
This is a quiz on the American, Glorious, and French Revolutions

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For this section “A” if the statement is true, or “B” if the statement is false. Read each statement carefully.

1.  The Glorious Revolution, the American Revolution and the French Revolution were all governed by monarchies when the revolutions began.

2.  All three revolutions began because of the high taxes being paid by the people.

3.  The Glorious, the French and the American Revolutions all resulted in increased rights for the average person in the country.

4.  The role and power of the Catholic Church was a problem that led to revolution in all three revolutions.

5.  The high cost of war was one of the causes of the French Revolution.

6.  Enlightenment ideas (Locke, Montesquieu, or Rousseau) helped contribute to all three revolutions.

7.  France was divided into three estates (groups), the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Estates before the French Revolution.

8.  The United States is a democratic republic- the people elect representatives to office.

9.  Parliament is the Legislative branch of government in America.

10.  The 2nd estate was paying the majority of the taxes before the French Revolution.

Section Two- Multiple Choice Review

11. The European intellectual movement that emphasized the responsibility of government to protect people’s natural rights was called the ______.

a. Glorious Revolution c. Renaissance

b. Reformation d. Enlightenment

12. Locke believed people possessed three natural rights. What are those rights?

a. religion – speech – press c. life – liberty – property

b. freedom – to bear arms – pursuit of happiness d. life, liberty, pursuit of happiness

13. What right did Locke believe the people have if a government deprives people of their rights?

a. to emigrate c. to elect new representatives

b. to change it or get rid of it (alter or abolish it) d. to submit a petition

14. Which Enlightenment thinker influenced the French Revolution and believed that people were naturally good and able to govern themselves.

a. Jean-Jacques Rousseau c. Simon Bolivar

b. John Locke d. Thomas Hobbes

15. Montesquieu liked the idea of separation of powers between different branches of government as the best way to avoid tyranny. What were the three branches he proposed?

a. Executive – Legal – Jury c.Equitable– Legal – Judicial

b. Executive – Legislative – Judicial d.Religion-Government– Military

16. For what purpose did Thomas Jefferson draft the Declaration of Independence?

a. to explain why the colonies wanted to separate from Britain

b. to explain why the colonies wanted to separate from France

c. to explain his separation from the Patriots

d. none of the above

17. All of the following were events that led to the American Revolution EXCEPT. . .

a. the Battle of Bunker Hill

b. the Boston Tea Party

c. the Boston Massacre

d. tarring and feathering of British officials

18. All of the following were important documents of the American Revolution EXCEPT. . .

a. Declaration of Independence

b. The Magna Carta

c. The Constitution

d. The Bill of Rights

19. The French Assembly used the U.S. Declaration of Independence as a model in drafting their own document. What document did they create?

a. the English Bill of Rights

b. the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

c. the Constitution of 1791

d. the Magna Carta

20. When the French stormed the Bastille, they were looking for. . .

a. ammunition

b. King Louis XVI

c. Robespierre

d. Gun Powder