E Resources and Future of Librarianship


Hetal Haribhai Patel

Ph.D Scholar

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“A Library is the key to the knowledge of the world"

- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru


A well equipped and well managed library is the foundation of modern educational structure. The importance of library in education can be appreciated properly and precisely only of we try understand the changing concept of education today. Education and library service is twin sister and one can not live apart from the other.

Keywords: library,books ,digital library, CD,VIDEO,

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E Resources:

E Resources can be defined as resources that include both documents and non documents in electronic or e-format that provide information or a pointer to the information and can be accessed via internet.

Types of E Resources:

1. On-line E Resources:

  • E Books & E Journals:“An electronic version of a book that is found and read on the web." There arethree types of E journals available

(1) Online journals (2) CD-ROM journals(3)Networked electronic journals

  • Electronic Magazine :" Electronic magazine or e-zone also known as e-mail magazine, onlinepublication or electronic newsletter / magazine is simply a newsletter, stores on a File server, distributed or accessed via e-mail and / or online. It is also calledweb-zone."
  • Electronic Newsletters:“Newsletters published and distributed electronically over the computer networkare known as electronic newsletters."
  • Electronic These and Dissertations(ETD) :" An ETD is a document that is prepared as a result of research work carriedout by students of post-graduate course or research degree. "
  • E Documents:“Electronic information is stored in e-documents or media. Just like the printmedia are meant for hard copies of usual books, journal; a special type ofmedia is the electronic media are used in e-publishing."
  • E Database:An e-database is an organized collection of information, of a particular subjector multidisciplinary subject areas.
  • E Records:“Bibliographic or archival records stored on a medium, such as magnetic tape /disk, that requires computer equipment for retrieval and processing comparewith machine readable records."

2.Off-line E Resources:

  • Compact Disc:“Compact disc, a digital medium formed of a 12cm polycarbonate substrate,reflective metal zed layer and a protective lacquer coating."
  • Audio DC:" CD is a designed as a highly quality alternative to record audio recording arein digital for. It gives high voice quality still to last longer. It is a standard playback format for commercial audio recording."
  • Video CD:“CD Video, a storage media to digital formats of audio visual material & it canstore 74min. of movie or the video with high audio video quality."
  • CD-ROM:“Optical storage media, as typifiedby the CD-ROM is a much increased storage media required for multimedia applications."
  • DVD:“Digital Video Disc has been the digital versatile disc, is a high capacity CD-size disc for video, multimedia, games and audio applications."

Advantages of E Resources:

E Resource is not confines to particular location. It is virtually spread all over the world. The user can get his / her information on his own computer screen byusing the internet.

1.Nonphysical boundary

2.Round the clock availability

3.Multiple accesses

4.Structured approach

5.Information retrieval

6.Preservation and conservation

7.Extended Storage Space

8.Cost effective

Disadvantage of E Resources:

The computer viruses, lack of standardization for digitized information, quick degrading properties of digitized material, different display standard of digitalproduct and its associated problem, health hazard nature of the radiation from monitor etc. makes E Resources at times handicap.


2.Speed of access

3.Initial cost is high

4.Band width



Role of Librarianship in Emerging world:

The library professionals had never been exposed so much in the past to the changing information scenario as they are being exposed now. This scene is going to grow fast in the 21st century and the librarians have to face challengesof this changing scene or otherwise they can get replaced by the professionalswho are able to disseminate information through the internet and other electronic sources.

Qualities of Librarian needed in Future:

1.Promoter of extension activities rather than a user of published documents

2.Fluent in informatics

3.Search engine evaluation and use

4.Citation verification

5.Key word formatting

6.Subject retrieval, and the evaluation of product and information research aspublished in all format

7.Create web pages of links to resources useful to clientele

8.Meeting with client by appointment, spending considerable time helping Themework through a research problem

9.Trainer in IT rather than passive learner


Librarianship from physical handling of books has reached a stage where we are more concerned with the storing and retrieval of information with the aid sophisticated machine. Technological revolution has influenced every discipline, but whether use of sophisticated machine in any discipline can change the very nature of the discipline.

In this new world, the librarianship role will be that of a continuous learner and alert user and expert consultant, all rolled in to one.


  1. "Library ... collection of books, public or private; room or building where these are kept; similar collection of films, records, computer routines, etc. or place where they are kept; series of books issued in similar bindings as set."--Allen, R. E., ed. (1984)The Pocket Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Clarendon Press; p. 421
  2. Jump up^Casson, Lionel (11 August 2002).Libraries in the Ancient World. Yale University Press. p.3. Retrieved 7 March 2012.
  3. ^Jump up to:abKrasner-Khait, Barbara (2010)."History Magazine".history-magazine.com. Retrieved 5 March 2012.
  4. Jump up^Maclay, Kathleen (6 May 2003)."Clay cuneiform tablets from ancient Mesopotamia to be placed online". Retrieved 5 March 2012.
  5. Jump up^Renfrew, Colin.Prehistory The Making Of The Human Mind, New York: Modern Library, 2008.
  6. Jump up^Roberts, John Morris (17 July 1997).A short history of the world. Oxford University Press. p.35. Retrieved 7 March 2012.
  7. Jump up^The American International Encyclopedia, New York: J. J. Little & Ives, 1954; Volume IX
  8. Jump up^""Assurbanipal Library Phase 1", British Museum One". Britishmuseum.org. Retrieved 21 June 2013.
  9. Jump up^"Epic of Creation", in Dalley, Stephanie.Myths from Mesopotamia.Oxford, 1989; pp. 233-81
  10. Jump up^"Epic of Gilgamesh", in Dalley, Stephanie.Myths from Mesopotamia.Oxford, 1989; pp. 50–135