Indicator 13 Team Trainings
- Getting It Right in the IEP
- Web Resources for Transition Assessment
- Present Education Levels (AIU 3)
- Sample Post-School Goals
- Transition Services and Activities Worksheet
- IEP Goal Writing Checksheet
- Example Goals for Transition Activities (AIU 3)
Revised April 2009
The materials in this packet serve as resources for LEAs for developing IEPs for students ages 14-21. All materials are available separately on the Shared Work Site Indicator 13 FAQs.
Some materials have been updated since initial trainings were completed in October, 2008.
Transition:Getting It Right in the IEP
(IDEA 2004/Chapter 14 2008)
1.Welcome and Introductions
A student aged 14 or younger, if determined appropriate by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, must be invited to participate in the IEP meeting. Participation may include welcoming and/or introducing those in attendance, or if appropriate, leading the discussion. It is strongly recommended that the student be adequately prepared for this new role prior to the IEP meeting.
2. Complete Pages One and Two of the IEP
Take special note of age, anticipated date of graduation, signatures of student, family members, community agency representative(s), and career and technical education representative in addition to the other required members of the IEP team. Note: Identify those members who will be providing written input and who have been excused from attending the meeting.
3. Discuss and Identify the Student’s Post-School Goals
Go to section III of the IEP – Transition Services – and in the space after the colon in each post-school goal area (Postsecondary Education/Training, Employment, and, if appropriate, Independent Living) indicate the transition post-school goal that the student has identified. For example: Henry has a goal of attending a community college. A student must have at least one Post-School Goal, but many students will have two or three. Information for this section should be based on school and agency assessments, student/family surveys, interviews, etc., conducted PRIOR to the IEP meeting.
4. Discuss the Student’s Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
Indicate the student’s academic achievement levels (math, reading, CTE program, content areas, etc.) in relation to where he or she wants to go and what he or she wants to do beyond school for the post-school goal(s) selected (see #3 above). Next, indicate the student’s functional performance levels (employability, mobility, behavior, activities of daily living, etc.) in relation to where he or she wants to go and what he or she wants to do beyond school for the post-school goal(s) selected. Include strengths relative to those goal(s). The Present Levels should include a summary of data collected from progress reports from the last IEP as well as from other sources, such as teacher reports, classroom assessments, district- wide assessments, community-based checklists, agency evaluations, etc. At the end of the Present Levels, take special care to accurately describe the student’s Academic, Developmental, and Functional Needs, as these will form the basis of the services and activities listed in the Transition Grid, and addressed throughout the IEP.
5. Go to Section III of the IEP – Transition Services
The transition grid covers the period of time the IEP is in effect. Although the grid represents the current year of planning, IEP teams should also document a multi-year planning process. This step-by-step plan leading the student from high school to their post-school goals is called the coordinated set of activities. One way to document the coordinated set of activities might be to keep the grids from year to year. Upon graduation, the IEP team would then have a coordinated set of activities in the student’s file.
Another way might be to add to the grid each year so that the record of the coordinated set of activities is documented yearly – resulting in the final IEP containing all activities completed during the student’s school career. This would also provide the LEA with information to complete the Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance as the student exits his or her educational program upon receiving a diploma or aging out.
6. Section III – CIP Code
For students attending a career and technology center, indicate the Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code related to the approved vocational program in which the student is enrolled.
7. Section III – Courses of Study
The student’s courses of study should identify the courses he or she will be taking within the duration of this IEP that lead to each post-school goal. Place all courses under each goal area that apply.
8. Section III – Service/Activity Column
In the Service/Activity column under each post-school goal area, identify specific actions that will be taken within the duration of this IEP. There must be at least one activity and/or service for each identified post-school goal. Each student Need listed in the Present Education Levels should be addressed in this column either as an Activity or Service. This list includes Activities such as visiting postsecondary programs or learning about employment options. The list also includes Instructional Services that will be offered to address skill deficits, such as improving reading comprehension, improving task completion, or developing independent travel skills. The list also includes Services that may be provided as Specially Designed Instruction. When considering each Service/Activity, determine if instruction is needed to address a skill deficit. If instruction is needed, write a measurable annual goal in section V of the IEP.
9. Section III – Location, Frequency, Beginning Date, Duration
In the LOCATION column, identify where each service or activity will take place. Examples might include: regular education class, learning support classroom, community site, guidance office, etc. In the FREQUENCY column, identify how often each service or activity will take place. Examples might include: during the school day, weekly, once in the fall semester, etc. In the PROJECTED BEGINNING DATE column, identify when each service or activity will begin. Examples might include: the implementation date of the IEP (MM/DD/YYYY), or if the activity will take place only during the spring semester, indicate that date (MM/DD/YYYY). In the ANTICIPATED DURATION column, indicate when each service or activity will end. Examples might include: the anticipated duration date of the IEP (MM/DD/YYYY), or if the activity will conclude before the IEP duration date then indicate that date (MM/DD/YYYY).
10. Section III – Person(s)/Agency Responsible
In the AGENCY RESPONSIBLE column, indicate the person’s title or agency that will ensure each activity/service is completed. Examples might include: OVR, MH/MR, LEA, guidance counselor, supports coordinator, special education teacher, etc. Adult service agencies that provide services to support youth and young adults with disabilities to be successful in their targeted post-school goal(s) should be invited to the IEP meeting.
11. Section III – Measurable Annual Goal – Yes or No
In the Measurable Annual Goal block, indicate YES or NO whether there will be a measurable annual goal written for each applicable post-school goal. (See #8 above.). There must be at least one Measurable Annual Goal for each post school goal. NO should be ONLY checked when the IEP team has determined that a particular post-school goal area is not applicable.
12. Complete the Remaining Section of the IEP
For students ages 14-21, the entire IEP should be considered as a comprehensive plan to assist the student in achieving their desired post-school goals. The following sections may include transition-specific information:
Program Modifications and Specially-Designed Instruction
Related Services
Supports for School Personnel
Extended School Year 4/2009
Web Resources for Transition Assessment- Examples
Federal and State Employment Sites
Pennsylvania Career Zone
- Online Career Interest Resources
- Quick Assessment: Explore jobs that best match your personality. Are you realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional? Find out with this quick assessment. (Approx. completion time: 5 minutes)
- Interest Profiler: Discover what your interests are, and how they relate to the world of work. The Interest Profiler helps you decide what kinds of occupations and jobs you might want to explore, based on your interests. (Approx. completion time: 30 minutes)
- Work Importance Profiler: What’s important to you in a job? Discover how much you value achievement, independence, recognition, relationships, support, and working conditions in a job. Get a list of jobs that reflect your values.
O*NET Online
- Interest Profiler
- Ability Profiler
- Work Importance Locator
- Comprehensive source of occupation information
- 900+ occupations, including worker attributes and job characteristics
- Connect to other online career information resources
Holland Self Directed Search
- iTransition is a free, online transition curriculum to help students who are deaf or hard of hearing prepare for life after high school. All materials can be accessed at no cost, by any student, except for online portfolio.
Virginia Commonwealth University – Going to College
- An interactive website designed for students interested in attending a college or university
Virginia Department of Education
- Assessments & Checklists
- Student Involvement in the IEP
- Family Support
- Videos
- Literature & Resources
The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD/Youth)
- The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities
University of Oklahoma - Zarrow Center
AIR Self-Determination Assessments
ARC Self-Determination Scale
Choice Maker Self-Determination Assessment
Field and Hoffman Self-Determination Assessment Battery
Student led IEP- Instructional modules 4/2009
Suggested opening sentences for students of transition age:
Include the following information: student age, graduation date, disability, school attending, the assessments completed, and the services they receive (speech, OT, PT, etc) and post school goals.
Example: Johnny is fifteen year old young man with autism. He’s from the JollytimeSchool District but attends SuccessSchool due to behaviors, social issues, and communication needs. His predicted graduation date is June 2013. Johnny has completed the Parent/Student Survey, the Behavior Motivation Scale, and an Interest Survey. He receives wrap around services at home three days a week and attends an after school partial program two days a week. Johnny is interested in working in the area of food service after graduation and he and his parents anticipate him living on his own with some support in the future.
After writing your opening sentence(s) address each bullet under present levels:
□Present levels of academic achievement
Progress monitoring information
Measurable data that acts as baseline for goals
Name assessments used
□Functional performance including observations
Behavioral information (including summary of FBA if completed)
Organizational skills including homework completion, bringing materials, etc.
Time on task
Level of independence
Progress monitoring information
Measurable data that acts as baseline for goals
□Postsecondary transition goals (and information)
Name assessments used
Post school goals
□Parent concern (always include a statement)
□Effect of disability on performance
□Strengths (examples of strengths on which to build):
Attention to detail
Self advocacy skills
Academic strengths
□Needs : All needs must be met through:
Measurable Annual Goals
Transition services and activities
Specially designed instruction
All information should relate to the student’s future. How is the academic achievement related to the student’s future goals? How does the functional performance relate to the student reaching their future goals? Name assessments and tie to transition.
BE CLEAR AND Concise!!! 4/2009
Statement would be:
Student’s name has a goal of ______after high school.
Post-secondary Education/Training
- 2 or 4 year college
- Postsecondary vocational training program
- Short-term education or employment training program
- Community or technical college
- Apprenticeship program
- On–the-job training
- Licensing program (Nursing, Cosmetology, etc.)
- Adult continuing education courses
- Adult Training Facility
- Adult center program
- Adult in-home program
- Other training program - please describe: ______
- OR: The IEP team has determined that this goal area is not needed for this student at this time.*
- Competitive employment
- Military
- Supported employment (paid work in a community setting for those needing continuous support services)
- Sheltered employment (where most workers have disabilities)
- Employment that allows for technological and medical supports
- OR: The IEP team has determined that this goal area is not needed for this student at this time.*
Independent Living**
- Independent living
- Family Support (will access community resources and programs with family support)
- Agency Support (will access community resources and programs with agency support)
- OR: The IEP team has determined that this goal area is not needed for this student at this time. *
*Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) should provide documentation when this statement is used.
**Considerations when deciding Independent Living Goal:
- Live at home with parents or relatives
- Independent living with no supports
- Independent living w/ occasional supports
- Independent living w/ daily supports
- Supported apartment or community living arrangement
- Group home – 24-hour supervision and training
- Group home – skilled nursing care
- Facility-based – personal care home, nursing home, etc.
- Other ______
- Independent -- will access community resources w/o support
- Family support -- will access community resources w/family supports
- Agency support -- will access community resources w/agency supports
- Other ______
- Independent – will participate in community programs w/o support
- Family support – will participate in community programs w/ family supports
- Special support – will participate in community programs w/ agency or outside supports
- Special programs – will participate in special program with people with disabilities
- Other ______updated 4/2009
Transition IEP Services/Activities Worksheet
Post-secondary Education/TrainingSpecific area of study ______
School of interest ______
_____ ASVAB ____PSAT/SAT ____ accommodations
_____ College fairs _____ College/facility tour
_____ Application _____ Financial Aid
_____ Note taking _____ Organizational skills
_____ Time management _____ Self-disclosure
_____ Documentation
_____ Recent
_____ Licensed psychologist
_____ Rationale for accommodations
_____ Request accommodations
_____ Hiram Andrews information
_____ Specific Academic Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG)
_____ Specific Behavioral/Organizational Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG) /
Independent Living - Residential
_____ Home responsibilities_____ Participate in apartment program
_____ Summer camps
_____ Open case with MH/MR Base Service Unit
_____ Supports Coordination
_____ Community Living Arrangements
_____ Respite care
_____ Companionship / social groups
_____ Community-based instruction
_____ Shopping/money skills
_____ Pedestrian safety
_____ Social skills/communication
_____ Section 8 housing
_____ Specific Academic Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG)
_____ Specific Behavioral/Organizational Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG)
Specific career interest ______
_____ Career exploration
_____ Choices software
_____ Guest speakers
_____ Graduation project
_____ In-school work experience
_____ Community service
_____ Job shadowing
_____ Job tryouts
_____ Work experience
_____ Career and Technical Center
_____ Tour
_____ Shadow vocational programs
_____ Co-op job placement (career/tech center)
_____ Community-based instruction
_____ Pre-employment skills
_____ Travel training
_____ Social skills
_____ CareerLink
_____ Career TRACK
_____ DPW Employment Program referral
_____ OVR referral
_____ Determination of eligibility
_____ Employment services
_____ Job training
_____ MH/MR referral
_____ Sheltered employment
_____ Adult Training Facility program
_____ Specific Academic Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG)
_____ Specific Behavioral/Organizational Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG) /
Independent Living - Recreation / Leisure
Current hobbies ____________
Current clubs ______
Current social activities ______
_____ Community-based instruction
_____ Recreation facilities (YMCA, etc.)
_____ Social skills
_____ Sports
_____ Local clubs, teen centers
_____ Service organizations (AkTion Club, Kiwanis,etc)
_____ Church groups
_____ Specific Academic Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG)
_____ Specific Behavioral/Organizational Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG)
Independent Living - Participation
_____ Transportation
_____ Driver’s license _____ Photo ID
_____ Public transportation
_____ Family transportation
_____ Special transportation
_____ Car pool
_____ Voter registration
_____ Selective service
_____ Jury duty information
_____ Court system / obeying the laws
_____ Community-based instruction
_____ Travel training
_____ Social skills
_____ Specific Academic Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG)
_____ Specific Behavioral/Organizational Skill Deficit (list in grid, need MAG)
_____ Office of Vocational Rehabilitation_____ Mental Health
_____ Mental Retardation
_____ Blind and Visual Services
_____ Department of Public Welfare
_____ Children and Youth Services
_____ Juvenile Justice System
_____ Social Security Administration
_____ CareerLink
_____ The Arc
_____ Centers for Independent Living
_____ AccessAbilities, Inc. /
Miscellaneous issues
_____ Family planning_____ Parent counseling/training (workshops, etc)
_____ Parent support / advocacy groups
_____ Trusts / wills / guardianship
_____ SSI
_____ Medical / Health insurance
_____ Medical assistance
_____ Private insurance
_____ Assistive technology
_____ School attendance
_____ Show transition agency video
_____ Give Transition handbook / agency brochures
_____ Healthcare checklist_____ PYLN Toolkit updated 4/2009
IEP Goal Writing Checksheet