NOSA Annnual meeting 6th of April 2016

1.  Opening of the meeting

2.  Election of a chairperson, a secretary and two persons for checking the minutes Marianne Glasius was elected as chairperson.

Annica Ekman was elected as secretary.

Ilona Riipinen and Andreas Massling were elected for checking the minutes.

3.  Approval of minutes of the previous NOSA annual meeting

The minutes were approved

4.  President’s report

Marianne presented the current NOSA board.

Marianne presented the NOSA-FAAR meeting 2015 in Kuopio Finland.

The number of abstracts and number of participants for the NOSA symposium is on average increasing since 2001, but there is some year-to-year variability

NOSA 2015 activities were presented:

-  There have been 5 board meetings

-  NOSA News are regularly sent out

-  NOSA has been represented at the EAA and IARA Board meetings,

-  There has been discussions for the upcoming EAC 2019 in Gothenburg (M. Hallquist is responsible for the planning),

-  NOSA tutorials have been organized by the NOSA student representatives.

-  NOSA is on Facebook and LinkedIn. There is also a web site. Should NOSA be on Twitter?

Presentation of the NOSA Economy and membership: NOSA has currently 10,959DKK. (Administrated by Aarhus University). The membership is free of charge. All registered participants become members and get NOSA news e-mails. Should there be a time limit for membership? 5 years? This will be discussed in the board during the year.

5.  Report from the EAA and IARA board meetings 2015

Report from the IARA board meeting by Michael Boy and Andreas Massling:

-  The latest conference in Busan, Korea was a success with 1200 participants from 52 countries.

-  IAC will be hosted in St.Loius, US, September 2nd-7th, 2018.

-  IAC 2022 will be hosted in Europe (final decision taken by IARA in October 2016 based on suggestions from the EAA board).

Report from the European Aerosol Assembly by Michael Boy and Joakim Pagels:

-  EAA has a new president, José Castillo (Spain).

-  EAC 2015: Attendees: 1034, Sponsors/Exhibitors: 35, Abstracts submissions: ~1250

-  EAC 2016 will be in Tours, France, in 2017 in Zurich and 2018 in St Louis (IAC).

-  Currently an evaluation for restructuring of EAC, starting 2016 in France – Relationship to Aerosol Technology

-  ”Standardised product” along 5 themes, WG retained

-  EAC 2019 will be in Gothenburg, Sweden!

6.  NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2017 and 2018

Adam Kristensson presents Lund as a candidate for NOSA 2017. Preliminary dates: 22-24 March. Held at IKDC at Lund University.

Lund was elected to host NOSA 2017.

7.  Information on EAC 2019 in Gothenburg

Joakim Pagels presents EAC 2019 in Gothenburg.

Formal hosts are NOSA and Gothenburg Atmospheric Science Centre (GAC).

Prof. Mattias Hallquist (director of GAC) is the chair.

The venue is the Swedish Congress and Conference center in Gothenburg.

8.  NOSA student representatives and student network

The current NOSA Student Representatives are:

Anne Maria K. Hansen (Aarhus U) (will leave)

Ditte Taipale (Helsinki U) (will stay)

Anna Lutz (Gothenburg U) (will stay)

Henrik Grythe (SU, Helsinki U and NILU) (will stay?)

New candidates:

Robert Lange (Aarhus, Roskilde)

Karin Lovén (Lund University)

9.  Election of new board member 2016-2017

Annica Ekman, Joakim Pagels and Kerstin Stebel are stepping down.

The NOSA board is working on a new candidate from Norway,

New candidates were presented and elected:

Adam Kristenssen (Lund University)

Peter Molnár (Gothenburg University)

10.  Matters arising

Antti Lauri presents ICNAA 2017 in Helsinki 25-30th of June.