Economics - Grade 8 - Ms. Reynolds


Welcome to 8th Grade Economics, a class devoted to the study of the economies of the United States and the world.

During this course, you will be required to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of major microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts.
  2. Acquire an understanding of personal finance that will allow you to make good economic decisions in the future.
  3. Discuss economic current events and their effect on the world in which we live.
  4. Pay attention and participate in class at all times in order to understand the lesson being taught.
  5. Participate in group discussions and debates in which you will be required to argue a point of view with supporting evidence.
  6. Work cooperatively in groups to complete assigned tasks.
  7. Complete diverse assignments aimed at enriching and reinforcing key economic concepts.
  8. Make use of various types of resources in order to complete assignments in a timely manner.
  9. Complete 1 major project in which you will be required to apply your knowledge of economics.
  10. Demonstrate knowledge of the material being taught by completing various forms of assessment.
  11. Recognize the significance of the subject matter to our everyday lives.


You are responsible for having the following items in class with you at all times:

  • Pen (blue/black ink) or pencil
  • Assignment Pad
  • Binder/Notebook
  • Folder for Handouts


  • Enter the classroom quietly and sit down immediately in your seats.
  • Take out your binder/notebook, pen, and any homework that is due.
  • Write down any new homework assignments in your Assignment Pad.
  • Pay attention to the lesson being taught and participate in class on a regular basis.
  • Raise your hand if you have a question or if you would like to contribute to a group discussion.
  • Listen to and follow directions at all times.
  • Absolute silence will be maintained on days when assessments are being given or projects are being presented.
  • Proper behavior will be maintained in the classroom at all times. Any misbehavior will be dealt with accordingly.
  • When you are dismissed from class, make certain that you have all of your belongings and leave the room in a quiet and orderly fashion.
  • If absent, you must get class notes from a classmate or come after school for help. You are responsible for finding the homework and class work that you missed online.
  • Respect your classmates and teacher. There will be no making fun of other students’ answers. Words of encouragement for your fellow classmates are highly encouraged.


Final grades for the marking period will be based upon the following criteria:


Entrepreneur Project:25%

Homework/Class Participation:25%

The format of quizzes will vary, but will feature multiple choice, short answer, true/false, and fill ins.

All homework will be assigned a due date. If an assignment is not handed in on time, you will lose 5 points from your overall homework grade.