/ UK Power Networks / NOC 04 007

Independent Connections Provider (ICP) Unmetered Connections (UMC) to Overhead Lines (UC2OHL)

Name / Neil Clarke
Title / Head of Highway Services & Disconnections
Date / 02 May 2018
Name / Kevin Newnham
Title / Major Programmes & ICP Customer Services Manager
Date / 02 May 2018

This document forms part of the UK Power Networks Integrated Management System and compliance with its requirements is mandatory. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the above authoriser.

Revision Record
Version number / 5.0 / What has changed?
EBB 08-0061 withdrawn. EBB Approved and Prohibited Networks sections added to this document as new sections 10 & 11. References to EBB 08-0061 amended throughout and additional definitions added.
Form NOC 04 007a reference to EBB 08-0061 amended.
Why has it changed?
Withdrawal of EBB 08-0061, incorporation of two sections into this document.
Date published / 03/05/2018
Next review date / 01/05/2023
Prepared by / K. Newnham
Version number / 4.0 / What has changed?
Sections 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 References to Pilot removed and procedure changed to BAU. Section 6.0 Quality Label location slightly amended. Form NOC 04 007a reference to Pilot removed.
Why has it changed?
Pilot successfully concluded and activity moved to BAU
Date published / 19/09/2017
Next review date / 18/09/2022
Prepared by / K. Newnham
Version number / 3.0 / What has changed?
Pilot scope extended to incorporate shrouding for non-connections activity. Pilot period extended to allow review of activity under extended scope.
EBP 08-0061 renumbered to EBB 08-0061. EDS 08-0133 renumbered to EDS 08-2102. ICP Declaration on SORN Request Form NOC 04 007a amended and Work Type box added to form.
Why has it changed?
Pilot scope extended, Pilot period extended.
Date published / 07/03/2017
Next review date / 30/11/2017
Prepared by / K. Newnham
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1.0 Introduction and Purpose 3

2.0 Scope 3

3.0 Objective 3

4.0 References 4

5.0 Definitions 4

6.0 Responsibilities 5

7.0 Records 8

8.0 Process 9

9.0 SORN Stages 12

10.0 Procedure Approved Networks 13

11.0 Procedure Prohibited Networks 14

1.0  Introduction and Purpose

The purpose of this document is to show an overview of the process flow of low voltage unmetered connections to overhead lines carried out by Independent Connections Providers (ICPs).

2.0  Scope

The procedure applies for the connection of unmetered connections, by an ICP, to the existing live low voltage overhead line main/distributer operated by UK Power Networks.

The sections of the Overhead Line distribution network that are identified as permissible, and prohibited, as part of this activity are as set out in sections 10 and 11 of this document. For the avoidance of doubt the ICP is not permitted to access any pole that supports HV or EHV conductors or has HV or EHV conductors crossing overhead at a higher level.

It is not expected that the ICP will undertake any Operational Activity as part of this procedure, therefore no activity associated with CON 08 115 will be carried out by the ICP and it is anticipated that no Operational Activity will be provided by UK Power Networks.

2.1 Connections Activity

This will allow ICP’s to connect to the LV overhead line the following;

·  Ground mounted unmetered assets where no underground LV main is present

·  Replacement pole-mounted unmetered assets on a like for like basis

2.2 Shrouding Activity

Where the work area is within the exclusion zone as specified in GS6 and HSS 40 006 any connections provider, UK Power Networks or an ICP, who are “approved to work on or near the network” (which in the case of an ICP would be signified by them holding the appropriate NERS accreditation) would be permitted to maintain (i.e. repair, clean, etc. where the local authority deems them competent to carry out such repairs) a local authority pole mounted lighting asset and, where their POWRA and/or SMS dictates they would be permitted to apply approved shrouding for that purpose.

For the avoidance of doubt an ICP should not provide any form of shrouding for the purpose of allowing any third party to work within the exclusion zone. All third party shrouding requests and application should be dealt with in accordance with HSS 40 006.

3.0  Objective

This document provides a high level overview of the full process flow of low voltage of unmetered connections to overhead lines activity carried out by ICP’s including responsibilities and ownership

4.0  References

NOC 04 007a / SORN Request Form for ICP Unmetered Connections to Overhead Lines
HSS 01 067 / Working at Height
HSS 01 068 / Working and Climbing on Wood Poles
CON 00 027a / Mandatory and advisory Document Checklist for ICPs
HSS 40 045 / Basic Requirements for Live Working on Low Voltage Apparatus
DSR 01 018 / Identification of LV Cables
EDS 08-2102 / LV Customer Unmetered Supplies
CON 08 115 / ICP Self-Connection & Operational Activity Procedure
EOS 09-0100 / Site Recording of Cables, Plant and Equipment
CON 08 109 / Access to ICP eMAPS Portal Procedure
HSS 02 004 / Audit, Inspection and Monitoring of Network Connection Providers
HSS 41 006 / Assessment and Accreditation of ICP’s
HSS 41 008 / Authorisation of ICP Craftsmen by UK Power Networks

5.0  Definitions

ABC / Ariel Bundle Conductor
Agreement / The agreement between UK Power Networks and the ICP for the carrying out of unmetered connections to overhead LV mains including terms for adoption and for network access
Business Days / All days of the week excluding Saturday and Sunday and any public holidays in England and Wales
Checks / Those checks to be carried out by the ICP in accordance with the Agreement
Connection Activity / Jointing to make final connection to the DNO’s existing distribution network including non-intrusive identification of cables at the point of work (i.e. the ability to differentiate between all cable types on appropriate records and physical cable tracking to known LV joints or terminations).
EPN / Eastern Power Networks
G81 Appendix / The addendum appendix to the national suite of framework documents developed setting out common requirements for
(i) design and planning
(ii) material specifications
(iii) installation and records
HV / Voltages above 1000V; generally used to describe 11kV or 6.6kV
distribution systems but may include higher or other legacy voltages
HWS / Highway Services team in UK Power Networks
ICP / Independent Connections Provider
LV / Voltages up to 1000V; generally used to describe 230/400V or 230/460V
distribution systems
National Electricity Registration Scheme (NERS) / The “scheme for the assessment of service providers carrying out contestable work”
Operational Activity / Activity that requires access to the existing distribution system at points other than at the jointing position. Includes intrusive methods of cable identification (i.e. the connection of electronic cable tracing signal generators to the cable(s) required to be identified).
RIGS / Regulatory Instructions and Guidance, specifically reason codes to provide full information relating to additions to or removals from the existing UKPN distribution network [code CNB4 used for additions and code DLC1 used for removals]
Site / Any specified part or section of the area at which the ICP is performing connections
SORN / System Operation Reference Number electronically provided by UK Power Networks to the ICP to identify the limitations of the Works , the stages of which are identified with section 7.0 of this document
Specification / The appendices (as published from time to time by UK Power Networks) to the Electricity Network Association’s document G81 which set out the design standards, the material standards, the installation standards and any other standards applicable to the Works
SPN / South Eastern Power Networks
Tests / The voltage, insulation, polarity and loop impedance tests identified in the Agreement, and any other tests reasonably required by UK Power Networks
Works / The installation of a new single phase 230 volt service cable, cut-out and connection to UK Power Networks low voltage overhead distributing main

6.0  Responsibilities

UK Power Networks will provide each ICP with a copy of its Distribution Safety Rules, LV Cable Jointing Manual, relevant sections of its Overhead Line Construction Manual and Overhead Line Craft manual and any relevant procedures.

The responsibility for ensuring a Safe System of Work rests with the ICP. The ICP must ensure that its own Safe Systems of Work take due consideration of UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules and any relevant supporting procedures.

All works will be inspected and audited in accordance with HSS 02 004.

The ICP Safe System of Work should satisfy as a minimum the standards required within the UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules and supporting procedures. The ICP will ensure that its own Safety Rules and relevant procedures are to a standard at least equivalent to those of UK Power Networks. It will be the responsibility of National Electricity Registration Scheme (NERS) to check that the ICP understands that its safety management system must meet this standard.

The ICP shall follow the working at height process to no lesser standard than HSS 01 067.

The ICP shall follow the working and climbing on wood poles procedure to no lesser standard than HSS 01 068.

The mandatory and advisory Document Checklist for ICPs, CON 00 027a, is situated at http://library.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/library/en/g81/

The live working assessment will be carried out by the ICP in consideration of Regulation 14 of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. The ICP will indicate that it has carried out the assessment on its application which will be checked within the auditing arrangements. The ICP shall carry out the Works to no lesser standard than HSS 40 045.

The ICP must be certified under the Lloyds Register NERS scheme as accredited to carry out the specified work on UK Power Networks distribution system; where UC2OHL is being performed this must include the ‘connection activity’ scope for Network Connection (un-metered OHL)’.

Where the ICP does not have full NERS accreditation it will be required to be in possession of partial NERS accreditation (safety management system etc.) upgrading to full NERS accreditation when the ICP begins work in a new DNO area. NERS will be present on site when the work begins in order to carry out audits leading to full NERS accreditation.

For the shrouding activity as set out in Section 2.2 UK Power Networks will expect the ICP to hold this full NERS scope in order to undertake this activity.

All of the ICPs employees carrying out all or any part of the Works shall be competent and trained; the ICP shall provide to UK Power Networks the details of all its employees who are to carry out Works within the SORN Request Form, confirming NERS Passport Numbers for each individual.

The ICP shall only connect to UK Power Networks network such permissible items of unmetered street furniture as defined within the Agreement. For pole mounted furniture all street lighting shall only be replaced on a like-for-like basis, no new street lighting shall be accepted on to UK Power Networks distribution network Overhead Line poles.

The ICP shall provide UK Power Networks with: A SORN Request form; a set of “as-built” drawings of the Works and in accordance with the Specification as defined in EOS 09-0100; the RIGS information.

The Works are to be carried out in accordance with EDS 08-2102. The ICP shall ensure that a Quality Label is attached to the cut out and to the service cable within 300mm of the lowest overhead conductor.

The ICP shall submit the SORN Request and supporting information to UK Power Networks a minimum of 10 Business Days in advance of the commencement of Works. UK Power Networks shall respond to the ICP no more than 5 Business Days after receipt of the Request.

No SORN Request should be submitted by an ICP where it is already known that the pole has an “S” or “D” label affixed.

When receiving the SORN Request from an ICP, UK Power Networks shall review pole data records and if any show as “S” or “D” SORN will be refused. If any show as “A” or have no recorded data SORN will be granted on the proviso that the pole shall be fully tested by the ICP in accordance with Sections to of the Overhead Line Craft Manual immediately prior to commencement of work activity and that work activity shall not proceed if pole testing highlights any issues or concerns and/or if the pole is found to have a “S” or “D” label affixed.

The ICP shall immediately inform the DNO by calling AIRLine on 0161 774 0475 if they have any issues or concerns with the pole condition and/or condition of other DNO equipment.

The ICP shall not undertake the Works at a Site without first obtaining the consent of UK Power Networks to undertake the Works at that Site by way of Confirmed SORN.

The ICP shall provide to UK Power Networks specific daily whereabouts a minimum of 2 Business Days prior to commencement of Works.

The ICP shall carry out the Works to no lesser standard than all applicable UK Power Networks policies and procedures that UK Power Networks has provided to it and shall ensure that all Works are compliant with G81, as can be seen at http://library.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/library/en/g81/

All materials used by the ICP in undertaking the Works must be as specified in the Company’s G81 Appendix.