Summarised Inspection Findings

Insert name of centre (Early Learning and Childcare standalone setting)

Insert name of councilCouncil

SEED No:Insert SEED number

Insert date of publication

1.3 LEADERSHIP OF CHANGE / QI evaluation
This indicator focuses on working together at all levels to develop a shared vision for change and improvement which reflects the context of the setting within in its community. Planning for continuous improvement change should be evidence-based and clearly linked to strong self-evaluation. Senior leaders should ensure that the pace of change is well judged and appropriate to have a positive impact on outcomes for children. The themes are:
  • Developing a shared vision, values and aims relevant to the setting and its community
  • Strategic planning for continuous improvement
  • Implementing improvement and change

Prompts: to be removed for publication
*Extent of shared vision, values and aims, ***understanding of social, economic and cultural context of the school as a whole, ***quality of senior leadership and impact of collaborative leadership at all levels, ***strategic planning – development and implementation of school improvement plan, focus on equity and excellence and closing the poverty related gap in children’s progress,*promotion of innovation and positive change, *rationale for change, *effective use of self-evaluation to identify and evaluate impact of change.
Suggested word count 300 - 350 total
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This indicator focuses on ensuring high quality learning experiences for young children. It highlights the importance of a very good understanding of child development and early learning pedagogy. Effective use is made of observation to inform future learning and identify the progress made. Children are involved in planning for their own learning. Together these ensure children’s successes and achievements are maximised. The themes are:
  • Learning and engagement
  • Quality of interactions
  • Effective use of assessment
  • Planning, tracking and monitoring

Prompts: to be removed before publication
*Commitment to children’s rights, *children’s motivation and engagement in learning, *levels of challenge and enjoyment, *use of digital technology, *children’s voice in planning and taking responsibility for learning, *use of questioning, *feedback, *types of assessment, *use of assessment to plan learning, *moderation arrangements, *monitoring and tracking progress, ***impact in closing the poverty related gap in children’s progress for all children.
Suggested word count 450 - 500 total
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2.2 CURRICULUM: theme 3 Learning and Development Pathways
Prompts: to be removed before publication
***building the learning around individuals and groups of children to promote progress and achievement for all, *progression routes, *use of experiences and outcomes and design principles, *opportunities for digital learning, *outdoor learning & learning for sustainability, *literacy, numeracy & HWB across the curriculum, *learning contexts, creativity skills, equalities, *** skills for learning, life and work
Suggested word count 200 - 250 total
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2.7 PARTNERSHIPS: theme 3 Impact on children and families – Parental Engagement
Prompts: to be removed before publication
***Approaches to increasing parental engagement in their children’s learning, impact on promoting progress and achievement particularly in literacy and numeracy, improvements in health and wellbeing.
Suggested word count 100 - 150 total
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Prompts: to be removed before publication
Select from the following options: Delete as appropriate
  • The schoolcentre submitted self-evaluation information related to child protection and safeguarding. Inspectors discussed this information with relevant staff and where appropriate, childrenyoung people. In addition, inspectors examined a sample of safeguarding documentation. At the time of the inspection, there were no identified areas for development.
  • The schoolcentresubmitted self-evaluation information related to child protection and safeguarding. Inspectors discussed this information with relevant staff and where appropriate, childrenyoung people. In addition, inspectors examined a sample of safeguarding documentation. Areas for development have been agreed with the school/centre and the education authority
  • The schoolcentresubmitted self-evaluation information related to child protection and safeguarding. Inspectors discussed this information with relevant staff and where appropriate, childrenyoung people. In addition, inspectors examined a sample of safeguarding documentation. Areas for development have been agreed with the schoolcentreand the education authority that need to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
  • The schoolcentresubmitted self-evaluation information related to child protection and safeguarding. Inspectors discussed this information with relevant staff and where appropriate, childrenyoung people. In addition, inspectors examined a sample of safeguarding documentation. Inspectors have identified good practice in child protection and safeguarding procedures.

This indicator reflects on the setting’s approach to children’s wellbeing which underpins their ability to achieve success. It highlights the need for policies and practices to be well grounded in current legislation and a shared understanding of the value of each individual. A clear focus on wellbeing entitlements and protected characteristics supports all children to be the best they can be and celebrates their successes and achievements. The themes are:
  • Wellbeing
  • Fulfilment of statutory duties
  • Inclusion and equality

Prompts: to be removed for publication
***Improvement in children’s health and wellbeing outcomes, *SHANNARI, *engagement of partners, *impact of children’s voice in decisions which affect them, *GIRFEC,*learner understanding and experience of inclusion, equality and diversity, *removing barriers to learning and development.
Suggested word count 450 - 500 total
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3.2 Securing Children’s Progress / QI evaluation
This indicator relates to the development and learning of babies, toddlers and young children. It requires clear understanding of early learning and development and pedagogy. It reflects the integrated way young children learn and the importance of experiences and development happening on an individual basis within a supportive, nurturing and stimulating environment. High quality early learning and childcare contributes significantly to enhancing children’s progress and achievement as they grow and learn. It can benefit all children by closing the attainment gap and ensuring equity for all. It is about the holistic nature of development and learning ensuring these foundations are secure in order to achieve future attainment success. The themes are:
  • Progress in communication, early language, mathematics and health and wellbeing
  • Children’s progress over time
  • Overall quality of children’s achievement
  • Ensuring equity for all children

Prompts to be removed before publication
***progress, particularly in developing early literacy and numeracy, ***effectiveness of moderation of practitioner judgement in literacy and numeracy, *progress across all curriculum areas, attainment over time, achievement in relation to four capacities, development of skills and attributes, ***the settings success in achieving equity for all children’s progress and achievement– supporting progress for all whilst closing the poverty related gap between most and least disadvantaged,
Suggested word count 450 - 500 total
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sETTING choice of QI
  • Theme 1
  • Theme 2
  • Theme 3
  • Theme 4 (if required)

Suggested word count (dependent of number of themes)
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Care Inspectorate evidence

1 Quality of Care and Support
To be completed by the Care Inspector and inserted into the letter
During the previous Care Inspectorate inspection, the schoolcentrehad insert numbernorequirementsand insert numbernorecommendations.Include/delete as appropriateFromthesethis, insert numberrequirementsand insert numberrecommendationshavehasbeen met/not met.Include/delete as appropriate Outstanding issues relating to CI to provide detailsare carried forward in this inspection. As a result of this inspection, there areisinsert numbernorequirementsand insert numbernorecommendations.
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