

Parish Office

(Mon, Tues, and Thurs 9.30-12.30)

Elizabeth House

32 St Mary’s Road


Deal, Kent

CT14 7NQ


01304 366605



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WalmerParish Churches

St Mary’s, St Saviour’s,

and Blessed Mary of Walmer

Open lives, open hands, open churches

Mission Action Plan

January 2015

Our Vision

Open lives, open hands, open churches

We seek to follow Christ’s commands to love God, one another, and our neighbour by

  • opening our lives to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for praise, prayer and renewal
  • opening our hands to each other in ministry and discipleship
  • opening our churches to the community for witness and evangelism

We recognize that this is a life-long pilgrimage following the way of Jesus Christ and marked by prayer, discipline and sacrifice. As we journey with one another on the way we want to see our churches grow in quality and quantity.

open lives - worship & prayer

What? / Who? / How? / When? / Resources / Outcome
Review Download provision / Download team / Meet and consider possibilities / From January 2015 / Use of St M’s
PA in St M’s / Flourishing family worship
Develop prayer team / Prayer Tm / Plan meetings, retreats / From early 2015 / Venues
Training / More people engage with prayer min.
Sustainable use of BMW / PCC appoint team / Research, seek advice,
proposals / Spring/summer 2015 / Venues / More secure future for BMW
Review St S’s worship / PCC appoint team / Consultation w members.
Proposals / Autumn 2015 / Venue / Growing attendance
Develop families mission / PoW@Kidz tm, PCC appointees / Seek advice
proposals / Early 2016 / Clear plan for engaging young fams
Review CW / PCC appoint team / Discussions
Proposals, / Late 2016 / Venue / Inclusive use of CW material

open hands – ministry and discipleship

What? / Who? / How? / When? / Resources / Outcome
Develop Pastoral ministry / Pastoral team / Consultation
Esp. w. wider community / Ongoing / Venue
Admin / Increased pastoral provision
Small groups / Chris M
Existing gp leaders / Dad’s gpwomensgp
+ multiply / From January 2015 / Venues
Resources / Better involvement w gps
Improve team structures / Leadership & team leaders / Ask ‘what helps/ hinders?’ / 2015 / Time / Environment ‘helps’ teams work
‘Social’ committee / PCC appointment
Volunteers / Hard work! / During 2015 / Venues
Budget / Events happening
BMW 900th
(2020) / PCC appoint team / Discuss, propose, plan / From 2017 / Budget
Admin / Big celebration in 2020

open churches – witness and evangelism

What? / Who? / How? / When? / Resources / Outcome
Community Hub @ St S / Chris M
Paul H / Research
Proposal to PCC / From January 2015 / Tel., internet, improve toilets / Active community use of St S
Alpha & youth Alpha / Leadership tm & sml groups / Run courses..! / Ongoing / Venue
Resources / Regular Alpha
Social media use / PoW@Kidz team / Training
Set it up / Ongoing / Training
Admin / Increased publicity
Engage baptism families / PoW@Kidz
Brenda R-W / Invites
Publicity / Ongoing / Publicity
Admin / More baptfams in church life
Welcome ‘Teas’ / PCC teams / Identify new-comers, invite to ‘tea’ / From early 2015 / Venue
Refreshments / Newcomers feel included
Faith sharing training / Leadership team / Research training / 2016 / Resources / More confident evangleism


What? / Who? / How? / When? / Resources / Outcome
St M’s PA / PCC / Research
Proposal / January 2015 / Budget / More flexible PA in St M’s
Leadership mentoring / Leadership team / Identify potential leaders / From early 2015 / Time… / New leaders
IT comms / Administrator / Gather email info etc. / 2015 & ongoing / Admin time / Less paper & p’copy use
Repairs to St M’s tower roof/bells / St M’s warden
PCC / Appoint fund raising team / Early 2015 / Time
Meeting rooms / Repaired roof/bells
St M’s re-ordering / PCC
St M’s congregations / Discussion
Consultation / From 2015 / Poss. budget / St M’s interior considered
PCC structure review / PCC / Research
Discussion / From 2016 / Time… / Effective management structure
Seek Curate succession / Vicar / Contact diocese / 2016 / None / New Curate in post 2017
Raise Finance / PCC / Stewardship programmes / 2016, 2018, / Admin
Materials / Costs met from regular income

The Mission Action Plan

This Mission Action Plan (MAP) seeks to outline the development of mission and ministry of Walmer Parish Churches over the next three to five years. It is based on continuing our existing mission and ministry as well as developing key priorities for our church life.

The development of each section will be outlined under the headings

What?How? Who? When? Resources Outcome

The PCC will oversee the implementation of the MAP. It will delegate much of the actual ministry to teams and sub-committees but will retain the final say over matters of mission. The PCC has particular responsibility for buildings, finance, legal obligations, charitable status, and relationships with other churches, groups and organizations.

we want to see…

- worship

- prayer

- social action

- fellowship (socials)

- young families & children

- pastoral care

- growing churches

wider context

We are committed to working in partnership with others. We pray for God’s blessing that all of this is done in the work and life of God’s Kingdom and, among others,we will work with

  • Our Bishop, Archdeacon and The Diocese of Canterbury
  • Churches and officers in the Deanery of Sandwich
  • Other local churches primarily through Deal Area Churches Together
  • Local schools especially the Downs CoE Primary school
  • The Diocese of Toliara in Madagascar
  • Local Government, especially Walmer Parish Council
  • The Royal School of Church Music

Readings and Prayers for Mission

“Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation”Mark 16.15

“The Lord has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed , to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour”Isaiah 61.1-2

Eternal giver of life and love, your Son Jesus Christ has sent us into all the world to preach the gospel of his kingdom. Confirm us in this mission, and help us to live the good news we proclaim, through him who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen