and Work Orders. The menu also provides a link to the “Build a Query” screen, which is no longer recommended for use and has been supplanted by the Search/Query window.

When you create and save your own query, the name/link is added to the Search menu (but only to your FMTrack’s Search menu -- no other FMTrack user sees it).

Each Search windows can also be opened from the associated FMTrack module (for example, the Work Order Search window from the Work Orders module). A Search link element at the module screen opens a Search window, related to the button immediately to the left of the link (for example, the link to the right of the Cost Centers button opens a Cost Centers search window.

Window menu:
The bottom portion of the menu lists the windows currently open on the FMTrack desktop. The Window menu can be helpful when a large window open on the desktop hides the other open (but smaller)windows. At the menu, click a window name listed at the bottom to bring that window to the top of the other open windows. If no FMTrack windows are open on the desktop (other than the Main Menu window), the only window listed will be the Main Menu window.

Main Menu link:
This item at the menu baris actually link (not a menu) associated with the Main Menu window. Click on “Main Menu”and one of the following actions occurs:

  • If the Main Menu window is open on the desktop but below other open windows, clicking the Main Menu link brings the window to the top above the other desktop windows;
  • If the Main Menu window is minimized on the desktop, clicking the Main Menu link opens the window.

FMTrack desktop

The FMTrack desktop is the open area that takes up most of the FMTrack window space. It is where FMTrack windows open, close and minimize and is where the FMTrack Main Menu window resides. FMTrack windows cannot be moved outside the FMTrack Desktop window (they cannot be moved to the Microsoft Windows desktop, for example).

FMTrack Main Menu window

The Main Menu window is an integral part of the FMTrack Desktop window and is always available while FMTrack is running. You cannot close the Main Menu window, but you can minimize it onto the FMTrack desktop to open up the desktop space.

Details about the Main Menu window are provided below.

The FMTrack Main Menu Window

The FMTrack Main Menu window is always open or minimized on the FMTrack desktop. The Main Menu window contains links to the FMTrack modules.

If you are not currently working in the window and want to free up FMTrack desktop space, the window can be minimized onto the FMTrack desktop. To restore the window, double-click on its image at the desktop or open the Window menu (at the FMTrack menu bar) and click on its name. The window can also be restored through the following methods:

  • At the FMTrack menu bar, click once on “Main Menu;” or
  • Make sure the FMTrack Main Menu window is active and simultaneously hit the “ctrl-m” (control key plus lowercase “m”) keys.

The Main Menu window, shown below, is comprised of the following components:

  • title bar,
  • menu bar,
  • main menu panel, and
  • module display area.

Users can access most portions of theFMTrack modules, but editing permissions depend on several factors, including the user’s work unit, their CPFM job and their level of responsibility.

The Main Menu window components are described below:

Main Menu Window Title Bar

The title bar spans horizontally across the top of the Main Menu window. It identifies the window and contains the title “Main Menu.”

Main Menu Window Menu Bar

The menu bar has no menus, but it contains two links: About and Quit. The About link provides information about the FMTrack application. The Quit link is what you select to end your FMTrack session.

FMTrack Main MenuPanel

The FMTrack main menu panel spans vertically along the left side of the Main Menu window. The panel contains the FMTrack main menu, which consists of links to the FMTrack modules. Click a link to display a module screen. .

FMTrack modules include: Work Orders, Equipment/Preventive Maintenance, Projects, Contracts, Purchasing, Storehouse, Data Entry, Other, System, Timecards, and Payables.

Module Screen Display Area

When you select a module at the FMTrack main menu, that module’s screen appears in the display space located to the right of the main menu panel. The Work Orders module is the default module and automatically displays in that area when FMTrack launches.

FMTrack Module Screen

Module screens are comprised of several types of interface elements, including buttons, links and dashboards. When selected, these elements open specific types of data windows (windows for viewing, entering, editing and/or analyzing data). How these elements function in FMTrack are described in two other sections of this guide – Navigating FMTrack Modules and Searching for Your Data.

The dashboard is the most complex of the FMTrack screen elements. The description below provides an overview of this element. For further details, see the Navigating FMTrack Modules section of this guide.

The ModuleDashboard

The dashboard feature is included in several FMTrack modules. Each dashboardprovides a snapshot of module activities. For example, the dashboard located at the Contracts module provides a snapshot of current contractactivities. The dashboard offers a quick way for CPFM staff to access specific types of data.

The cells inside each dashboardcontain numbers that represent the current items (records) associated withspecific categories of data (shown by the column and row headings). For example, the top window in the image below displays the upper dashboard at the Work Orders module. The number “54” is circled and is located in a dashboard cell at the intersection of the “Issued” column and “SOR” row. This cell displays the number of issued service orders (54). If you move one cell to the right (along the same row), this cell shows the number of pending service orders (65).

If you use a dashboard during your FMTrack activities, make sure to regularly click its Refresh link. Each time you click the link, the dashboard cells are repopulated with the most current data. If you forget to do this, you may not be viewing the most current data.

Red and blue-colored characters at the dashboard represent links. When you double-click a dashboard cell (that contains a number), a window opens with a datasheet that contains the same number of records as shown in the cell. If the dashboard cell displays 16, the datasheet contains 16 records. The records at the datasheet match the categories (the column and row headings) that intersect at the dashboard cell.

If you double-click a column or row heading, a window opens with a datasheet that contains the number of records for the category indicated by that heading.

When interacting with a dashboard, the following tips may be helpful:

  • Double-click blue or red-colored dashboard characters to obtain details about that item.
  • To obtain data related to a row or column, double-click that row or column heading.
  • Regularly click the “Refresh” link to repopulate the dashboard with the most current data.

FMTrack Data Windows

This section introduces the major types of windows a user encounters when viewing, entering, searching for and/or analyzing data in FMTrack. These windows include:

  • Search windows(Search tab screen view)
  • Search windows (Results tab screen/Datasheet view)
  • Forms
  • Data entry

The abovewindows typically open as a result of actions at a module screen, FMTrack menu, datasheet, form window or search window.

Once a window opens, if you are not currently working in it and want to free up FMTrack desktop space, the window can be minimized onto the FMTrack desktop. To restore the window, double-click on its image at the desktop or open the Window menu (at the FMTrack menu bar) and click on its name.

There are different versions of search, form and entry windows. Each versionprovides features and functionalities for a particular type of data (business object). For example, the features at the Work Orders search window are slightly different from those at the Projects search window. The features at the Work Orders form window are different from those at the Projects form window.

The descriptions below provide a general overview of these windows.

For specific details about search windows, see the Searching For Your Data section in the guide. See Navigating FMTrack Modules for details about the form windows.

About Search Windows (Search View)

Each search window has two tab screenswhich providesearch and results viewing functionalities. (There is a third tab screen, but it is not currently used.)

The search window’sSelect Search tab screen provides query features and parameter boxes to help users conduct a search and locate data. The image below shows the Select Search tab screen at the Work Orders search window. This tab screen has two main areas:

  • Query area -- The query area at the upper portion of the window lists the available queries. “Public” queries are queries available to all FMTrack users, but you can create your own queries for personal or group uses. When you click on a query, note that the parameter boxes at the lower portion of the window contain various entries. You can create new queries by editing and/or entering data at these boxes.
  • Search parameter area – This area contains search entry boxes. Enter search parameters in these boxesfor an immediate search or enter/edit parameters to create a new query.

About SearchWindows (Results/Datasheet View)

The search window’s Results tab screen consists of a datasheet that contains a list of those records that meet the criteria of a search. The records represent the results of a search. The Searching For Your Data section in this guide describes features and tools you can use to analyze the search results, narrow the results and locate your record. These features are particularly helpful when the number of records in the datasheet is large.

To view details about any of the datasheet records, double-click the ID of the record at the datasheet. A form window opens with data about that record.

The image below shows the Results tab screen at the Work Orders search window.

About Form Windows

A form window provides details about a particular FMTrack item (record).

There are several versions of form windows, one for each type of data (object). Each version provides features and functionalities specific to that particular type of data. For example, the features at the Work Orders form window differ from those at the Projects form window.

When editing or entering data at a form window, some of the boxes require data (i.e., cannot be left blank). Press Ctrl-r (control key plus the lower-case “r” key) to highlight the required fields (boxes). To turn off highlighting, press Ctrl-r.

The image below shows the Work Orders form window.

A form window is comprised of the following areas (and features):

Top portion of the form window (search box area):

The top portion of a form window, above the horizontal bar, contains a few boxes for entering search parameters. While searching is not the primary function of a form window, the search boxes at the window allow users who have the ID of an item to search directly at the form window and quickly obtain data about the item.

A user does not need to remember the entire ID in order to search from a form window. If the user remembers the beginning portion of the ID number or code (for example), a wildcard character can be entered for the remaining portion.

Just above the tabs (general information area):

Most form window versions include a window areabetween the search box area and the tabs that provides basic identification information about the current item (record).

Along the bottom of the window:

The portion that spans along the bottom of the window contains buttons that provide a range of operational and administrative features. The buttons at a form window may include the following:

  • Save: Each time you enter and/or edit data at the form, click the Save button to save the updated data (to the current ID number).
  • New: Click the New button to obtain a new (blank) form window.
  • Delete: Be careful when you use this button, as it deletes all the data. However, use of this button may be restricted to users with specific permissions.
  • Print: Use the combo box to the right of the button to select reports to view and/or print.
  • Notes: When the text on this button is blue, this indicates that notes have been written. Click the button to view notes.

Tab screens

All form windows have tab screens. The particular tab screens included at a form window depend on the version of the form window. For example, Work Orders form windows have different tab screens from Projects form windows. Click a tab to view its screen.

About Data Entry Windows

While several FMTrack windows provide features for initiating new records/items (such as new work or service orders), the Customer Service Center typically manages this task, enters initial data and acts as the interface between campus “customers” requesting work or service orders and CPFM.