Tami Sorgente
5719 La Gorce Circle
Lake Worth, FL33463
Phone: (561) 434-4447 cel: (561) 317-3816
2002-2004Master of Science in Computer Science, FloridaAtlanticUniversity, Boca Raton, FL
Graduated December 2004 with 4.0/4.0 GPA
Thesis: “Modeling Access Control of Medical Information”
1987-1990Bachelor of Fine Art, FloridaAtlanticUniversity, Boca Raton, FL
Graduated in 1990 with 3.6/4.0 GPA
Scholarship from the National Pen Women Association
01/05-presentFloridaAtlanticUniversity, Instructor and Undergraduate Advisor
Work with a team for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the College of Engineering and Computer Science at FloridaAtlanticUniversity, Boca Raton, FL.
As an advisor and instructor I work as part of a team to effectively advise undergraduate students pursuing Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Information and Engineering Technologies, and the combined BS/MS (Bachelor of Science/ Master of Science) programs.
Course taught: Computer Operating Systems, Computer Animation, Foundations of Computer Science (C++), Introduction to Programming in C, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Directed Independent Studies (varied topics).
05/04-presentFloridaAtlanticUniversity, Computer Science and Engineering Special Projects
Assemble and edit department newsletters, research materials, a multimedia encyclopedia, PowerPoint presentations, and video editing
08/04-08/06FloridaAtlanticUniversity, Research Assistant
Federal Earmark Project, Secure Telecommunication Networks, Topics include:Asurvey of web services security, A methodology for secure software design of complex applications, and Secure architecture for integrating web services into a wireless infrastructure
06/03-06/04University Consortium for Intermodal Transportation Safety and Security
FloridaAtlanticUniversity, MacArthur Campus, Jupiter, FL
Programmer for 3D and 4D simulations using C++
08/03-05/04FloridaAtlanticUniversity, Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Programming in C lab instructor
01/01- 12/01School District of Palm Beach County
Elementary school substitute teacher
05/90- 12/01Freelance Designer/Artist
Mural paintings, computer graphics, designed patterns digitized for embroidery
2008-PresentActively involved in new Masters Program for FAU Master of Science in New Media Technology and Entertainment, a joint program with the School of Communication and Multimedia Studies at FAU
2002-2008Active member of the Secure Systems Research Group, FloridaAtlanticUniversity
2003-2004FAU Undergraduate Teacher of the YearDistinguished Teacher of the Year Committees
Served as University Committee student member, later as Chair of College Committee
April 20051st Place - 1st IEEE Graduate Student Research Showcase
Software and Programming Languages Experience
- Introductory C/C++
- The GIMP image and animation software
- Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere
- Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Windows Movie Maker
- iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD
Knowledge in:
- Client side web development (XHTML, CSS)
- Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft Front Page
- Blender 3D animation open source software
- C++ Libraries: OpenGL, VegaPrime, QT, MFC
- MATLAB, Autodesk Maya, Multigen LynxPrime
- Visual basic, Java, Oracle 8i, Sql, SqlPlus, SqlJ
- Created a new course for the FAU CSE Dept – Computer Animation
- Developed 2 dimensional drawing program using C++ and OpenGL
- Developed Analysis Patterns for software development
- Presented Analysis Patterns to the Secure Systems Research Group at FAU
- Eigenface recognition and reconstruction using MATLAB
- Survey of Web services security standards
- Secure software development using UML and patterns
E. B. Fernandez, M.M. Larrondo-Petrie, T. Sorgente, and M. VanHilst, "A methodology to develop secure systems using patterns", to appear in Integrating Security and Software Engineering: Advances and Future Vision, H. Moratidis and P. Giorgini (Eds), IDEA Press, 2006.
E. B. Fernandez, M. M. Larrondo-Petrie, T. Sorgente, S. Rajput, and M. VanHilst, “UML-based access control models,” under review.
E. B. Fernandez, T. Sorgente, and M. M. Larrondo-Petrie, “Even more patterns for secure operating systems,” in Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs,EuroPLoP 2006,Irsee, Bavaria, Germany, 5-9 July, 2006.
Federal Earmark Project Telecommunication Networks Reports:
E. B. Fernandez, M. M. Larrondo-Petrie, P. Morrison, T. Sorgente, and M. VanHilst, “A methodology to develop secure distributed systems using patterns,” Secure Web Services in a Wireless Environment Report No. 3, U.S. Department of Information Security Agency, 19 July 2006, 42 pp.
E. B. Fernandez, T. Sorgente, N. Delessy and M. M. Larrondo-Petrie, “Survey of Web Services Security,” Report 2, Secure Web Services in a Wireless Environment Report No. 2, U.S. Department of Information Security Agency, May 2005, 38 pp.
E. B. Fernandez, T. Sorgente, M. VanHilst and M. M. Larrondo-Petrie, “A Methodology for Secure Software Design of Complex Applications,” Secure Web Services in a Wireless Environment Report No. 4, U.S. Department of Information Security Agency, May 2005, 34 pp.
T. Sorgente, M. M. Larrondo-Petrie, E. B. Fernandez, S. Rajput, C. Lo, A. Escobar, and A. Bretan, “Secure Integration of Web Services into a Wireless Infrastructure,” Secure Web Services in a Wireless Environment Report No. 5, U.S. Department of Information Security Agency, May 2005, 25 pp.
E.B.Fernandez, and T. Sorgente, "A Pattern Language for Secure Operating Systems Architectures", in Proceedings of the Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, SugarLoaf PLoP 2005, Campos do Jordao, Brazil, August 16 – 19, 2005.
E.B.Fernandez, and T. Sorgente, „Constrained Resource Assignment Description Pattern“, in Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, Viking PLoP 2005, Otaniemi, Finland, 23-25 September 2005.
T. Sorgente, E.B.Fernandez, and M.M. Larrondo-Petrie, "The SOAP pattern for medical charts", in Proceedings of the 12th Pattern Languages of Programs Conference (PLoP2005), Monticello, Illinois, 7-10 September 2005.
E. B. Fernandez, T. Sorgente and M. M. Larrondo-Petrie, “A UML-Based Methodology for Secure Systems: The Design Stage,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS’05) in the 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS’05, Miami, Florida, USA, 24-25 May 2005, pp. 207-216. Also to appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol., Springer Verlag, 2005.
E.B. Fernandez and T. Sorgente, "An Analysis of Modeling Flaws in HL7 and JAHIS”, Procs. of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’05), Santa Fe, NM, 2005.
T. Sorgente, E.B.Fernandez, and M.M. Larrondo-Petrie, "Analysis patterns for patient treatment", in Proceedings of the 12th Pattern Languages of Programs Conference (PLoP2004), Monticello, Illinois, 8-12 September 2005. Archived:
E.B.Fernandez, M.M. Larrondo-Petrie, and T. Sorgente, "Security models for medical and genetic information”, procs. of IADIS International Conference (e-society 2004), Avila, Spain, July 2004.