with consideration of the instructions of Regulations of the European Union No.1907/2006 (REACH),
No. 1272/2008 (CLP)
and Decree of the European Commission No. 453/2010
Wet wipes for removal of nail polish and gel polish,
Customs tariff number 3307 90000 8
Date of issue: April 11, 2016
Commercial name / Wet wipes for removal of nail polish and gel polish
Chemical name (according to IUPAC): / Absent
Synonyms: / No
CAS number: / Absent
EU number: / Absent
Registration number (REACH): / Not included
1.2. / Appropriate methods for the application of substance or mixture as intended and not recommended methods of application
Product application : / The wipes are applied as a cosmetic product for manicure and pedicure – removal of polish and gel-polish from nails
Not recommended methods of application: / The wipes shall be applied considering the instructions of Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TP CU 009/2011 “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products” (approved by Decision of the Board of the Customs Union as of September 23, 2011 No.799). Contact of wipes with eyes is not permitted
1.3. / Information about supplier of safety data sheet
Producer: / LLC “MILV”
194156, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Engelsa avenue, 27, Liter БР, office 79, 80
Phone: / +7 (812) 607-49-08
Email: /
1.4 / Phone for contacting in emergency cases
Information about actions in emergency: / 112 (Russia, European Union),
112 and 911 (USA, Canada)
Other information: /
2.1. / Classification of substance or mixture
According to “Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances and mistures” (CLP) and “Globally Harmonised System of information on safety of chemical products (GHS) No. 1272/2008: / The wipes are chemical products,
- causing skin injury (necrosis)/irritation of class of hazard 3;
- causing eyes injury/irritation class of hazard 2 subclass 2А;
- having selective toxicity on target organs and/or systems at single exposure subclass 3;
- having chronic toxicity for aquatic environment subclass 3;
- Flammable solid subclass 1
2.2. / Label elements
Signal word: / “Dangerous”
Danger symbols: / “Fire” (GHS02), “Exclamatory note” (GHS07)
Hazard statements: / Н228: “Flammable solid”, Н316: “Subexcites in case of skin exposure”, Н319: “In case of eye contact causes express irritation”, Н336: “Can cause drowse and giddiness”, Н412: “Harmful for aquatic organisms with long-lasting effect”
Precaution measures: / Р210: “Keep awayfrom heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. - No smoking”, Р240: “Ground metal parts of electric plants and equipment”, P241: “Useexplosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lighting equipment", Р261: “Avoidinhalationofvapors/aerosols”, Р264: “Wash handsthoroughlyafterhandling”, Р271: “Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area”, Р273: “Avoid release to theenvironment”, Р280: “Wear protectivegloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection”, Р332+Р311 “If skin irritation occurs: Getmedicaladvice/attention”, Р304+Р340+Р312: “IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Seek medical advice in case of wellness”, Р305+ Р351+Р388: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.” Р337+Р311 “Ifeye irritationpersists, get medical advice/attention.”, Р405: “Store locked up”
2.3. / Other risks
Acetone contained in wet wipes has narcotic effect, can damage central nervous and respiratory systems, heart, liver, kidneys, digestive tract, morphological structure of peripheral blood; can be accumulated in body at inhaling. At repeated exposure may cause skin dryness and cracking
Chemical designation, formula / CAS No. / ЕС No. / Weight fraction
Non-woven synthetic material / absent / absent / up to 100%
Soakage: / not less than 0.01 g/cm2
Acetone, С3Н6О / 67-64-1 / 200-662-2 / not less than 70%
Aroma material (perfume) / absent / absent / not less than 4,0%
Olive oil / 8001-25-0 / 232-277-0 / not less than 20%
4.1. / First aid measures
Basic instructions: / While working with wipes you should maintain personal hygiene; avoid their contact with eyes. After using the wipes wash your hands
At eye contact: / To rinse with running water with widely open eyes during 15 minutes. If necessary immediately seek medical advise
At skin contact: / Remove the excess of soakage with cotton. Rinse off with running water and soap
At inhaling: / Direct inhale of wipes is impossible.
In case of long-term inhaling or inhaling of high concentrations of vapors and aerosols of soakage: fresh air, rest, warmth; clean clothes; strong tea or coffee. In case of irregular breathing – inhaling of ammonia spirit, oxygen inhalation. In case of respiratory arrest – rescue breathing mouth-to-mouth. Seek for medical aid
At swallowing: / Swallowing of wipes is impossible.
In case of occasional swallowing of soakage: ample water drinking, activated coal, saline purge. Castor oil and milk are contraindicated! In case of alteration of consciousness – put the patient edgewise with head down. Do not cause vomit of unconscious person! Seek for medical aid
4.2. / The most significant symptoms and effects, either acute or appearing with delay
Eye contact: / Acute eyes redness, lacrimation, smarting eyes
Skin contact: / short-term contact can cause light irritation, long-term – moderate irritation, skin degreasing
Inhale: / Cough, running nose, throat irritation, headache, feeling drunk and tightness of the chest, dysphoria, drowse, dystaxia; long-term inhaling of large vapors concentrations leads to mucous membrane inflammation, pulmonary edema and toxic pneumonia
Swallowing: / Dizziness, dystaxia, drowse, sickness, vomit, stomachache, leg weakness, skin cover cyanosis; in severe cases – disorientation in space, cramps, coma
4.3. / Signs of necessity of immediate seeking for medical aid and specialized treatment
At inhaling, swallowing and eye contact
5.1. / Fire extinguishing means
Suitable extinction means: / Dry powder extinguishers, total flooding means (minimal fire extinguishing concentration: carbon dioxide – 29% by volume, nitrogen – 43% by volume, dibromtetraftorethan – 2,1% by volume), sand, asbestos layer, water, water with penetrants, foam
Unsuitable extinction means: / Unknown
5.2. / Special risks connected with substance or mixture
Hazardous products formed in
seat of fire: / carbonic oxides, acetone vapors, decomposition products of non-woven synthetic material
Products of thermal destruction can cause heaviness, head pressure, dizziness, drowse, feeling drunk, dystaxia, cold, cough, throat irritation, smarting eyes, sickness, vomit, confused consciousness; in severe cases – unconsciousness and fatal outcome
5.3. / Advice for firemen
In fire zone of wipes, flammable concentration of vapors is formed at ambient temperature equal to ignition temperature and higher. Category and group of explosive mixture (by acetone): IIА Т1.
Packing can be involved in burning process.
In case of fire occurrence on warehouses or in transport pack, the fire should be extinguished in protective mask and in protective clothes. Need in evacuation on emergency territory is determined based on local evacuation plan.
To cool containers with products by means of water from maximum possible distance
6.1. / Individual prevention actions, protective means and procedures in emergency situations
To bring the transport means in safe place. Isolate dangerous zone in radius 100 m. Correct the stated distance by results of chemical detection. Move away the strangers. Keep windward. Enter the dangerous zone in protective means. Do not smoke. Remove the cause of spillage. Observe fire prevention measures. Give first medical aid to injured. To send people from affected area for medical examination
6.2. / Precaution measures for environment protection
Not allow penetration to drainage system and surface waters. Inform the bodies of sanitary-epidemiological inspection in case if damage was caused to environment
6.3. / Methods and materials for localization and removal
Scattered wipes shall be picked up, using as required absorbing material (sand, saw dust, vermiculite, kieselgur), then remove for further degreasing. Air the premises, the place of scattering to wash with water and wipe with dry cloth
6.4. / References to other sections
Information about individual protection means in section 8 hereunder and information about removal in section 13
7.1. / Precaution measures on safe handling
Transportation is carried out by all kinds of roofed transport according to the rules of transportation of hazardous loads, actual on this kind of transport
7.2. / Conditions of safe storage, including any cases of non-compliance
Storage recommendations : / The wipes shall be stored in closed dry clean and well-aired warehouse premises, protected from dirt, humidity, sun radiation, flammables, flammable liquids and aggressive media (oxidizers, acids, alkali), at temperature not lower than plus 5 ºС and not higher than plus 25 ºС, at relative humidity 30…80%, at distance not less than 1 m from heating appliances and other heat sources
Packing means and materials: / The wipes are packed by piece in foiled, vacuum sealed sachets, then – in carton boxes, packs and transportation packs (boxes from corrugated cardboard)
7.3. / Special instructions
The pack shall be manufactured from materials approved by authorized bodies for contact with cosmetic means, provide their integrity during their validity term and not interact with them chemically. Packing wipes in consumers pack designed for food products and drugs is not allowed
8.1. / Controlled parameters
Maximum permissible concentration of vapor and aerosols in the air of working zone: 800/200 mg/m3, 4 class of hazard (by acetone), 5 mg/m3, 3 class of hazard (by fibrous dust of of non-woven materials)
8.2. / Means of exposure limitation
recommended monitoring procedures: / Content of harmful substances in the air of working zone shall be provided lower than stated threshold values (MPC) and checked by metrologically attested method at least once per month
Corresponding technical means for exposure reducing: / Handling with wipes shall be carried out outdoors or in well ventilated premises. Working places shall be equipped with primary fire-extinguishing means.
The air containing harmful vapors and aerosols, before discharge in air are exposed to purifying to the established threshold values of discharge. Upon termination of each shift the cleaning of working premises shall be carried out.
Equipment shall be earthed; using in work sparking tool or direct flame is not permitted. Using electric heating appliances with open heat is not permitted.
In premises it is not permitted to store food, take meals, smoke. Before taking meals you should wash your hands and rinse our mouth; after the end of shift – take shower
Individual protective means:
- eye/face protection:
/ In usual conditions they are not needed because of insignificant content of acetone in soakage of each wipe.
In emergency cases: protective glasses with side panels
- skin protection (hands protection / other):
/ In usual conditions it is not needed.
In emergency cases: dermatological protection means (paste, ointment), rubber gloves or cotton mittens, overalls for protection against general production contaminations, proof fabric apron, special footwear or resin boots
- protection of respiration organs:
/ In usual conditions it is not needed.
In emergency cases: gauze and cotton dressing, respirator. At significant concentrations – filter respirator
- protection against exposure to heat: / Not applicable
Other protective means: / For eyes rinsing there must be access to running water. Dirty clothes shall be washed systematically. Footwear, gloves and glasses are washed with water regularly
9.1. / Information about basic physical and chemical properties
External appearance: / Integrated products of square shape with smooth surface, without cuts,
Odor threshold:
рН Index:
Temperature of crystallization beginning:
Decomposing temperature:
Boiling point:
Flash point:
Auto-ignition temperature:
Lower flammable level:
Upper flammable level:
Relative density:
Specific gravity (water = 1):
Vapors density (air = 1):
Vapors pressure:
Vaporization speed:
Water solubility:
Solubility in other substances:
Distribution coefficient
Dynamic viscosity:
Oxidizing properties:
Explosiveness features:
Relative molecular mass: / eruptions, folds, through holes and similar damages. Contamination, oily spots are not permitted. The edges of fabric must have smooth cut, without technological defects and mechanical damages. Soakage must be homogenous, without skips.
Soakage is white transparent liquid without foreign admixtures
Wipes – white; soakage – colourless
Pleasant, peculiar to applied fragrance
Not applicable
Within the range 5.0…9.0 (by soakage)
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable for wipes. By acetone: not lower than 56.1 ºС
Minus 18 ºС (by acetone)
Lower than 500 ºС (by acetone)
Temperature: minus 20 ºС, concentration: 2.2% by volume (by acetone)
Temperature: 6 ºС, concentration: 13% by volume (by acetone)
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not soluble
Not applicable
Not applicable
Maximum explosion pressure 875 kPa, minimum vapor ignition energy in air 0,6 mJ (by acetone). At contact with sodium peroxide or chromium anhydride, acetone ignites with explode. Minimal explosion-hazard volume ratio of oxygen at solution of acetone-air mixtures: with carbon dioxide – 14.9%, nitrogen – 11.9%
Not applicable
9.2. / Other information
Intensiveness of strange odor:
Toxicity index of water extract:
Mass fraction of heavy metals sum in soakage: / Not higher than 1 grade
From 70 to 120%
Not more than 0.002%
10.1. / Reactivity
The wipes are not soluble in water.
There are no information about solutability in other substances
10.2. / Chemical stability
The wipes are stable at normal conditions of use, transportation and storage
10.3. / Possibility of hazardous reaction
Hazardous reactions are unknown
10.4. / Hazardous conditions
Avoid contact with oxidizers, acids, alkali, static electricity, sparking tools, and exposure to extreme heating and direct flame
10.5. / Incompatible materials
Oxidizers, acids, alkali, explosive and flammable substances and materials
10.6. / Hazardous decomposition products