Victorian Goalball Association
ABN 67 152 456 867
Victorian Goalball Association Committee meeting minutes for meeting held on 25/1/2018
Meeting open 8:06pm via Skype
Attendance: Daniel (chairing), Shaun, Brooke, Thien, Clare, Tess
Apologies: Carolyn
-minutes from last meeting (21/12/17) - moved by Tess, seconded by Brooke - minutes carried
-Minutes to be shared with current Victorian members
-Treasurer’s Report
-Money for volunteer presents
-Change of Signatories on account
-Update on progress of invoices to members for uniform costs
-Update on Bendigo Bank account
-Victorian Consumer Affairs - $56.90 needs to be paid to Tess
-Border Clash/Crestani Cup - both states need to make a commitment to come by 23 March 2018 - Tess to email and inform state about deadline
-Coach Selection - carried over for next meeting
-Calendar Update - Shaun needs access to the google calendar, Brooke to give Shaun permission
-Registration Form - resolved, early registrations to be sent out to 2017 members - Tess
-Contact Database - Brooke to continue to clean up database and add external contact back to main database
-Equipment and Storage
◦ Update on storage at Vision Australia - retrieve suitcases and bag of eyeshades to assess contents - Carolyn has eyeshades - Tess, red suitcase - Tess, suitcase at scotch - email about retrieving suitcase - Tess, Daniel - scotch suitcase, Tess and Dan to coordinate stocktake to be done same day, Dan to get to Shaun to check out prices for blindfolds in Japan and tell Daniel to see if its worth buying some
◦ Update on access cards for Vision Australia - happy with Sam’s suggestion - 2 access cards - 1 concourse access, 1 car park access
-Sam’s scotch key - Tess book on behalf of Sam and VGA - key will be sorted
-Fee StructureUpdate - program is expanding - cost goes up - 12 training sessions emphasised in email to members
-Local League Structure (Bylaws) Review - look at doc - everyone - link doc in Trello, Brooke and Daniel to research Japan and how changes went
-Starter Kit - come up with cost - Daniel
-State Uniform Review - committee have decided to using Covo Sports as their uniform supplier - resolved
-Local League Uniform Review - buy new sets of local league shirts- 1 set for senior, 2 sets juniors - Daniel
◦ Trivia Night Update - Brooke to follow up
◦ other ideas apart from trivia night - bunnings bbq, comedy for a cause - Clare to research
-System of work Update - we like Trello, don't like slack so much and will no longer be using it, Facebook messenger group - Tess, push notifications by tagging someone but its muted to reduce interruptions, Clare and Thien to email goalball email address to Tess
-Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria - email about Facebook page, think about grants what we need for by Monday
-Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria Teenager Program Update - proposed date 21 April 2018, backup date April 28 2018, have at North Melbourne - Brooke to develop relationship with City of Melbourne, Brooke to reply to Janelle with date and backup date, who are the other 6 sports? framework? time?
-Working with Children's Checks
-First Aid/First Aid Kits - stocktake - Tess to purchase new first aid kit
-Insight Education Come and Try Day - agreed to Wednesday March 14 - Daniel to email Chrstine
-Scotch Family Chinese New Year Invite - Daniel to send RSVP
-Business cards - resolved
-Marketing Update - create document - Brooke
-Victorian Disability Sport and Recreation Organisations Committee - Brooke is Representative
-Other Business
Marketing meeting: 1 February 2018
Next Committee Meeting - 15 February 2018
Meeting Closed: 10:48pm
Tess - to email December minutes to members
Shaun - to publish December minutes on website/Facebook group
Tess - to follow up reimbursement for Victorian Consumer Affairs
Tess - to email Western Australia and South Australia about Border Clash/Crestani Cup deadlines
Brooke - to give Shaun access to Victorian Goalball Association google calendar
Tess - to send email to members about early registration and fees
Brooke - to continue clean up of Contact Database
Tess - to get red suitcase from Rob Crestani’s house
Tess - to get eye shades off Carolyn
Tess - to email Scotch College about Daniel getting uniform suitcase from under the stairs
Daniel - to get suitcases from Scotch College
Daniel - to get Shaun to investigate cost of ski goggles while in Japan
Daniel, Tess - coordinate equipment stocktake
Tess - to email Sam about Vision Australia access cards
Tess - to email Sam about transferringabout his Scotch College key
Everyone - to look at google document for Local League Structure (Bylaws)
Daniel - to put Local League Structure (Bylaws) link on Trello
Daniel, Brooke - to research how rule changes went in Japan
Daniel - to get a quote for starter kits
Daniel - to get a quote for Local League uniforms
Brooke - to follow up on Trivia Night Fundraiser
Tess - to make Facebook messenger group
Shaun, Everyone - to investigate communication apps
Clare, Thien - to send goalball email address to Tess
Brooke - to email BSRV about their Facebook page and how we post
Everyone - to think about what we need grants for and add to wishlist by Monday
Brooke - to develop a relationship with City of Melbourne
Brooke - to email BSRV with date and questions for Teenager Program
Tess - to restock/buy first aid kit
Daniel - to confirm date of Insight come and try day
Daniel - to RSVP to Scotch Family and Friends Dinner
Brooke - to make marketing document
Everyone - attend marketing meeting - 1 February 2018