Software Plan
Requested by: Mr. Jay Bebb
Siena College
Residence Life
Mr. Brian Peppiatt
Assistant Director
Siena College
Information Systems
Roommate Connection
Siena College Roommate Match Game
Advanced Digital Data, Inc.
Prepared by:
Christopher Conway
Jessica Gallo, Team Leader
Patrick Gray
Eric Heidelmark
Jennifer Stannard
September 24, 2003
Roommate Connection
Software Plan
Table of Contents
System Definition
Section 1: Problem Definition………………………………………………..3
Section 2: System Justification……………………………………………….3
Section 3: Goals for the System and on the Project…………………………..3
Section 4: Constraints on the System and on the Project……………………..3
Section 5: Functions to be Provided (Hardware and Software/People)………4
Section 6: User Characteristics………………………………………………..4
Section 7: Development/Operating/Maintenance Environments……………..4
Section 8: Solution Strategy…………………………………………………..5
Section 9: Priorities of System Feature……………………………………….5
Section 10: System Acceptance Criteria……………………………………...5
Section 11: Sources of Information…………………………………………...5
Project Plan
Section 1: Life-Cycle Model………………………………………………….6
Section 2: Organizational Structure…………………………………………...7
Section 3: Preliminary Staffing and Resource Requirements…………………8
Section 4: Preliminary Development Schedule………………………………..8
Section 5: Project Monitoring and Control Mechanisms……………………...8
Section 6: Tools and Techniques to be Used………………………………….8
Section 7: Programming Languages…………………………………………..8
Section 8: Testing Requirements……………………………………………...8
Section 9: Supporting Documents Required…………………………………..9
Section 10: Manner of Demonstration and Delivery…………………………. 9
Section 11: Sources of Information……………………………………………9
Section 1: Gantt Chart…………………………………………………………A1
Section 2: Glossary of Terms………………………………………………….A3
Section 3: Team Resumes……………………………………………………..A4
1-1: Problem Definition
With a larger percentage of high school graduates pursuing a higher education, colleges are presented with the increasingly difficult task of pairing up first year students for housing. In previous years, the Siena College Office of Residence Life has relied heavily on orientations as a way for incoming freshmen to meet potential roommates. However, many students do not find a roommate at orientation, leaving the Residence Life staff with the job of matching students based upon their sex and smoking preference. Aware of the potential benefits of a computerized system, our clients, Mr. Jay Bebb and Mr. Brian Peppiatt, have requested the development of a web-based match game as an additional to incoming students.
1-2: System Justification
The purpose of this system is to save the Residence Life staff time and energy by
reducing the number of random roommate pairings that are currently required. It will also eliminate much of the paperwork and data entry involved by having the students enter their own information and saving it into a computer database. This will also be beneficial to the students by offering them another way to find an ideal roommate.
1-3: Goals for the System and on the Project
The goal of our project is to create a web-based application that saves and retrieves
student entered information into an online database. This system will reduce the time and energy currently involved in roommate matching. It will also simplify the process by allowing the students to have more control.
Our team goal is to gain knowledge and experience with respect to the software engineering process. We also seek to gain a better understanding of the Linear Sequential Model (also known as the Classic Waterfall Model), which provides a systematic approach to software development. Our team will also strive to provide solutions to the problems presented to us by our clients in group environment by applying proper problem-solving techniques.
1-4: Constraints on the System and on the Project
One of the main constraints of this system will be user confidentiality. The information
entered by the students, especially contact information, must be treated with the maximum possible security. In order to achieve this, the system must allow for usernames and passwords to be used. Another constraint it the number of team members available to work on this project. Although each team member will be contributing to the project to the full extent of their ability, there is only so much that 5 individuals can accomplish. One final constraint is the semester timetable under which our team must operate. The system must be completed by April 15, 2004.
1-5: Functions to be Provided (Hardware and Software/People)
- An online database which can store student information such as name, contact information, answers to survey questions, and any other match information that will be used in finding potential roommates. This will allow for students to be matched together through a search of the information in the database.
- A form survey where users can enter information about themselves and the characteristics of their ideal roommate.
- An automated email generator that will notify users when matches have been found.
- The ability for students to send roommate requests to Residence Life from within the system.
- A secure login that will only allow access to Siena students and will prevent tampering of the system by outside users.
- The ability for students to edit previously entered information.
- A time and date constraint that will prevent the system from being accessed after a certain date (housing must be determined prior to a specific date to allow for timely notification).
1-6: User Characteristics
This system will primarily be used by the incoming freshmen students of Siena College
who are seeking a roommate. In the future, the system may be available to
upperclassmen who would like a new or additional roommate. One other type of user will be the Residence Life staff who will use the system to assign usernames and passwords to the incoming student. Both types of users must have internet access.
1-7: Development/Operating/Maintenance Environments
This system will be developed on the workstations in the Siena College Software
Engineering Lab. It will be accessible from any computer that has access to the Internet.
Maintenance will be performed by the Residence Life staff in a manner that is yet to be
1-8: Solution Strategy
Our project team will follow the Linear Sequential Model, previously mentioned in this
document, in our development of this system. This model contains the following steps:
- Software Plan – In this step the team will meet with the client to define the problem that needs to be solved. Once the problem has been clearly defined, the team will begin to make plans regarding a solution.
- Analysis and Requirement Specifications – In this step the team will develop requirements for both the system and the software and review them with the client.
- Preliminary Design – The requirements from the previous step are now translated into a representation of the software that will be reviewed with the client before actual coding begins.
- Detailed Design – In this step, the preliminary design is modified and actual coding begins. This step will not occur until the Spring 2004 semester.
- Development and Testing – Once the code for the system has been generated, it is thoroughly tested in order to remedy any errors that may be encountered. This step will not occur until the Spring 2004 semester.
- Acceptance Test – In this final step, the software is installed and the client is introduced to their new system. This step will not occur until the Spring 2004 semester.
1-9: Priorities of System Feature
The most important feature of this system will be the security applied to the information
within the database. This will be accomplished by the use of usernames and passwords
needed for access to the system. Another priority is that the system will utilize a user- friendly environment. This will ensure that users can use the system with little or no difficulty.
1-10: System Acceptance Criteria
The web-based system developed by our team will allow:
- Incoming freshmen of Siena College to enter information about themselves and their ideal roommate;
- Incoming freshmen to receive an email when matches are found, and;
- Residence Life staff to receive emails regarding roommate requests.
1-11: Sources of Information
The information provided in this document is largely based on previous meetings with
our clients, Mr. Jay Bebb and Mr. Brian Peppiatt. Other sources include our class textbook Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Roger S. Pressman, Dr. Lederman’s class lectures, documents from previous Software Engineering teams’ projects, and the previous experiences of our team members.
2-1: Life-Cycle Model:Linear Sequential Model (Classic Waterfall)
Software Plan
Define the problem that needs to be solved.
Establish team organization and plan to solve problem.
Requirements for both the system and the software are documented and reviewed with the customer.
Preliminary & Detailed Design
The design process translates requirements into a representation of the software that can be assessed for quality before actual coding begins.
Development & Testing
Design is translated into machine-readable form. Once code has been generated, testing begins. The testing process involves conducting tests to uncover errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with required results.
Acceptance Test
Software is released to customer for acceptance check.
2-2: Organizational Structure
Advanced Digital Data Incorporated (ADD Incorporated) is consists of the following members:
NameE-mail AddressPhone
Christopher (518) 312-9249
Jessica (518) 368-9366
Patrick (518) 330-3428
Eric Heidelmark (518) 248-4923
Jennifer Stannard (518) 225-9951
ADD Incorporated is arranged the following way for the Roommate Connection Project:
Jessica Gallo – Team Leader and System Administrator
Christopher Conway – Design Consultant
Patrick Gray – Secretary and Presentation Coordinator
Eric Heidelmark – Librarian and Webmaster
Jennifer Stannard – Webmistress
ADD Incorporated has a controlled decentralized team structure in which there is a defined team leader, but all decision making remains a group activity. In addition, the implementation of solutions is performed by subgroups of the team.
The job description for each member is as follows:
Team Leader – Organize the group, schedule group meetings, schedule report reviews.
System Administrator – Sets up accounts on the Software Engineering computers, works with Peter Kitz and Ken Swarner if there are any computer problems.
Design Consultant – Designs diagrams and charts.
Secretary – takes notes at client and group meetings.
Presentation coordinator – organizes group presentations including PowerPoint slides.
Librarian – Responsible for project-related documentation.
Webmaster/Webmistress – Create and maintain the project website.
2-3: Preliminary Staffing and Resource Requirements
The hardware resources that are required for this project are the computer systems and printers that are available to us in the Software Engineering Lab. Our software resources include a database management system which is yet to be determined with our client, and a web page editor (Dreamweaver or Microsoft Frontpage). Our clients, Mr. Jay Bebb and Mr. Brian Peppiatt and Dr. Lederman, our Software Engineering Professor, will also serve as resources to us in this project.
2-4: Preliminary Development Schedule
Please refer to the preliminary development schedule, or Gantt Chart, on page A1 of the appendix.
2-5: Project Monitoring and Control Mechanisms
Our project team will meet on a regular basis to discuss the status of the project and organize assignments to our group members. Our project team will consider the response of the clients to our presentations on the Problem Definition/Project Plan, Software Requirements Specifications, and Preliminary Design to verify if our plans are on track with our clients’ needs. Our system will undergo continual testing during its development. If the project team or the clients see that the system is not on track with our plans, we will go through necessary measures to fix the problem.
2-6: Tools and Techniques to be Used
We will be using computers with Dreamweaver, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project, and whichever database management system we decide to use. We will be using Dreamweaver for our web designing. Management of the database is yet to be determined, but we know it will use the Internet. Software Engineering techniques will be implemented as well.
2-7: Programming Languages
In the development of Roommate Connection, we will be using languages such as JavaScript, Perl, HTML, and SQL.
2-8: Testing Requirements
Our system will undergo continual testing throughout its development. Team members as well as other students will perform testing on the system. In addition, we will also ask our clients, Mr. Jay Bebb and Mr. Brian Peppiatt to perform testing on the system.
2-9: Supporting Documents Required
The minimal supporting documentation that will be provided to our clients is as follows:
- The Problem Definition/Project Plan – This document is due on September 22, 2003.
- The Software Requirements Specifications – This document is due on October 27, 2003.
- The Preliminary Design – This document is due on November 24, 2003.
Additional documentation in reference to the Detailed Design will be provided to our clients in the Spring of 2004.
2-10: Manner of Demonstration and Delivery
We will conduct numerous presentations over the course of this project. Our presentations will include speeches, demonstrations, PowerPoint slides and handouts. Our presentations serve to describe what we have come up with thus far and verify with our clients that it will meet their specific needs. The presentation dates and delivery of documents are as follows:
- Problem Definition/Project Plan Documents – September 22, 2003.
- Problem Definition/Project Plan Presentation – September 24, 2003.
- Software Requirements Specifications Documents – October 27, 2003.
- Software Requirements Specifications Presentation – October 31, 2003.
- Preliminary Design Documents – November 24, 2003.
- Preliminary Design Presentation – December 3, 2003.
2-11: Sources of Information
Our primary source of information for this section of the project is our client meetings with Mr. Jay Bebb and Mr. Brian Peppiatt. Additional sources include Dr. Lederman’s class lectures, the Software Engineering textbook used in class Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Roger S. Pressman, previous Software Engineering teams’ projects and documentation and our team member’s prior experiences.
Christopher D. Conway
1230 Vinewood Ave
Schenectady, NY 12306
(518) 355-5069
To obtain a position in the field of computer science
Siena College, Loudonville, NY
B.S. in Computer Science, May 2004
Presidential Scholarship Award Recipient, 2000 – 2003
Software Engineering I, Procedural Design and Programming, Data Structures, Computer Architecture and Assembly Language, Object-Oriented Design and Programming, Numerical Methods, Data Base Management, Analysis of Algorithms, Web Design, Calculus I & II, Discrete Mathematics I & II, Digital Electronics
Programming in Visual C++, HTML, Assembly Language
Database skills in Oracle/SQL, Microsoft Access
Proficient in Microsoft Office package
Familiar with all Windows Operating Systems
Produce Clerk, Price Chopper, Schenectady, NY, 1999 – present
Mason, M & R Construction, Schenectady, NY, Spring/Summer 2003
Presidential Scholarship, 2000-2003
William & Delia O’Donnell Scholarship, 2000-2003
Price Chopper Associate Scholarship, 2000-2003
Volunteer, Rotterdam District # 2 Fire Department, 2000-2003
Jessica L. Gallo
12 Cherry Lane
Charlton, NY 12019
(518) 399-0640
A position in the field of computer science.
Siena College, Loudonville, NY
BS in Computer Science, Business minor, May 2004
Presidential Scholar
Relevant courses include Object-Oriented Design and Programming, Database Management, Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Graphics, and Software Engineering
Programming experience in C, C++, MIPS Assembly, Oracle/SQL, ASPdb, Delphi, HTML, Java, OpenGL, Crystal Reports, and Scheme.
Familiar with UNIX and all Windows Operating Systems .
IT Specialist Trainee,Federal Highway Admin., Albany, NY, May 2003-present
Designed and programmed interface between inventory database and barcode scanner.
Configured and tested new workstations with FHWA/NYDO baseline software.
Perform source code modifications to existing applications (OS and WEB-based).
Perform end-user workstation hardware and software updates as required.
Assist in the areas of system analysis, design, and development for new applications.
Floor Supervisor, Carlton Cards, Clifton Park, NY, 2000-2003
Developed managerial and customer service skills.
Supervised and trained employees.
Teller, Evergreen Bank, Niskayuna, NY, Summer 2002
Maintained customer accounts and handled numerous customer transactions.
Member, Siena College ACM Programming Contest Team, Fall 2002
Member, Siena College Computer Science Club, 2002-present
Member,Siena College Women’s Swimming Team, 2000-2002
Patrick S. Gray
26 Park Hill #4
Menands, NY 12204
(518) 330-3428;
A position in the field of computer science; special interest in web design.
Siena College, Loudonville, NY
BS in Computer Science, Minor in Business, May 2004; GPA: 2.5/4.0
Introduction to Computer Science, Procedural Design and Programming,
Data Structures, Computer Architecture and Assembly Language,
Object-Oriented Design and Programming, Communications & Networks,
Software Engineering I, Calculus I, Calculus II, Discrete Mathematics I,
Discrete Mathematics II, Introductory Electronics, Digital Electronics
Circuit City, Technology Department, Crossgates Commons, Albany, NY
Developed sales ability, computer technology support and handled cash and
credit payments.
Abercrombie and Fitch, Colonie Mall, Albany, NY,Fall-Spring of 2002
Sales and stocking, closed registers and handled financial transactions.
Stamford Village Pool, Life Guard, Stamford, NY, Summers of 2000-2002
Improved communication skills, had involvement in swimming lessons
and schedules.
Ski Windham, Technician, Winters of 2000-2001
Rentals and ski tech., snowboard shop, increased communication skills dealing
with customers daily.
Scheme, C++, Java, Assembly, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML
Siena Computer Science Club, 2003-present
Soccer and Basketball Leagues, Albany, NY, 2003-present