IngolCommunityPrimary School Newsletter

Friday, March 30th, 2017

Our Website:

Tomorrow – End of Our Spring Term
Tomorrow is the last day of our Spring term and we break up for two weeks holiday.
We will finish at 1.15pm tomorrow afternoon and will return to school on Tues, April 18th.
Pupils may bring a toy / game to school tomorrow but no electrical items please including
i-phones or i-pads. Can all pupils wear school uniform as normal.
Remember – School closes at 1.15 p.m. tomorrow.
Congratulations to our 34 pupils who have achieved 100% attendance this term (from January 9th to March 31st )
– This is an Excellent Achievement – Well Done!
Reception / Zain Nawaz
Year One / Josh Elkins, Waiel Salem
Year Two / Rylan Crook, Reece Halliday, Regan Halliday, Maddison Marshall.
Year Three / Sophie Bailey, Saud Bedaiwy, Manon Coing-Roy, Lexie Downham,
Alex Leek, Pranay Modashia, Kirean Skinner, Grace Smithson,
Year Four / Amelia Bamber, Anna Bialowas, Skye Deans, Luca Nawaz,
Jack Nutter, Tushar Rana, Preston Smith, Jay Yates
Year Five / Meshari Abu Eisha, David Barker, Brandon Berry, Hafsah Khawaja
Year Six / Mohammed Bedaiwy, Charlotte Coing-Roy, Liam Halliday,
C.J. Hammmond, MarinaKrivokapic, Pablo Letkiewicz,
Maddok McPartland

Tower Wood Residential

Our pupils had a wonderful time in Tower Wood last week, you can see photos in the hall and on our School Blog. Special thanks to Mr Smith, Miss Sweeney, Mrs Hall and Miss Bailey for taking the pupils away and for all their hard work, care and parenting skills whilst away. It is very gratefully appreciated.

Easter Egg Competition
We are asking ALL CHILDREN – (from Reception to year Six) to decorate a hardboiled egg to be entered into the school’s Easter egg competition tomorrow.
You can decorate your egg using: felt-tips, paint, collage. You can make a patterned egg, create a creature, invent a character…. The choice is endless.
The eggs will be judged by Mr Bill Shannon (our Chair of Governors) next Friday morning and there will be an Easter egg prize for the best entry from each class. There will also be runner up prizes too.
So – please do support your child in designing their egg for tomorrow’s competition.

There will be no swimming next term.

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers

Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers are still available in their stores. Please ask family and friends to collect and send into school.


We are sending termly reports tonight – please do read the report through with your child.

I have added attendance and lates. If your child’s attendance is below 90% - this is a serious concern as your child is missing a lot of time off school.

Breakfast Club
Please can pupils come through the Junior gate to breakfast club – not through the main office. Doors close at 8.30 a.m.
Please do not drop off or park in the school car park.


There will be no homework sent home this week but we will be sending some revision work for our Year Two and Year Six pupils in preparation for their Sats next term.

Easter Festival at Intact
Intact are holding an Easter Festival on Thursday 13th April from 2.p.m. till 5 p.m. There will be stalls, food and drink, face painting, egg hunt… Entry is £2 which includes a free Easter egg.
Iain sent a big thank-you for all his well wishes and kind words at the assembly on Tuesday.

PE Kits

All pupils should have taken their PE kits home – please can they be returned on the FIRST DAY BACK. We will be doing PE outside next term so all pupils will need a t-shirt, shorts and pumps.

After School Clubs

Mr Smith will be running a Summer Sport’s Club next term – details to follow.

Mrs Russell and Miss Jackson will be running a Gymnastic Club for pupils in Years 3, 4 and 5.

A letter has been sent home tonight giving further details.

Slimming Club at Ingol

There will be a Slimming Club held at Ingol Methodist Church every Tuesday at either 5.30p.m. or 7.30 p.m. Heather ( New consultant) will be running the club. Please phone for further details on 07712421345 or just pop in.

Please keep these important diary dates in a safe place:
Fri, March 31st– School closes for holidays at 1.15pm
Tues, April 18th – School reopens
Mon, May 1st – School closed – May Day holiday
Mon, May 8th – Thurs, May 11th – Sats for Year Six pupils
Fri, May 26th - School closed for half-term

Enjoy the Holidays and see you in the Summer Term!