This organization shall officially be known as the Toronto Maple Reefers ParrotHead Club and shall be referred to as the “Club”; the “Maple Reefers”; or TMRPHC.

The Maple Reefers is the Greater Toronto Area Club in Ontario and is affiliated with “Parrot Heads in Paradise”, otherwise known as “PHiP”, the governing body of Jimmy Buffett fan clubs worldwide. The Toronto Maple Reefers Parrothead Club was founded by Alan MacDonald, Norm Marshall, Joseph Montagnese, Steve Birnstihl, Mike Wharton and Kathi Shotwell.


To promote friendships and organize social events for like minded people, namely those who enjoy the tropical state of mind encouraged by Jimmy Buffett music.

We believe in leaving something positive behind. Our Club is open to anyone with a tropical spirit and a desire to contribute to the betterment of their community.

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to having fun. We undertake charitable activities to positively enhance the community, and provide assistance in environmental concerns. The decision as to which charity will receive our primary support will be made at the first meeting of the year by the newly elected Board.

Our credo is “Party with a Purpose” and as such, our members are encouraged to do just that; however it is the official Club position that all members do so responsibly. This includes making arrangements for designated drivers or using public transportation as appropriate.

All activities must be in keeping with PHiP published guidelines.


Membership Requirements:

1.Membership in the Club shall be open to any individual who enjoys Jimmy Buffett’s music and has an interest in charitable fund-raising, community service, and/or environmental improvement.

Classes of Membership:

A.  Individual

B.  Family

C.  Parakeet (Child)

D.  Honorary

E.  Life

2.  Any member wishing to terminate his/her membership will not be refunded any portion.

3.  A member is considered active and in good standing as long as

dues are current.


The membership year shall begin on January 1 and run until December 31 of that year. Dues for new members enrolling after January of the membership year will have their dues pro-rated based on the number of quarters remaining in the membership year.


Dues will be set by the Board of Directors for the different classes of membership. Payment of annual dues is required for membership by all Club members, except those given Honorary Membership status as determined by the Board of Directors. Any person who has not paid dues by the date set by the Board will be considered to have terminated his/her membership. Subsequent payment of dues will re-establish his/her membership.

Dues will be paid annually by December 31st of each year.

Membership dues ensure the continued operation of the Club: newsletter production, website maintenance, notices of upcoming events, banners, posters, postage and other related administration costs; and also includes annual dues to PHiP, decorations and entertainment, as well as allowing donation to charities supported by TMRPHC. (See Schedule “B”)


Members may be removed from the membership for infractions of Charter bylaws, misuse of Club money, defaming the Club, non-payment of dues, and/or any action that may place the Club or the Board at risk of liability. (i.e. damage to property, etc.) The Board will have final authority in removal of a member.

Club members may be expelled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors for conduct unbecoming a member which affects the Club, or for not following the rules and regulations set forth in the bylaws of the Club.

Club members may have their membership terminated for non-payment of dues or any other monies owing to the Club.

Club membership may be terminated if dues are not paid within ninety (90) days of the due date.


Bank Account(s):

Bank account(s) will be maintained for Club finances. The account(s) will have four signatories: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Any two of these signatures will be required for withdrawal of funds from the Club accounts. The Treasurer will submit a summary report of Club finances at each Board meeting. All bank statements are to be mailed to the Club’s official mailing address. (See Schedule “C”)

Requests for Funds:

No Club member shall obligate the Club financially or otherwise without prior approval of the Board. Requests for funds shall be submitted to the Treasurer, who will, in turn, present them to the Board. The following procedure will be used:

a. Requests for funds will require approval by the Board.

b. The chairperson for each club-sponsored event shall provide a full report to the Board of monies expended and received no later than thirty days after the event. The report shall include a complete list of items and monies donated and the source of each donation, as well as receipts if available. Monies collected shall be counted and recorded by a member in good standing away from public sight and shall be witnessed by another member – preferably an officer – immediately following the event. If this is not feasible, funds shall be placed in a sealed envelope and kept by an officer or the event coordinator. The funds shall then be given to the Treasurer.


The Club will be managed by the Executive Board (hereinafter "the Board") of officers elected by the membership. Officers of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and Past President. There will be five Directors appointed by the Board, who shall form ad hoc committees related to their function as required. These positions shall be separate and distinct from the actual Executive of the Club. No person shall hold more than one voting position as a Director or Board member. The Directors will be the Membership Director; the Communications Director; the Events Director; the Community Service Director; and the Director at Large. All Directors shall be considered Board members for the purposes of voting.

Club officers shall serve without monetary compensation. Expenses incurred by officers carrying out assigned administrative duties of the Club shall be reimbursed upon presentation of sufficient documentation to the Treasurer and approval by the Board. As with all activities, Club officers will be awarded Parrot Points for serving on the Board. (See “Schedule A”)


At all meetings of the Board four members must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If less than a quorum is present at a meeting, then the Directors present may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is present.

Members of the Board of Directors may participate in a Board meeting or conduct the meeting through the use of any means of communication by which all participating Directors may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting. A Director using such means of communication is deemed to be present in person at such a meeting.

General duties of the Board shall be to:

·  oversee the planning and execution of social and service activities recommended to the Board by the Committees

·  ensure all membership social and service activities are consistent with the mission statement of the Club and PHiP

·  announce and publicize meeting times and locations

·  communicate all pertinent information to the membership

·  oversee the progress of committees toward accomplishing their goals and charges

·  keep historical and current records of the Club

·  review the allocation and rewarding of participation points (“parrot points”) as presented in the Charter (Bylaws), and recommend modifications to the membership prior to the beginning of each operating year and

·  review the annual budget and financial statements and recommend any changes in membership dues to the membership prior to the beginning of each calendar year


The Board may hold their meetings and keep the Club’s books at such places as they may determine. All Board meetings shall be open to any Club members in good standing. If a Club member wishes to address the Board, they must present a request prior to the Board meeting and limit contents to that portion of the Board agenda designated by the President. In the event of an emergency, the Board may go into Special Session which is further defined as a Board meeting open to Board members only.

Specific duties of the President:

·  serve as the official club representative at meetings, events and community activities

·  preside over called meetings

·  approve and file reports in a timely manner to assure that the Club remains in compliance with the requirements of PHiP

·  release, or approve the release of, official communications to the Club and to outside organizations

·  call and schedule meetings, and

·  with Board approval, appoint members to standing committees, establish ad-hoc committees as necessary, and serve as an ex-officio member of each.

·  be the designated contact for PHiP

·  responsible for submitting reports to PHiP

·  interface with other clubs and communicate to TMRPHC all information related to events and other items of interest.

Specific duties of the Vice President:

·  fulfill any or all duties of the President if/when he/she is unable or incapable of doing so

·  be the alternate contact for PHiP

·  ascend to the office of President in the event that the President resigns or is removed from office – or proves to be incapable of fulfilling the duties of the position.

·  advise and assist the President as necessary

·  evaluate development and community service opportunities consistent with the objectives of the Club and PHiP and

·  call special meetings of the Board if it is necessary to consider replacement of the President

·  act as the ticket co-coordinator for Buffett concerts

Specific duties of the Secretary:

·  record minutes of all general meetings and all meetings of the Board

·  prepare all required reports for PHiP and other entities as needed

·  distribute copies of minutes and reports to members and the Board upon request and approval of the Board

·  designate a member to take minutes at any meeting that he/she will be unable to attend and

·  collect and tabulate the votes on all issues other than officer elections.

·  collect and compile data on Parrot Points

·  act as custodian of the Charter

·  shall maintain copies of all Club correspondence / electronic voting and decision making and official Club records

Specific duties of the Treasurer:

·  act as Chairperson of the Finance Committee

·  serve as the fiscal officer of the Club

·  open and/or maintain all chequing accounts in the name of the Club

·  maintain accurate income and expense records for the Club in a medium acceptable to the membership and the Board

·  furnish records and prepare periodic reports for business meetings and as mandated by the Board

·  develop budgets for the Club’s annual operations and for special projects as called for by the Board

·  filing federal and provincial tax returns if necessary, and

·  filing annual reports to the Revenue Agency if necessary

Specific duties of the Past President

·  maintain the bylaws of the Toronto Maple Reefer Parrothead Charter.

·  provide historical continuity to the Executive Board.

·  all such duties as may be required by the President

Specific duties of the Membership Director:

·  act as Chairperson of the Membership Committee

·  responsible for mailing membership renewals to members

·  responsible for membership forms, welcome packages and recruitment of new members

·  keep accurate records of the membership roster for the needs and requirements of PHiP and the Board in a format acceptable to the Board

·  keep accurate records of attendance and participation in club activities as defined in the Bylaws

·  develop and recommend a membership development strategy consistent with ideals of the Club and PHiP, and

·  make records available to the Board and to others authorized by the President or the Board

·  responsible for co-coordinating membership voting at election time.

·  responsible for maintaining a current mailing list and email address list, coordinated with the Director of Communications

Specific Duties of the Communications Director:

·  act as Chairperson for the Communications Committee

·  ensure all local media are advised of all Club events and functions

·  oversee or participate in creating all bulletins, newsletters, posters etc for all events

·  update / change website as requested by Board of Directors

·  ensure the maintenance of history of turnout results for each event to determine which media platforms and communication formats are most effective

·  responsible for maintaining a current email address list of the membership, coordinated with the Membership Director

·  responsible for establishing policies and guidelines pertaining to website email and electronic communication usage

Specific Duties of Events Director:

·  act as Chairperson of the Social Committee

·  oversee the co-ordination of all Club events and social activities

·  assist in the planning and execution of all Club social activities

·  coordinate all phlocking activities

·  record and maintain “parrot points” attendance records for activities

·  arrange for pick up or delivery and return of all rental necessities

·  disseminate information and report information regarding special / social events, in coordination with the Community Service Director and the Treasurer

Specific Duties of the Community Service Director:

·  act as Chairperson of the Community Service Committee

·  responsible for sponsor contact

·  record and maintain “parrot points” attendance records for activities and participation in community projects and fund raisers

·  explore worthy causes and initiatives for the Club to engage in

·  coordinate all activities related to charity events, fund raisers

·  disseminate information and report information regarding charity and fundraising events, in coordination with the Events Director and the Treasurer