Chinle USD


SUBJECT: Reading GRADE: 1st TIMELINE: 2nd Quarter

Strand/Concept: / Performance Obj.-Mastery Level
Explanation / Kid Friendly
Learning Objective / Level of
Thinking / Resource Correlation / Academic Vocabulary
Strand 1: Reading Process Concept 2: Phonemic Awareness
Identify and manipulate the sounds of speech. / PO 2. Orally segment a multi-syllable word into its syllables. C / I will segment multi-syllable word into its syllables. / knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis / Harcourt Trophies,
Syllables, 1-2: 55D, 57F, 133D; 1-3: 61D, 1-5: 247E / Orally, multi-syllables, segment
Strand 1: Reading Process Concept 2: Phonemic Awareness
Identify and manipulate the sounds of speech. / PO 6. Generate sounds from letters and letter patterns, including consonant blends and long- and short-vowel patterns (phonograms), to combine those sounds into recognizable words. C / I will make sounds from letters, letter patterns, consonant blends and long- and short-vowel patterns to combine those sounds into words. / knowledge
application / Harcourt Trophies,
blending; See the index / Generate letters, sounds, patterns, consonant blends, long, short-vowel, combine, phonograms, recognizable, including
Strand 1: Reading Process
Concept 3: Phonics
Decode words, using knowledge of phonics, syllabication, and word parts. / PO 2. Use knowledge of inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing) to identify base words. I / I will be able to tell apart the inflectional endings to find base word. / Comprehension application / Harcourt Trophies, phonics/decoding, inflections; See the index. / Knowledge, inflectional, endings, identify, base word
Strand 1: Reading Process
Concept 3: Phonics
Decode words, using knowledge of phonics, syllabication, and word parts. / PO 4. Read words with common spelling patterns (e.g., -ite, -ill, -ate). C / I will read word families that have common patterns. / knowledge, comprehension, application / Harcourt Trophies,
Phonogram patterns, See the index. / Common, spelling, patterns
Strand 1: Reading Process
Concept 3: Phonics
Decode words, using knowledge of phonics, syllabication, and word parts. / PO 6. Read common contractions fluently (e.g., I’m, I’ll, can’t). C / I will read
common contractions
fluently. / knowledge, comprehension, application / Harcourt Trophies,
See contractions, in the index. / Contractions, fluently, common
Strand 1: Reading Process
Concept 4: Vocabulary
Acquire and use new vocabulary in relevant contexts. / PO 1. Recognize base words and their inflections (e.g., look, looks, looked, looking). C / I will be able to recognize base word and their inflections. / Comprehension application / Harcourt Trophies,
See inflections, in the index. / Base word, root word, inflections, recognize
Strand 1: Reading Process
Concept 4: Vocabulary
Acquire and use new vocabulary in relevant contexts / PO 2. Classify common words into conceptual categories (e.g., animals, foods, toys). M / I will classify common words into their proper categories. / Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis / Harcourt Trophies, comprehension, classify/categorize: See the index. / Conceptual categories, classify, common,
Strand 1: Reading Process
Concept 5: Fluency
Read fluently. / PO 1. Consistently read grade-level text with at least 90 percent accuracy. I / I will read grade-level text with 90 percent accuracy. / knowledge, comprehension, application / Harcourt Trophies, Reaching all learner, See the index. / Text, consistently, accuracy
Strand 1: Reading Process
Concept 5: Fluency
Read fluently. / PO 2. Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like natural speech. I / I will read a story aloud to show fluency with natural reading. / knowledge,
comprehension, application / Harcourt Trophies, See reading aloud in the index. / Aloud, fluency, manner, natural, speech
Strand 1: Reading Process
Concept 6: Comprehension Strategies
Employ strategies to comprehend text. / PO2. Relate information and events in a reading selection to life experiences and life experiences to the text. I / I will relate what I read to my own experiences and my life experiences to the story. / knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis / Information, relate, events, reading selection, life experiences, text
Strand 2 Comprehending Literary Text Concept 1: Elements of Literature
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structures and elements of literature.
/ PO 1. Identify the plot of a literary selection, heard or read.
I / I will identify the plot of a story I have read or heard. / knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis / Plot, identify, literary selection
Strand 2 Comprehending Literary Text Concept 1: Elements of Literature
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structures and elements of literature. / PO 2. Describe characters (e.g., traits, roles, similarities) within a literary selection, heard or read. I / I will describe the story character(s) by their traits, roles, or similarities that I have read or heard. / knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis / Characters, describe, traits, roles, similarities, literary, selection
Strand 2 Comprehending Literary Text
Concept 2: Historical and Cultural Aspects of Literature
Recognize and apply knowledge of the historical and cultural aspects of American, British, and world literature. / PO 1. Compare events, characters and conflicts in literary selections from a variety of cultures to their experiences. I / I will compare events, characters, or conflict from different culture in the story to my experiences. / knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis / Events, compare, characters, conflicts, lilterary selections, variety, cultures, experiences
Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 1: Expository Text
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, and elements of expository text. / PO 1. Identify the topic of expository text, heard or read. I / I will name the topic in an expository text. / knowledge, comprehension, application, / Topic, expository text, identify
Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 1: Expository Text
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, and elements of expository text. / PO 2. Answer questions (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read. I / I will be able to answer the 5 W’s & How question about expository text that I have read or heard. / knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis / Expository text, questions
Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 1: Expository Text
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, and elements of expository text. / PO 3. Identify organizational features (e.g., title, table of contents, heading, and bold print) of expository text. I / I will identify the elements of expository text like:
·  Title
·  Table of content
·  Heading
·  Bold print / knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis / Organizational features, identify, titles, table of content, heading, bold print, expository text
Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 2: Functional Text
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, clarity, and relevancy of functional text. / PO 2. Determine whether a specific task is completed, by checking to make sure all the steps were followed in the right order, with picture cues to assist. I / I will follow the steps in a task & check to make sure I included all the steps when I am finish working. / knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis / Determine, specific, task, steps, order, cues, assist