7:15 p.m. Monday, October 20, 2014

At 7:15 p.m. on Monday evening, October 20, 2014 the Board of Education called to order their regular meeting in the District Board Room.


Present: Mr. Tom Harke, Mr. Steve Garvey, Mr. Kevin Schuh, Mr. Gary Schumacher, Mr. Al Tiedt, Mr. Bob Grode, Mr. George VanWychen and Layna Spierings, Student Representative.

II.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Order of business may be altered and items may be added by a majority vote of the members.
ADDENDUM: Additional Moment of Merit NEW BUSINESS: 5a. Approve the Band and Choir trip in April 2015. Motion to approve agenda with changes/additions was made by Mr. Schumacher with a second by Mr. Harke. Motion carried.


IV. RECOGNITION/MOMENTS OF MERIT: As per agenda with one addition – Travis Westemeier

A. Approval of minutes:

Motion to approve the October 20 2014 Regular Meeting minutes was made by Mr. Tiedt with a second by Mr. VanWychen. Motion carried.

B. Financial Report:

Motion to approve the October 20, 2014 bill list in the amount of $570,592.33 including checks 31560 through 31748 was made by Mr. Schumacher with a second by Mr. Garvey. Motion carried.

C. Old Business:
1. 2nd Reading and approval of the following Board Policies:
Policies 1662/3362/4362 – Employee Anti Harassment

Policy 5460 – Graduation Requirements

Policy 5517 – Student Anti-Harassment

Policy 5517.01 – Bullying

Motion to approve the 2nd reading of the Board Policies listed above as presented was made by Mr.
Van Wychen with a second by Mr. Tiedt. Motion carried.

D. New Business:

1. Discussion of snow removal options for the current school year. Requesting Board direction/input on obtaining snow removal services for the Freedom Area School district for 2014-2015:
Discussion was held on the excellent service we have received by our present snow removal company. A motion to keep the same vendor for the 2014-2015 school year was made by Mr. VanWychen with a second by Mr. Harke. Motion carried.

2. Approve Freedom Trail Blazers request for Outagamie County Trail Agreement with FASD:
Mr. Grode informed the Board that we have not received the Outagamie County Trail Agreement as of yet but that it would be the same as last year. The paperwork will be sent to the District Office for signatures. Motion to approve the Freedom Trail Blazers request for Outagamie County Trail agreement with Freedom Area School District was made by Mr. Schumacher with a second by Mr. Schuh. Motion carried.

3. First Reading of Updated Policy 8510 – School Health & Wellness Policy:

Mr. Weis explained that in May of last year the DPI visited the school to conduct a foodservice audit. They recommended that we update our school Health & Wellness Policy and include the new healthy snack guidelines. All foods available on the school campus from midnight until 30 minutes past the end of the school day need to comply with the current USDA Nutritional Guidelines. The Board will review the updated Policy 8510 and bring back for the 2nd reading at the November Board Meeting.

4. Approval of the Spring 2015 Youth Options requests:
Motion to approve the 2014-2015 Youth/Course Options as presented was made by Mr. Schumacher with a second by Mr. Schuh. Motion carried.

5. Approve “Day of Guitar” Middle School Music Discovery out-of-state Field Trip to Chicago, Illinois:
Motion to approve the Freedom Middle School Music Discovery students to attend the “Day of Guitar” Field Trip to Chicago, Illinois on November 18, 2014 was made by Mr. Harke with a second by Mr. Schumacher. Motion carried.

5a. Approve Freedom High School Music Trip to New York city, April 8-12, 2015:
Motion to approve the Freedom High School Music Trip to New York City on April 8 through the 12, 2014 was made by Mr. VanWychen with a second by Mr. Schumacher. Motion carried.

6. Presentation of 2014-2015 Freedom Area School District Budget and motion to approve:

Due to several recently obtained updated financial information that was not available for the Annual Meeting, it was necessary to make some budget revisions prior to setting the tax levy. Mrs. Gagnon presented the Budget Revisions for the 2014-2015 Budget. Motion to approve the revised General Fund budget as presented. The total will decrease by $32,840 from the budget approved at the annual meeting to bring the total to $16,295,488 was made by Mr. Schumacher with a second by Mr. Schuh. Motion carried.
7. Approval of the 2014-2015 Freedom Area School District tax levy and mill rate:

Now that we have received all the necessary information, Mrs. Gagnon is proposing the following levy amount: Equalized property value increased by 2.22% to $748,745,803. The revenue limit formula raised $15,055,017 of which $9,303,384 will be equalization aid, leaving $575,723 for tax levy in the 10 and 38 Fund. Levy is also needed for Funds 39 and 80. These amounts divided by the equalized value create the mill rate. Motion to levy upon the taxable property of the Freedom Area School District the sum of $5,504,363 for defraying the cost of operation and maintenance of the public schools, $245,000 for non-referendum debt retirement, and $1,385,000 for referendum debt retirement and $20,000 for the community service fund for a total levy of $7,154,363 and a mill rate of $9.55 per thousand dollars of equalized value was made by Mr. VanWychen with a second by Mr. Harke. Motion carried.

8. Review/Discuss proposed future hiring of a District Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Coordinator (.50 FTE) and a Freedom Elementary School Associate Principal (.50 FTE) – (1.00 FTE) Combined Position):

Mr. Kilstofte provided a presentation illustrating comparisons of several school districts in our area and throughout the state that currently have Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Coordinators. Information was also presented regarding the additional responsibilities involving state and federal mandates on testing, and the new teacher evaluation model. Mr. Kilstofte shared with the Board that additional support was needed at the Elementary School level in Administration and throughout the District in regards to curriculum. Administration suggested a combined 1.00 FTE Curriculum Director/Associate Principal. Motion to approve the hiring of a combined Curriculum Director/Associate Principal (1.00 FTE) was made by Mr. Harke with a second by Mr. Schumacher. Motion carried.

9. Personnel:
Retirements: None
Resignations: None
Melissa Westemeier – High School English Teacher

Motion to approve the hire of Melissa Westemeier as High School English Teacher was made by Mr. Harke

with a second by Mr. VanWychen. Motion carried.
Nicole Langenberg – District Payroll Agent
Motion to approve the hire of Nicole Langenberg as Freedom Area School District Payroll Agent was made
by Mr. Schumacher with a second by Mr. Schuh. Motion carried.

10. Other Business: None


A. Student Board Report – Layna Spierings:
The Freedom Varsity Football team are conference champs. Their first playoff game is Friday night at home. The Varsity Volleyball team Regionals start this week at home. Varsity Soccer lost their first playoff game and are done for the season. Cross Country won their conference. The National Honor Society will be trick or treating this year again.

B. CESA #6 Report – Mr. Harke: At their last meeting they saw a presentation on the new Superintendent Effectiveness Model. The Board Members would need to be trained on this if it will be used. Mr. Harke will be attending the National School Board Association Meeting in Nashville this year.

C. WASB Report – Mr. Schumacher: Mr. Schumacher informed the Board that the WASB is working on the twenty two new/updated resolutions right now. The Governor Race is a big issue right now.

D. Building and Grounds Committee Report: Mr. Tiedt

The Building and Grounds Committee met previous to the Board Meeting to discuss the Back Court Club’s project to get a floating floor to place over the Dome gym to use for Basketball season. There would be no cost to the district and no gluing to the tile floor so not to damage the floor. The Building and Grounds Committee recommended doing this and gave the go ahead to the Back Court Club.

E. Staff Reports:

Mr. Weis, Mrs. Lipsey, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Erickson, Ms. Olson, Mrs. Mueller, Mrs. Gagnon and Mr. Kilstofte

submitted written reports.

F. Communications:

1. Freedom Elementary School PAC sponsored Storage Sheds for FES Recess Equipment:
Mrs. Lipsey told the Board of a proposed PAC donation of up to $1,000 that they would like to use towards a shed with a gable roof to store the playground equipment. Mr. Rupiper’s class room will build the shed as a school project.

2. WASB/School Perceptions Annual Board Development Survey Tool:

Mr. Kilstofte distributed to the Board information on the WASB/School Perceptions Annual Board Development Survey. If they wish to go online they can to give their honest feedback. All seven Board Members said they will do so.

G. Informational Items:

1.  2013-2014 District and School Report Cards:

Mr. Kilstofte informed the Board of the Freedom Area District Report Card Summary for 2013-2014 that is now available to view. The District score was a 72.5 which “Meets Expectations” and is just short of “Exceeds Expectations”.

VII. ANY OTHER BUSINESS NOT KNOWN OR REASONABLY ANTICIPATED: Mr. Erickson is working on the graduation requirements and will present them at the next Board Meeting.

VIII. MOTION TO ADJOURN: at 9:15 p.m. was made by Mr. VanWychen with a second by Mr. Schumacher. Motion

This is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not considered a public community meeting. There is time for public participation at the meeting during "Open Floor Period" as indicated in the agenda. Upon request to the District Administrator submitted 24 hours in advance, the district shall make reasonable accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format for a disabled person to be able to attend this meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Allan Tiedt, Clerk