WCPSS Math Substitution Procedures
Below are the steps required for a student to substitute alternative math courses for recommended math courses in order to fulfill graduation requirements:
1)A request is made by a parent, teacher, or counselor for a student to begin the math substitution process.
2)Math Substitution Request form is completed by the counselor and teacher and submitted to the principal. The purpose of the form is to document that the student has struggled with learning mathematics. It is recommended that the Math Course History, Summative Assessment Information, Interventions used (can be a printout from the student’s PEP), and Behaviors sections be completed. The other evidences are optional.
3)Principal reviews the form and supporting documents and makes the decision on whether to grant the request.
4)Copies of the form with principal’s decision are mailed to the parents of the student and placed in the student’s cumulative folder.
Math Courses Required under Future Ready Core / Math Courses that may be substituted for Algebra II (or Geometry) and 4th Math* as graduation creditsAlgebra I / Foundations of Algebra
Geometry / Introductory Math
Algebra II / Foundations of Geometry
4th Math beyond Algebra II / Foundations of Advanced Algebra
Selected pairs of CTE courses**
* Note that all students must pass Algebra I and Geometry (or Algebra II) and two other math courses to graduate; unless the student is Algebra I exempt, in which case he/she must have four math credits to graduate.
** CTE courses should only be used as a last option. Math courses should be considered first. If the student is using a pair of CTE courses to substitute for two math credits, please indicate which two courses under “other” in the last section of the Math Substitution form. A chart containing approved pairs of CTE courses can be found at:
Math Substitution Request Form
Name of student: Grade Level: Date: 10/31/2018
Request made by Parent Teacher Counselor Other:
Date that parent was informed about math substitution options and process:
Math Course History
Math courses completed:
Foundations of Algebra/CCMI StandardsFinal Grade:
Introductory MathFinal Grade:
CCMIA/Algebra IAFinal Grade:
CCMIB/Algebra IBFinal Grade:
CCMI/Algebra IFinal Grade:
Foundations of GeometryFinal Grade:
CCMII/GeometryFinal Grade:
Foundations of Advanced AlgebraFinal Grade:
CCMIII/Algebra IIFinal Grade:
Other Final Grade:
Math course currently enrolled in:
Summative Assessment Information
6th Grade Math EOG Score: Level:
7th Grade Math EOG Score: Level:
8th Grade Math EOG Score: Level:
Algebra I/CCMI EOC Score: Level:
Geometry/CCMII Common ExamScore: Level:
Algebra II/CCMIII Common ExamScore: Level:
PSATScore: Percentile:
PLAN - MathematicsScore: Percentile:
Pre-Alg/AlgebraScore: Percentile:
GeometryScore: Percentile:
ACTScore: Percentile:
Pre-Algebra/Elem. AlgebraScore: Percentile:
Algebra/Coord. GeometryScore: Percentile:
Plane Geometry/Trig.Score: Percentile:
Interventions used for this student:
Behaviors demonstrated by the student:
Completes homework on a regular basis.
Is attentive and takes notes in class.
Participates in class discussion.
Completes class work on a regular basis.
Asks for help in class frequently.
Seeks extra help outside of class.
Other evidences attached:
Parent Statement with signature
Student Statement with signature
Teacher statement(s)
Portfolio of student’s work toward math proficiency
Printout of student’s attendance
Printout of EVAAS data
Other – describe briefly:
I support do not support a math substitution option for this student. Comments:
Teacher SignatureDate
Request is approved denied.
Principal SignatureDate
If approved, please indicate below the four math credits this student plans to obtain in order to receive four math credits using the Math Substitution option:
Foundations of Algebra/Common Core Math I Standards
Introductory Math
Common Core Math/Algebra IA and IB
Common Core Math/Algebra I
Foundations of Geometry
Foundations of Advanced Algebra
Algebra II
October 31, 2018
Dear Parent,
It is time to register your child for the coming school year. A significant part of this process is determining which math courses are appropriate for your child’s interests and abilities. Based on your child’s achievement inmathematics, your child’s current math teacher and school counselor feel that he or she may benefit from the Math Substitution option.
Under the Future Ready Core graduation requirements adopted by the North Carolina State Board of Education, students must successfully complete four math courses: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and a fourth mathematics course beyond Algebra II that is aligned with the student’s post-graduation plans. However, the State Board of Education will allow certain students to substitute other courses for two of those math credits. The math substitution option was developed as an alternative for students who have repeatedly demonstrated significant difficulty in mastering mathematical concepts. If a student is approved for the Math Substitution option, he/she must complete Algebra I and Geometry and may substitute two other math courses approved by Wake County Public School System for his/her other two math credits. The student would still receive a high school diploma; however, he/she will not meet the entrance requirements for the UNC System of colleges and universities. A student who chooses the Math Substitution option would be required to attend a community college or technical school in order to earn the necessary credits to transfer to a UNC-System college or university.
Your child’s teacher and school counselor will be in contact with you regarding the Math Substitution process. Your input regarding the most appropriate sequence of math courses for your child is very important.
Revised 10/2012
Wake County Public School System
Parental Statement of Understanding for the Math Substitution Option
It is important for a student and his/her parents or guardians to have a clear understanding of the expectations and requirement in order to earn a high school diploma using the Math Substitution Option. Please read and initial each statement after your child’s teacher and/or counselor explains it to you. Your initials indicate that you understand the statement.
______/ I understand that it is important to participate in my child’s registration planning and selection of courses.______/ I understand that my child must pass four math courses in order to graduate.
______/ I understand that if my child does not use the Math Substitution option, he/she must pass Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and a fourth math beyond Algebra II in order to graduate.
______/ I understand that if my child uses the Math Substitution option, he/she must pass Algebra I, Geometry (or Algebra II), and two other math courses approved for substitution by the Wake County Public School System in order to graduate.
______/ I understand that the Math Substitution option is not appropriate for my child if his/her goal is to attend a UNC-System college or university directly after graduation. I also understand that there are some four-year colleges that will accept a student who does not have credit for Algebra II and a fourth math beyond Algebra II.
______/ I understand that my child will be able to attend a community college or technical school directly after graduation using the Math Substitution option, where he or she may earn the credits needed to transfer to a UNC-System or other four-year college or university.
______/ I understand that my child will receive a high school diploma if he/she successfully completes the four math courses laid out in his/her Math Substitution plan.
______/ I understand that if my child does not complete the four math courses laid out in his/her Math Substitution plan, he/she will not receive a high school diploma.
______/ I understand that I may choose at any time to discontinue the Math Substitution option, placing my child back into the Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and a fourth math beyond Algebra II course sequence.
______/ I understand that by signing below, I am giving my consent for my child, ______to use the Math Substitution option.
Child’s name
Parent/Guardian Signature / Date
Student Signature / Date
Administrator’s Signature / Date
Math Teacher’s Signature / Date
Counselor’s Signature / Date
Special Education Teacher’s Signature (if applicable) / Date
Revised 10/2012