Scuola/e / Istituto Professionale “Carlo Cattaneo”
Via Barozzi 8, Mirandola
Autore / Rebecchi Maurizia (Matematica)
Titolo del modulo / Graphs and Straight-line equations
classe / Classi terze
linguistico / Pre-intermediate
obiettivi disciplinari / -knowing how to operatein the Cartesian plane
-knowing the meaning of gradient/slope
-knowing how to movefrom the graph to the equationand vice versa
-learning about the differentequationsof a straight lineand be able touse them indifferentsituations
contenuti disciplinari / Coordinates
Straight-line graphs
Straight-line equations
numero di ore / About17/20 hours
materiale (libri, software, DVD, videocassette, fotocopie…) / Materials chosen and adapted by the teacher, found in the Web.
Some pages from “Mathematics” by Caroline Meyrick and Judy Roberts, Oxford.
Students’ textbook for the exercises
(laboratorio, lavagna luminosa, video….) / blackboard
compresenza (SI/NO) / No


Lesson Plan


●How to say maths: numbers, fractions, powers, expressions, sets


  1. We have a TEXT (pag1.jpeg from “Mathematics” by Caroline Meyrick and Judy Roberts, Oxford).

●A student reads the text

●Glossary, comprehension, translation into Italian only if necessary

●Activities:exercise 1 page 2.jpeg from “Mathematics” by Caroline Meyrick and Judy Roberts, Oxford

●Homework: revision of the lesson and of the glossary1 hour

  1. Quick questions to check the homework.

With the same approach, explanation of the concept of function and linear function and its graph by using photocopies (pag2.jpeg and pag3.jpeg from “Mathematics” by Caroline Meyrick and Judy Roberts, ed. Oxford) : students take notes also in their exercise books.

Activities: exercises on pag2.jpeg and pag3.jpeg

Homework: revision of the lesson and of the glossary. Exercises to plot the graph of some linear functions.

2 hours

  1. Report on/Check of the homework. 1 hour
  1. Going on with the explanation: focus on concepts of gradient/slope (the rise/run formula)and y-intercept by using photocopies (part2.doc): students write down notes also in their exercise book .

Activities: exercises to derive the graph of the straight line knowing the equation of the function (knowing the gradient and the y-intercept); exercises to derive the equation of the function having the graph (to derive the gradient and the y-intercept).

Homework: exercises from the textbook

2 hours

  1. Report on/Check of the homework

Focus on the equation and the gradient of vertical and horizontal lines by using the grid.doc. The particular case of the equation of a line through the origin.

Activities: examples and exercises.

Homework: exercises from the textbook

1 hour

  1. Explanation of the contents about straight lines equations by using photocopies (part3.doc).

Activities: instructions to find the “slope intercept form” through some examples.

Homework: exercises from the textbook.

2 hours

  1. Report on/Check of the homework. 1 hour
  1. Explanation of the contents about straight lines equations by using photocopies (part3.doc)

Activities: instructions to find the “point-slope form”through some examples.

Homework: exercises from the textbook.

2 hours

  1. Report on/Check of the homework. 1 hour
  1. Studentswere asked toperformexerciseson the blackboardto check the acquisitionofskillsto workwith the equationsof lines 3 hours
  1. Studentswere asked toperform a final test (testlinearfunction.doc) to check the comprehension of the concepts 40 min.