August 18, 2016
The San Angelo MPO Policy Board met at 8:30 A.M., Thursday, August 18, 2016, in the Concho Valley Multi-Modal Terminal, Conference Room, 510 N. Chadbourne Street, San Angelo, Texas.
Voting Members Present:
Dwain Morrison, Chairman/Mayor, City of San Angelo
John DeWitt, Director of Transportation Planning and Development, TxDOT
Steve Floyd, County Judge, Tom Green County
Mark Jones, District Engineer, TxDOT
John Austin Stokes, Executive Director, CCOG/CVTD
Daniel Valenzuela, City Manager, City of San Angelo
Voting Members Absent:
Michael Looney, San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
Proxy Members Present:
Vicente Huerta, CVTD
Gary Enos, TxDOT
Harry Thomas, COSA City Council
Others Present:
Delma Childress
Kristan Hereford
Shane Kelton
MPO Staff members present:
Major Hofheins, Director
Wendy Medina, Transportation Planner/Project Coordinator
1. Call to Order.
Chairman, Mayor Dwain Morrison called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
2. Pledge.
3. Public Comment.
No comments were received.
4. Consideration of approval of the Minutes of the July 14, 2016 Policy Board meeting.
John DeWitt motioned to accept the minutes as presented; Steve Floyd seconded the motion.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
5. Discussion and consideration of the MOU between the SA-MPO and Concho Valley Transit (CVTD) and any action in connection thereto (changes for “Signature” section as recommended by TxDOT).
A discussion regarding TxDOT signatures and if a digital signature John DeWitt motioned to accept the MOU; John Austin Stokes seconded the motion.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
6. Discussion and consideration to Amend the SA-MPO By-Laws to reflect the newly approved MOU between the SA-MPO and COSA and any action in connection thereto.
Major Hofheins mentioned the By-Laws need to be changed to reflect the newly adopted MOU between SA-MPO and COSA. The changes may not be necessary however, the opinion of the Policy Board was needed. The changes that were discussed will be made presented at the next Policy Board meeting.
7. Discussion of the FY-2017 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) as directed by TxDOT (information only).
Major Hofheins mentioned there were several changes to the SA-MPO Policy Board voting members as well as non-voting members. Mr. Hofheins took the Board through the document allowing time for questions. The UPWP will be submitted to TxDOT for final approval and will be presented at the September Policy Board meeting with changes to the typo which were found.
No action required.
8. Discussion of the SA-MPO FY-2017 Budget (information only).
Major Hofheins discussed the budget when he took the Board through the UPWP.
No action required.
9. Representative Reports:
a. Daniel Valenzuela, City of San Angelo
Shane Kelton updated the Board on the road maintenance
John DeWitt/Mark Jones, TxDOT
Sherwood Way project was bided (Reece Albert); need to sit down and get timetable, should be let in October; paving on Loop 306 to Smith Blvd.
b. Steven Floyd, Tom Green County
Searching for grant money for Grape Creek area
c. John Austin Stokes, Concho Valley Transit District
Vicente Huerta updated the Board on purchase of service; disabled and elderly Rural and Urban routes; Feasibility study for maintenance; paving empty lot adjacent to Multi-Modal Terminal; shell building grant money and new bus stops.
d. Michael Looney, Chamber of Commerce
10. Discussion and Review of Organizational Reports.
- Director’s/Monthly Staff Activities Report
- Policy Board/TAC Attendance Report
- Financial Report: In-Direct Costs Training in Austin 9/27 & 9/28
- GIS Position
- Prop 1 Category 2 Funding
- Wayfinding - TAC
11. Opportunity for members of the Policy Board or MPO Staff to recommend topics for future discussion or action.
- UPWP action for Adoption as recommended by TxDOT
- SA-MPO By-Laws
- GIS Position
12. Next meeting – September 08, 2016 @ 8:30 a.m.
13. Adjournment.
With no further business to come from this Board, all members motioned for adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:29 a.m.
Mayor, Dwain Morrison, Chairman
Major Hofheins, Director
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San Angelo Metropolitan Planning Organization
Policy Board Special Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2016