IRB Application Guide: AP Research ~ Mrs. Minich

Page 1 Checklist:

  • Question 1 (collection of data): Answer must be NO
  • Question 2 (identifiable information): Answer must be NO
  • Question 3: (incentives): Answer can be YES or NO but incentives must be articulated in detail, including plan for dissemination.
  • Question 4 (voluntary participation): Answer must be YES
  • Question 5 (participants fully informed): Answer must be YES
  • Question 6: (videotaping): Answer can be YES or NO, but must address this in consent and in disposal of identifiable information
  • Question 7 (protection of privacy): Answer must be YES. Explanation should include that the researcher will include a consent form separate from the survey itself, that the researcher will not include any identifiable information on the survey itself (including the names of schools involved, etc.), and that the researcher will dispose of all physical or digital surveys by shredding, deleting, etc. after the conclusion of the study.
  • Question 8 (debriefing participants): Answer must be YES. Create a Weebly or other blog site prior to submitting the IRB, and list the site in the IRB application. Include in this question (and on the consent form), that the researcher will be posting a discussion of his/her findings on this blog site after April 15th for any participants or the public to view.
  • Question 9 (informed consent): Answer must be YES. Sample included? Answer must be YES.
  • Question 10 (funding source/ financial gain): Answer must be NO
  • Question 11 (identifiable data sources): Answer must be YES and survey/ interview questions must be included in their entirety exactly as participants would see them.

Page 2: Data Collection Numbers:

  • Check “High School Students” if applicable / Check “Children and Youth under 18” if working with children.
  • Number of surveys should be realistic, approximately 30-40 or 50.

Page 2 Questions:

  • Question 1: Abstract Describing Project and Purpose: For this question, follow the directions, but make sure to include the instrument used (survey, interview, etc.) and a brief explanation of that instrument.
  • Question 2: Methodology: Follow directions and answer EACH question. For time required of participants, include a range: “approximately 15-20 minutes will be needed for completion of the survey,” for example. Describe survey or interview procedures – where will this be administered? Who will help you administer it? Where will interviews take place and approximately when? Specify the exact procedures.
  • Question 3: Voluntary Participation: How will you ensure participants don’t feel pressured to take your survey? Should you have someone else administer it? For example, students taking it in a classroom all need to receive copies of the consent form and survey, then can turn in blank copies if they choose not to participate. This will ensure no student is singled out or identified by not participating in the survey and will also reduce public pressure. (These are the kinds of statements that need to be articulated).
  • Question 4: Confidentiality:No personal information will be identified on surveys, or in the case of interviews, participant information will not be used in the discussion of findings. No names of places, such as Lassiter High School or Cobb County will be used in the paper; instead, pseudonyms will be applied or general descriptors such as “a high achieving school in Metro Atlanta.” All surveys and recordings of interviews (after data has been collected) must be shredded or disposed of following the conclusion of the study.
  • Question 5: Informed Consent: Include consent form
  • Question 6: Risks: Make sure to include ANY emotional risks (such as feelings of isolation, anxiety, etc.) that could arise from participants answering your survey questions and include how you are addressing this (could be a disclaimer and definitions of key terms / overview of study on the consent form, etc.) And it should also include that after participants are informed of topic included in the survey or interview, they may elect not to participate without fear of repercussions.
  • Question 7: Benefits: Include benefits such as service hours, candy, etc. as well as gains in knowledge (especially after they are able to see your findings after the conclusion of the study)
  • Question 8: Not Applicable (in most cases)


  • Consent Form
  • Completed Surveys, Questionnaires, Interview Questions, Flyers, etc.


  • Initial/ sign after 1-7 under “Certification and Signatures”

Other Forms:

  • Most people will not need to complete the risk assessment form or industrial setting form

Use any / all of the language from this document to make sure your application meets IRB standards!!