The worth of a soul is inestimable. Do your utmost to ensure that a respondent to the Altar Call receives adequate attention and is led to the Lord. Following is a short guideline to this end. Follow it prayerfully.


When the minister has given the invitation and people respond, counsellors should do the following:

1.  Pay attention to respondents to the Altar Call. Keep your eyes open and observant.

2.  If the minister urges them to come out, gently encourage hesitant ones to do so.

3.  Stand behind the respondents while the minister addresses them. Do not talk to them or distract them in any way. Let the minister be in charge and give them instructions.

4.  Pray along as the minister instructs respondents to pray.

5.  When the minister respondents to go or follow counsellors, take the one allocated to you to the designated place where you will guide him/her as shown below.


Note that the whole handling of the respondent should not take more than about 15 minutes. The essence is to ascertain that the respondent understood what the minister said and subsequently gave, or is led to give his life to the Lord. Hence do the following:

1.  Ask the respondent specific questions, using the decision slip as guide (see a sample below).

2.  Write the answers clearly on the decision slip. Ensure the card filled properly: full name, address, city, etc. Get the required information and any other relevant information filled in.

3.  Ask for the reason why the person came out for the Altar Call. This will enable you to guide him.

4.  If he has decided to be born again, explain briefly the meaning of his decision.

5.  If he is not sure why he came out, explain to him how to be born again. Then lead him to a decision.

6.  Pray with the respondent after explaining the weight of the decision. If necessary, you could lead him into the sinner’s prayer (especially if he did not do it before).

7.  After prayer, agree with him when he can be contacted for follow-up. The follow-up could start right at the meeting if it is e.g. a conference. Enter this as a remark on the decision slip.

8.  Document any further observation behind the decision slip and submit.


1.  Release respondent and submit the decision slip to the follow-up coordinator.

2.  Uphold respondent in prayer. If possible, discuss with the local worker that will take over the follow-up to give more verbal information on the respondent.


Date: ______Programme: ______

Counselee’s name and address: ______

______Counsellor: ______

Short description of experience: ______


Specific counsel given: ______


Specific attention required: ______


Any other remark: ______
