
Coach Southwell

2016-2017 Course Syllabus & Class Expectations


1.)Be prepared for class.

2.)Remain seated until dismissed by the teacher.

3.)Be positive, respectful, and supportive towards others.

4.)Be on time and ready to begin class.

5.)Make good choices and follow all school rules.

6.)No talking during instruction, work time, tests, or quizzes.

Failure to comply with the above could result in disciplinary actions.

If you are absent you are responsible to get any notes or work that was done during that class time. Missing assignments are due within 3 days of the day you missed.

Cell Phones and Technology Use In Class

Students are not to have cell phones or any other technology devices, other than calculators, out during class time unless teacher permission is granted. During Quizzes and Tests they will be kept in the back of the room in their backpacks, pocketbooks or turned in to the teacher until teacher permission is given that they may retrieve them. Consequences is as follows: 1.) Conference with the student. 2.) Phone call home to parents and/or guardians will be made. 3.) A referral will be written and given to the assistant principal.

Passes- Students may sign out to use the restroom 20 minutes after class has begun and 10 minutes before class ends (this rule was passed down by Principal Bob Bedford).

Materials Needed for Class

1.) 1- 2” 3-ring binder

2.) 1- pocket folder that can be put into your 3 ring binder

3.) Wide rule paper and graph paper

4.) Dividers-8 or more (so you can stay organized). Labeled as follows: Ch1 Notes/Txtbk/Wksht,

Vocab, Pre-Quizzes and Tests

5.) #2 Pencils

6.) Calculators- basic (you will not use your phones as calculators)

Content to be covered-

  • Tools of Geometry
  • Surface Area and Volume of 3-dimensional figures
  • Parallel and Perpendicular lines
  • Congruent Triangles
  • Relationships of Triangles
  • Quadrilaterals
  • Proportions
  • Similarity
  • Right Triangles


Quarter grades-

50% - Tests/Quizzes

40% - Classwork/Homework/Notes/Bellwork

10% - Pre-Quizzes

Semester grades-

35% of the first quarter grade

35% of the second quarter grade

30% Midterm/Final Exam grade

Parent/Student Contact

Please contact me through either the phone system or e-mail. The best way to contact me is via e-mail. My email address is:

The school phone # is 474-7702

If you need extra help please see me in room 01-106 before school.

I am available to you in the mornings 6:50 – 7:15 am. You may stop by any time before school but it may be most effective to make an appointment prior.