Week of: July 4th

Monday is a public holiday.

Tuesday students will select their activities period. Morning activities schools will have a 1-hour crew on the first day.

Components of Crew / M / T / W / Th / F
Opening/Greeting / High Five Handshake and Hug / High Five Handshake and Hug / Roll Call
Page 171 / Snake
Page 124
Message / Good Morning,
Today we will meet our crew and select our Activities Period Classes.
Write your name on the sticker and put it on your chest so we know how to address everyone today.
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
I hope you enjoyed the activities you selected yesterday. We can’t wait to hear what you will be doing. Be ready to share in the circle.
If you weren’t here yesterday come and get an activities selection paper.
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
Below are three columns. Place a check in the column that best represents your answer to the following question.
Which norm is the hardest to follow?
Safe / Productive / Respectful?
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
We’ve greeted each other several ways this week. What is the purpose of a greeting? What makes a good greeting? Which greeting is your favorite so far?
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader,
Activity/Initiatives / Activity Choice
Discuss the three norms:
Be Respectful
Be Productive
Be Safe
A Warm Wind Blows / Name Game
Page 104 / Speed Greeting
Page 146 / Getting to Know You
Page 14
Specific Questions / Were you able to follow the norms during our activity?
What are some of your goals while you’re with us during Summer Academies? / Can you remember our norms from yesterday?
How did you demonstrate your understanding of the norms as you moved around the campus? / Lets look at the data we created when we came into the room.
What are some of the observations you can make about this data? (FACT)
What does this data say about us? (OPINION) / What are you proud of accomplishing this week?
How does pride make you feel?
News and Announcements
Community and School related / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here…
Celebrations, Shout-Outs, Community Apologies
Community and School related / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…?

Week of: July 11th

Components of Crew / M / T / W / Th / F
Opening/Greeting / Roll Call
Page 171 / Snake
Page 124 / Silent Signal
Page125 / Baseball
Page 110 / Ball Toss
Page 160
Message / Good Morning,
So good to see everyone today. I hope you had a restful weekend.
We are all unique. What does this statement mean to you?
Be ready to share after the greeting.
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
What does active listening mean? How do you show you are actively listening?
How does it feel when you are excited to tell someone something and they don’t listen to you?
I wonder if anyone could role-play this for us?
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
There are two different ways to communicate.
Verbal and Non-Verbal. What does this mean? Can you think of times when each is appropriate for the setting? What emotions can you show non-verbally?
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
What makes you laugh?
Padoodling make me laugh. Have you ever padoodled? I bet you padoodled on the way here this morning?
Padoodle is a verb. It is an action. Let’s Padoodle!
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
Telling tall stories is fun.
What is a “Tall Story”?
We’re going to use our active listening skills to create a “Tall Story” together.
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader,
Activity/Initiatives / Take Side
Page 20 / I’ve Never
Page 17 / A What?
Page 180 / Pedoodle
Page 73 / Alphabet Story
Page 178
Specific Questions / What similarities and differences did you have with the people in our crew today? / What did you learn about each other today? Was there anything that was surprising? / Talk to your partner… Are you better at verbal or non-verbal communication? / Why is it sometimes important to just stop what you’re doing and laugh?
What’s the difference between laughing at someone and laughing with someone? / How were you forced to use your imagination in today’s initiative?
News and Announcements
Community and School related / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here…
Celebrations, Shout-Outs, Community Apologies
Community and School related / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…?

Week of: July 18th

Components of Crew / M / T / W / Th / F
Opening/Greeting / Roll Call
Page 171 / Snake
Page 124 / Silent Signal
Page125 / Baseball
Page 110 / Ball Toss
Page 160
Message / Good Morning,
I hope you had a great weekend. I want to hear all about it.
If you don’t want to share you can say pass.
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
I hear people are having a great time in their activities classes. I want everyone to check in and keep us updated about what you’re doing.
Today I am going to ask you to appreciate each other. Appreciate is another word for celebrate.
What does appreciation look like and sound like and feel like?
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
What new math skills have you learned so far in the summer academies?
How is math different in the summer compared to the regular school year?
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
Loads of sports require you to be a part of a team. Baseball… Soccer… Football… Cheerleading… Even the Grand Prix.
How has our crew become like a team?
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
Do you like to dance? I want to see you Boog A Loo!
It’s Friday and the weekend is close! Get ready to have some fun!
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader,
Activity/Initiatives / Pebble Pebble
Page 72 / 2,4,6,8
Page 129 / Magic Number
Page 56 / Cups
Page 32 / Boog A Loo
Page 27
Specific Questions / What strategies did you use to work together as a team to pass the pebble? / How did it feel to be appreciated today? / How well did we follow the norms in today’s initiative? / Do you think of your Crew when you are away from Summer Academy? Do you remember anything we discuss when you’re hanging out with your friends?
How have we become like a new community over the summer? / How do you laugh and have a good time in a safe way? Why do you think we are so concerned with safety?
News and Announcements
Community and School related / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here…
Celebrations, Shout-Outs, Community Apologies
Community and School related / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…?

Week of: July 25th

Components of Crew / M / T / W / Th / F
Opening/Greeting / Roll Call
Page 171 / Snake
Page 124 / Silent Signal
Page125 / Baseball
Page 110 / Ball Toss
Page 160
Message / Good Morning,
Take a look at the cartoon I copied for you. What do you think it means?
How could you apply it to your everyday life? What connections can you make?
Let’s talk about it in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
What has been your most challenging activity so far this summer? Be ready to explain why it was a challenge.
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
It’s been so nice to see you all work in a group. You often surprise me with the skills you have to work cooperatively to get the work done.
If you had to teach someone who was younger than you to work in a group what would you say to them?
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
Facebook allows you to update your status with just a few worlds. Write your facebook status on one of the sentence strips. Don’t show anyone and we will share them in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
The weekend is close. Record on the chart below some of the activities that you think you will take part in this weekend.
See you in the circle.
Your Crew Leader,
Activity/Initiatives / Magic Number with Variation
Page 58 / Zip, Zab, Pop
Page 199 / Category Shop
Page 183 / Cups
Page 32 / Touch the Can
Page 10
Specific Questions / Can you link the cartoon to our initiative? How? / How are you with making quick decisions? / How would this activity make you a better student? / Were you able to follow the norms during our activity?
Have you been able to meet some of your goals while you’ve been here with us during Summer Academies? / What similarities and differences did you have with the people in our crew today?
Have you formed any relationships that you are proud of?
News and Announcements
Community and School related / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here…
Celebrations, Shout-Outs, Community Apologies
Community and School related / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…?

Week of: August 1st

Components of Crew / M / T / W / Th / F
Opening/Greeting / Roll Call
Page 171 / Snake
Page 124 / Silent Signal
Page125 / Baseball
Page 110 / Ball Toss
Page 160
Message / Good Morning,
I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
Today were are…
While you’re sitting in the circle think about…
Let’s talk about it in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
I hope you’re getting ready for our culminating event on Friday.
Today were are…
While you’re sitting in the circle think about…
Let’s talk about it in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
Two days to go before our culminating event on Friday.
Today were are…
While you’re sitting in the circle think about…
Let’s talk about it in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
One day to go before for our culminating event.
Today were are…
While you’re sitting in the circle think about…
Let’s talk about it in the circle.
Your Crew Leader, / Good Morning,
I hope you’re getting ready for our culminating event on Friday.
Today were are…
While you’re sitting in the circle think about…
Let’s talk about it in the circle.
Your Crew Leader,
Activity/Initiatives / Milling to Music
Page 61 / Pedoodle
Page 73 / Human Knot
Page 9 / Please, Please Smile
Page 15 / Leafs on the Tree
Page 18
Specific Questions / What did we do well today? What could we do better? / Should we do this activity again? What would you change? What would stay the same? Could we make it more challenging? / How well did we communicate today? Did we listen? / What did I do to make this activity fun today?
How well did you follow the norms today? / What are you looking forward to at today’s culminating event?
News and Announcements
Community and School related / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here… / Input your news here…
Celebrations, Shout-Outs, Community Apologies
Community and School related / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…? / Do we have anything to celebrate…?