Name of Vessel, TX NUMBER:
Official Number or HIN:
Date Completed: / Location:
Route(s): lakes, rivers, etc.
1. / 3.
2. / 4.
Inspection Type
Certification of Inspection (COI) / Re-inspection
3. / 2.

PWD 1208A – A0900 (10/10)1

Table of Contents:

Section / Page
Pre-inspection and administrative items / 6
Certificate and documents review / 7
Staff/Crew Requirements / 8
Logs and manuals / 9
Navigation safety systems / 10-11
Structural integrity / 12-13
General health and safety / 14-15
Lifesaving equipment / 16
Fire protection / 17-18
Machinery and auxiliary machinery / 19-22
Electrical / 23-24
Pollution prevention systems / 25
Fire drill / 26
Abandon ship drill / 27
Man overboard drill / 28-29
Plan Review / 30
Post-inspection items / 31
Deficiency Summary Worksheet / 32–33

Regulation References/Dates:

Reference / Date
Chapter 31 Parks & Wildlife Code / 9/1/2007
Chapter 31 Parks & Wildlife Code, Subchapter G – Party Boats / 9/1/2007
Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 55 Law Enforcement, Subchapter H Party Boats / 1/1/2008
Texas Water Code Chapter 26.044 / 9/1/2007
TAC Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 321, Subchapter A Boat Sewage Disposal / 3/15/1996
33 USC 34 Inland Navigation Rules / 3/25/1999
46 CFR Subchapter T / 3/10/1996
33 CFR 175 Subchapter B / 12/23/2002

This document does not establish or change State or Federal laws or regulations. References given are general guides, the Code of Federal Regulations and federal technical references may apply and be used as regulatory references. Not all items in this book are applicable to all vessels. Due to recent regulatory revisions, OLD SUBCHAPTER T (46 CFR) cites (applicable to existing vessels on or before March 10, 1996) are provided in addition to new Subchapter T cites. Example (46 CFR 184.10-1)

NOTE: Guidance on how to conduct inspections on inland water. Questions regarding Exemptions inspections items listed in this book are at the officer(s) discretion.
Involved Parties & General Information:

Vessel Representative or Agent:
Phone #:
Main Office Address:
Owner-Listed on Registration(if different from above)
No Change
Operator(s) (if known):
Operators will require a Party boat Operator’s License.
No Change from previous year’s inspection

Vessel Information:

Built Date Year:
Overall Length:
Width at Stern (in feet):
Maximum Passengers Allowed:
Engine Type:
Passenger Capacity determined by:
Stability Test by owner, witnessed by Marine Inspector.
Stability Test by 3rd party (include copy of letter/documents)
Stability test of sister vessel, VESSELL tested TX#
Overnight Accommodations on vessel:
Yes / No / If yes, how many?

Task 1: Pre-Inspection Administrative Items

Step / Action / Ref
1.1 / Review TPWD records/local file.
  • Special notes
  • Deficiency history
/ 31 TAC 53.16 (f)
46CFR 2.10
1.2 / Determine proper type/scope of inspection.
Original Certificate of inspection (COI)
Annual Inspection / 46CFR 176.400
46CFR 176.105
46 CFR 176.500
PWC 31.174 (3)
PWC 31.177 (2)
1.3 / Prepare certificates.
  • Certificate of Inspection, or
  • Temporary COI
/ PWC 31.177 (a)(1)
1.4 / Review regulatory applicability. Vessel
  • Is 30 feet or longer in length;
  • Carries more than six passengers for hire;
  • Operates on inland waters; and
  • Is not a sail boat
/ PWC31.171
PWC 31.172
31 TAC 55.402 (d)
Task 1 Notes:
PWC = Parks & Wildlife Code; TAC = Texas Administrative Code
CFR = Code of Federal Regulations; COI = Certificate of Inspection.
1.1: For the applicable fee, see Fee Chart (PWD 1253). Owner submits application, Inspector contacted by TPWD to call and schedule an Inspection.
1.2: Owner / Agent must be present during Inspection.

Task 2: Certificate and Document Review

Step / Action / Ref
2.1 / Verify Certificate of Inspection is posted (COI) or on
  • Not applicable on Original Inspection
/ 46 CFR 176.302
46 CFR 185.402
2.2 / Verify that registration is valid. / 46 CFR 67.7
PWC 31.021
2.3 / Verify that the stability letter is posted, has been
issued, and is on file with TPWD. / 46 CFR 176.306
2.4 / Verify owner/operator awareness of mandatory
drug and alcohol testing for staff members if
vessel is involved in an accident. / PWC 31.178
2.5 / Examinefire-servicing records/certificates if available.
If not available, inspect portable fire extinguishers for
compliance with correct number and type required.
  • Portable and Fixed Fire Extinguishing systems may require annual inspection or servicing by a qualified servicing organization.
/ 46 CFR 25.30
PWC 31.067
Task 2 Notes:

Task 3: Staff/Crew Requirements

Step / Action / Ref
3.1 / Examine Operator License(s). / PWC 31.176(a)(2)
46 CFR 185.402
3.2 / Examine Crew member Boating Safety Education
Cards. / PWC 31.173 (a)(2)
3.3 / Owner is required to provide eachpassenger
with written and verbal safety information.
  • Passenger required to sign the form.
/ PWC 31.175 (a)
3.4 / Notify owner of requirement to disclose to the
passengers that no lifeguard is on board the
Party Boat. / PWC 31.175 (b)
3.5 / Verify owner has obtain at least $300,000 of liability
insurance for the PartyBoat. / PWC 31.175 (c)
31 TAC 55.405 (b)
3.6 / Examine Staff CPR Card for at least one staff
person on voyage or notify owner/operator of
the requirement prior to operation. / PWC 31.173 (b)
Task 3 Notes:

Task 4: Logs and Manuals

Step / Action / Ref
4.1 / Discuss/Examine current training records/logs.
  • Date and general description of training topics
  • Training record/log for each staff/crewmember
/ 46 CFR 185.420
4.2 / Discuss/Examine emergency training and drills logs.
  • Fire – Man Overboard – Abandon ship
  • Date of drill and training with general description of drill
/ 46 CFR 185.520
46 CFR 185.524
4.3 / Verify crew and passenger list is maintained
  • List prepared prior to departing
  • List communicated verbally or in writing ashore at vessel’s normal berthing location or office
/ 46 CFR 185.502
4.4 / Verify voyage/Float plan prepared
(Overnightvoyages only).
  • List prepared prior to departing
  • List communicated verbally or in writing ashore at vessel’s normal berthing location or office
/ 46 CFR 185.503
4.5 / Discuss/Verify passenger safety orientation. / 46 CFR 185.506
Task 4 Notes:

Task 5: Navigation Safety Systems

Step / Action / Ref
5.1 / Verify navigation publications or maps/charts.
Current maps/charts (large enough for safe
navigation) / 46 CFR 184.20
PWC 31.093
5.2 / Test navigation lights and signals / PWC 31.064; 33 USC 34 Part C
5.3 / Inspect Sound Signaling devices
• Whistle/horn
• Bell / PWC 31.065
5.4 / Test internal communications (pilothouse vessels
with engine room).
A fixed means of two-way communication from:
  • Operating station to machinery space or to auxiliary steering (singlescrew vessels)
  • Handheld radios acceptable
/ 46 CFR 184.602
5.5 / Test public address system for functionality.
IF vessels is: / AND carries: / THEN vessel MUST have:
> 65 feet in length /
/ Fixed installation
65 feet in length / > 49 passengers / Battery bullhorn
65 feet in length / 49 passengers / NONE required
5.6 / Verify propulsion engine control.
Two independent means of controlling each
propulsion engine
Multiple engine vessel with independent remote
propulsion control for each engine does not
need a second means
Must have engine shutdowns at the operating
station / 46 CFR 184.620
5.7 / Engine operating gauges, rpm, jacket water, and
lube oil pressure readily visible at the operating
station. / 46 CFR 182.410 (b)

Task 5: Navigation Safety Systems (Continued)

Step / Action / Ref
5.8 / Verify communications with land based office
or shore (1 VHF, or 1 cell phone) / PWC 31.174 (2)
5.9 / Verify that staff/crew have received information
on actions to take in an emergency. / 31.175 (a)
46 CFR 185.510
5.10 / Inspect bridge windows (safety glass required) / 46 CFR 177.1010
5.11 / Test bridge steering system for functionality / 46 CFR 182.600
Task 5 Notes:

Task 6: Structural Integrity

Step / Action / Ref
6.1 / Examine external hull structure.
Decks (flooring)
Strength members
Visible damage
Bulwarks, rails, and guards*
Welds / 46 CFR 176.802
6.2 / Review stability letter.
Adequate Drainage (scuppers/freeing ports)*
Major changes/modifications affecting wind/heal
sail area or weight since last inspection? / 46 CFR 176.306
46 CFR 171
6.3 / Examine hull markings.
Draft marks and load marks (if applicable)
Load line (if applicable)
Nameof hailing port/ or state registration number
Official number permanently affixed to interior
structural member or HIN on transom. / 46 CFR 185.602
46 CFR 185.30-3
PWC 31.032
46 CFR 67.123
PWC 31.043
46 CFR 67.121
6.4 / Examine internal compartment structures.
Shelves, brackets, clamps
Ventilation / 46 CFR 176.802
PWC 31.069
6.5 / Examine watertight integrity (vessels with
enclosures below deck).
(Not applicable to “OPEN” boats.)
Hull openings and closures
Deck openings and closures
Sill heights, combings, knife edges, gaskets,
Watertight doors and subdivision bulkheads / 46 CFR 176.802
46 CFR 179.360

Task 6: Structural Integrity (Continued)

Step / Action / Ref
6.6 / Examine (drainage) Scuppers / Freeing ports*
(Not applicable to “OPEN” boats.)
Vessels with cockpit
Vessels with well deck / 46 CFR 171.145
46 CFR 171.150
6.7 / Inspect deck rails. / 46 CFR 177.900

*Scupper – Opening for draining water from deck

*Bulkhead = partition or dividing wall

*Bulwark = barricade for support or protection

*Ballast = weight or counterweight

Task 6 Notes:

Task 7: General Health and Safety Systems

Step / Action / Ref
7.1 / Test general alarms (vessels with overnight accommodations).
(Not applicable to “OPEN” boats) / 46 CFR 183.550
7.2 / Verify upper decks are marked for maximum number of passengers as per stability letter.
(if applicable) / 46 CFR 185.602g
PWC 31.174 (1)
7.3 / Inspect passenger accommodations.
  • Overnight accommodations
  • Sufficient Seating for passengers
/ 46 CFR 177.800
46 CFR 177.30
7.4 / Verify means of escape.
(Not applicable to “OPEN” boats.)
Two widely separated
Adequate size
Operable for either side
Properly Marked (i.e. “EXIT”) / 46 CFR 177.500
46 CFR 185.606
31 TAC 55.405 (d)(6)
7.5 / Inspect cooking and heating system.
Clear of combustible materials
No open flames allowed (i.e. charcoal grills)
Grease trap
Location of shutoff valve for gas systems
No continuous pilot lights or glow plugs
Ventilation ducts above frying vats or grills
Portable cooking equipment with open flame.
(i.e. BBQ grills), requires portable fire
extinguisher within 10ft. / 46 CFR 177.410
46 CFR 184.210
46 CFR 184.240
46 CFR 184.220
7.7 / Conduct sanitation inspection.
Lockers and similar spaces / 46 CFR 176.818
7.8 / Verify presence of first aid kit.
Location is easily visible and
Readily available for crew / 46 CFR 184.710
31 TAC 55.405 (d)(8)

Task 7: General Health and Safety Systems (Continued)

Step / Action / Ref
7.9 / Inspect ventilation systems.
Adequate ventilation to enclosed spaces
normally occupied
Must be capable of being shut down from the
pilot house / 46 CFR 177.600
PWC 31.069
7.10 / Inspect portable lights.
At least two on board
Flashlights, spotlights acceptable / 46 CFR 183.430
7.11 / Ensure no unsafe conditions or practices exist.
Slips, trips, and falls
Sharp edges
Swinging loads/gear adrift / 46 CFR 176.830
7.12 / Ensure proper ground tackle (mooring/towing lines) / 46 CFR 184.300
46 CFR 184.10
Task 7 Notes:

Task 8: Lifesaving Equipment

Step / Action / Ref
8.1 / Inspect life preservers.
Adequate number; USCG-approved
Serviceable and in good repair
Inflatable PFDs are serviced annually / 46 CFR 180.71 a
33 CFR 175B
PWC 31.066
62.1,4 NASBLA
8.2 / Inspect life preserver stowage.
Readily accessible and distributed throughout
accommodation spaces
Stowage containers labeled, not capable of
being locked and when practical allow life
preservers to float free
Child-size PFDs available and stowed separately / 46 CFR 180.78 (a)
33 CFR 175B
PWC 31.066
66.2,3 NASBLA
8.3 / Verify that PFD instructions to passengers are
  • donning placards areposted;OR
  • Instructions are available to the passengers; OR
  • Donningis demonstrated prior to departure.
/ 46 CFR 185.516
8.4 / Examine ring lifebuoys.
Vessel <65ft in length = one ring buoy
Vessel ≥65ft = three ring buoys
Serviceable condition
Stowage not permanently secured / 46 CFR 180.70
46 CFR 185.604
46 CFR 160.50
46 CFR 180.75
8.5 / Ensure adequate means are provided for transferring a victim from a rescue boat or platform to the deck of the vessel. / 46 CFR176.808 (g)
Task 8 Notes:

Task 9: Fire Protection Systems

Step / Action / Ref
9.1 / Verify fire detection system is installed in the required spaces.
Propulsion machinery space
A space containing an internal combustion
engine of more than 50hp
Space containing machinery powered by
gasoline or other fuel with a flash point of 110°F
or lower*
Space containing a (permanent) fuel tank for
gasoline or other fuel with a flash point of 110°F
or lower* / 46 CFR 181.400
81.1-2 NASBLA
9.1.1 / Verify no flammable contents are stored on board
the vessel (except engine fuel in approved fuel
tanks). / TPWD
9.2 / Verify fire detection (system) is serviced or
tested annually / 46 CFR 176.810 (a) (7)
9.3 / Verify smoke detection systems are installed in
overnight passenger accommodation spaces / 46 CFR 181.400 (e)
46 CFR 181.400 (c)
46 CFR 76.27
9.4 / Verify proper operation of fire and smoke detectors. / 46 CFR 176.810(a)(7)
46 CFR 181.450
9.5 / Inspect fixed gas fire extinguishing systems.
Familiarity with operation of the system
Verify cylinders are weighted, hydro-tested, or
operational condition is demonstrated
Inspection/Testing of flexible
connections/hoses (47 CFR 147.65)
Inspect piping, controls, valves for
location/functionality / 46 CFR 176.810
46 CFR 185.612
46 CFR 181.410

Task 9: Fire Protection Systems (Continued)

Step / Action / Ref
9.6 / Verify fixed gas fire extinguishing system has been serviced or tested annually. / 46 CFR 176.810
9.7 / Inspect Portable and semiportable fire extinguishers
Inspect Cylinders are in operational condition
Inspect flexible connections/hoses
Required number and location / 46 CFR 176.810
46 CFR 25 .30-20
PWC 31.067
9.8 / Inspect structural fire protection so fire hazards are
Combustibles insulated from heating surfaces
Separation of machinery and fuel tank spaces
from accommodations
Cooking areas
Cooking and heating appliances / 46 CFR 177.405
46 CFR 177.410
9.9 / Inspect paint lockers.
Constructed of steel or equivalent material
Protected by fire extinguishing system
*Gasoline flash point = 45 degrees F
*Diesel flash point = 143 degrees F / 46 CFR 177.405
Task 9 Notes:

Task 10: Machinery and Auxiliary Machinery

Step / Action / Ref
10.1 / Inspect propulsion machinery.
Suitable and capable of operating at constant marine
Has not been changed out since last inspection
Engine(s) have at least two means for stopping
Reliable means of shutting down engine at main
pilothouse control
Ensure machinery guards are installed over
exposed gears, belts or other rotating machinery (if
engine room or enclosed space exists). / 46 CFR 182.200
46 CFR 176.702
46 CFR 176.402 (d)(3) & (4)
46 CFR 175.10-29
46 CFR 177.960
46 CFR 1877.35-15
10.2 / Inspect internal combustion engines (diesel and
gasoline powered).
Starting motors, generators, and spark-producing
devices are mounted as high above bilges as
Flexible hoses are clamped at each end.
Flexible hose runs used to carry fuel are visible / 46 CFR 182.410(a)
46 CFR 182.410(d)
46 CFR 182.720
10.3 / Inspect engine cooling system.
Engine is cooled by water from a pump that
operates whenever the engine operates.
Auxiliary engine (diesel or gasoline) may be air
cooled if it is installed on an open deck and has a
self-contained fuel system / 46 CFR 182.420
46 CFR 182.465
10.5 / Inspect engine exhaust systems and pipes
Does not create sparks or fire hazards
Dry exhaust pipes are clear of and suitably
insulated from combustible materials and
suitably insulated to prevent injuries. / 46 CFR 182.425
46 CFR 182.430 (k)
10.6 / Ensure horizontal dry exhaust pipes:
Do not pass through living or berthing spaces.
Terminate above the deepest load waterline. / 46 CFR 182.425 (a)(2)

Task 10: Machinery and Auxiliary Machinery(Continued)

Step / Action / Ref
10.7 / Ensure that exhaust pipe systems cooled by water are:
Provided with cooling water obtained from the
engine cooling system or from a separate
engine driven pump.
Provided with a suitable warning device / 46 CFR 182.425 (b)(1)
(b) (5)
10.11 / Inspect auxiliary machinery.
Installation is in accordance with good marine
practice and standards
Engine is in good and serviceable condition
Water heaters and boilers are protected by
pressure-temperature relief device. / 46 CFR 182.310
46 CFR 182.320 (a) & (b)
10.12 / Ensure water heaters are secured from rolling
and movement. / 46 CFR 182.320 (c)
10.16 / Inspect Fuel tank(s)
Independent fuel tank(s) has not been replaced with
a different sized tank or relocated since last
Free of excessive corrosion, no fittings are leaking,
properly secured in place to prevent movement, and
is insulated from braces and supports.
When the structural integrity of the fuel tank is in
question, ensure the tank is replaced or, as an
alternative, witness a satisfactory pressure test (use
liquid only, not air, to 5psig) / 46 CFR 176.702
46 CFR 176.804 (d)
46 CFR 182.440 (b)(3)
46 CFR 176.804 (c)(1)
10.17 / Ensure all (permanent) fuel tanks are electrically
bonded to a common ground. / 46 CFR 182.440 (b)(4)
10.18 / Ensure there is a means to accurately determine the
amount of fuel in each tank. / 46 CFR 182.445 (b)
10.19 / Ensure fill pipes and sounding pipes for fuel tanks
are so arranged that overflow of liquid or vapor
cannot escape to the inside of the vessel. / 46 CFR 182.445 (d)
10.20 / Ensure all fuel tank fill pipes and sounding pipes are
suitably marked. / 46 CFR 182.445 (e)

Task 10: Machinery and Auxiliary Machinery (Continued)

Step / Action / Ref
10.21 / Ensure any opening for fuel fill and vent pipes is
fitted on the topmost surface of the tank. / 46 CFR 182.440 (c)(3)
46 CFR 182.450 (b)&(c)
10.22 / Ensure discharge ends of vent pipes terminate
outside of vessel, either on the hull exterior or in U-
bends as high above the weather deck as possible. / 46 CFR 182.450 (e)
10.23 / Inspect fuel piping.
  • Metallic
  • Flexible (exposed; </= 30 inches)
  • O/B engine application may exceed 30 inches
/ 46 CFR
182.455(a)(1) :
182.720 (e) :
182.720 (e) (3)
10.24 / Ensure all fuel lines are accessible for inspection,
protected from mechanical injury, and secured
against excessive movement and vibration. / 46 CFR 182.455 (b)(3)
10.25 / Ensure manually operated shutoff valves are
installed in the fuel supply lines at the fuel tank
connection and the engine end of the fuel line.
Ensure remote fuel shutoff stations are marked
indicating direction of turn. / 46 CFR 182.455 (b)(4)
46 CFR 185.608
10.26 / Ensure portable fuel tanks are not used except on
outboard engines. / 46 CFR 182.458
10.27 / Inspect the following on vessels equipped with
(GASOLINE-powered internal combustion
engines ONLY)
Electrical equipment in spaces containing
machinery powered by and fuel tanks for gasoline
are explosion-proof, intrinsically safe, or ignition
protected for use in a gasoline atmosphere.
Enclosed spaces containing machinery powered by
gasoline are equipped with a flammable vapor
detection system.
(Except outboard) engines are fitted with an
acceptable means of backfire flame control. / 46 CFR 182.410 (a), (c)
46 CFR 182.480 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (h)
46 CFR 182.415 (a), (c)
PWC 31.068

Task 10: Machinery and Auxiliary Machinery (Continued)