MAY 16, 2002
Directors present: Bob Beckwith, Leo Heifetz, Charmaine Powers, Lola Roberts, Dwight Searcy, Fran Strohm, John Vega and Roger Zucker.
Others in attendance: Dorothy Coakley, Guy Germer, Joyce Krout, Al Lendh and Fred Rathgeber.
President John Vega called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the previous were approved with the following corrections added to the March minutes: Treasurer’s Report: Dwight Searcy pointed out that Guy Germer paid himself a total of $1,200 for being the head director for January, February and March. This $400 per month compensation is the correct amount agreed upon. In addition Guy paid others during the same three month period a total of $900 for performing the same head director duties. These payments were never authorized by anyone.
Motion by Dwight Searcy: The established $400 per month Head Director’s
Fee not be exceeded and that the unauthorized $900 be reimbursed to the club by Guy. Motion defeated.
March minutes under Old Business: Dwight Searcy presented the following statistics:
Tables Director Pay Teacher Pay
6 $50 $90
17 $60 $255
25 $84 $375
Motion by Dwight Searcy: That we pay both Teachers and Directors using the Directors compensation schedule. Motion defeated.
Treasurer’ Report: Roger Zucker questioned the cost of hospitality supplies. Dwight Searcy will research the cost of coffee supplies.
Guy Germer reported repairs and maintenance fees were unusual this month due to a water overflow. He reported he expects a table count of 9000 by
the end of the year. Guy will report the results of the Larry Cohen lecture next month.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Membership: Three names were presented for membership. Motion to accept by Strohm; seconded by Powers. Motion carried.
House and Grounds: Guy Germer reported an estimate for paving near the entrance door @ $975. He will investigate other possible alternatives.
The possible purchase of additional property is being investigated and a report will be presented at the next meeting.
Hospitality: Lola Roberts reported a need for additional volunteers as coffee and snack servers.
Special Events: Bob Beckwith the Seniors Sectional Tournament begins tomorrow. Dwight Searcy moved the tournament fees be increased to $9 per session. Seconded by Charmaine Powers. Motion carried.
Dwight Searcy moved $100 be added to the Hospitality budget for the tournament. Motion carried.
Bob Beckwith reported he will not be chairing the tournament next year and the search for next year’s chairperson should be initiated.
The Southwest Bridge Club will be hosting a tournament June 7th,8th and 9th.
A motion was made to close the Naples Bridge Center on these dates . Motion carried.
Publicity: John Vega announced results of daily games are now available approximately 30 minutes after the game on our web site. The web site is To receive results click info link for results and select the date you desire for game results.
Reporting the news of the Naples and Bonita Springs bridge clubs in the Florida Bridge Bulletin was discussed.
Manager’s Report: Roger Zucker moved we decline the Audrey Grant lecture for next season. Motion carried.
Guy Germer reported the water from the kitchen tap was tested and found to be pure now that we have city water. Motion to discontinue the bottled water carried.
Old Business: The plan to purchase extra expense insurance coverage will be presented next month.
A discussion of FICA employee coverage was initiated by Dwight Searcy.
The decision of the board was to present the Directors with a choice. If their choice is to be an independent contractor they would sign such an agreement.
Comments of general members: Al Lendh voiced his objections to the increasing number of “Psych” bids occurring at the club. A poll of the membership as to their desires on “Psych” bids is planned.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully, Fran Strohm