Build a Kit on a Budget

Teaching Outline

Prepared by:

Gina Peek, Ph.D., Assistant Professor & OCES Housing and Consumer Specialist

Barbara Brown, Ph.D., Associate Professor & OCES Food Specialist

Lesson Focus: An important part of disaster preparedness isbuilding a kit.This program encourages learning through reading, listening, discussion, and hands-on activities.

Program Objectives:After completing this program, participants should understand:

  • There is a connection between being prepared and survival during and after an emergency
  • There are simple low and no-cost actions that clients can take to be prepared

Program Materials:

  • Teaching outline
  • PowerPoint designed to take about 15 minutes
  • Handout:Get Prepared for Emergency Challenge.
  • Before building an emergency kit, the client fills out and signs this certificate. This is a pledge where clients state that they are willing to prepare. The bottom tab is to be cut off and returned to the county educator. If there is no county educator, the completed tabs can be sent to Gina Peek.
  • Handout: Build a Kit on a Budget Certificate
  • After building an emergency kit, the client fills out and signs this certificate. This is stating that they have created an emergency kit for themselves. The side tab is to be cut off and returned to the county educator. If there is no county educator, the completed tabs may be sent to Gina Peek. We are counting the number of kits made by the number of tabs collected. We wish to collect 500 by the end of 2013.

Suggested Activities:

  • Please consider making a kit based on the material in the PowerPoint
  • Please consider teaching at OHCE members’ homes; this way, the member can demonstrate the “shopping in your own home” concept for the supplies needed.
  • Consider organizing an event where OHCE members bring resources to swap and create disaster kits. For example, if you have three can openers, consider brining it to the swap where someone else can add it to their kit.


Please prepare for your program by doing the following activities:

  • Review the lesson carefully.
  • Print any handouts before the program. For example, has a wonderful resource for getting a family communications plan together

Lesson Evaluation:

  • We will evaluate the success of this effort by the number of kits developed. The completed tabs from the “Build a Kit on a Budget Certificate” will be counted. . We wish to collect 500 by the end of 2013.