Present Simple / (+)
He/she/it + verb (+S)
I/you/we/they + bare infinitive
He/she/it + doesn’t + bare infinitive
I/you/we/they + don’t + bare infinitive / For timetables, schedules, fixed dates and times / A: What time does the plane leave?
B: It leaves at 4pm.
Present Continuous / Am/is/are (not) + verb (+ING) / For intentions in the near future, for near future plans (more definite, more sure than with be going to) / A: What are you doing this evening?
B: I’m going for dinner with some friends. [I’ve already organised everything]
Future simple / Will/won’t + bare infinitive / a) for predictions
b) with 1st conditional
c) for offers and promises / A: Will you ever get married?
B: I think I won’t.
If you have a problem, I’ll help you.
I promise I won’t do that again.
Future continuous / Will/won’t + be + verb (+ING) / For actions in progress at some time in the future / On our next long weekend, we’re going to Berlin and we’ll be staying at a friend’s house.
Future perfect / Will/won’t + have + past participle / For finished actions at some point in the future / Don’t worry, I’ll get everything ready for our friends to come over for dinner. By the time you come back home, I’ll have gone shopping and I’ll have cleaned the house.
Shall / Normally in the interrogative form: Shall I/we + bare infinitive?
(it means something like “Do you want me to…?”) / For offers, suggestions / A: It’s really hot in here?
B: Shall I open the window for you?
Be going to / Am/is/are (not) + going to + bare infinitive / For future plans (less definite and sure than with present continuous) / A: What are you going to do when you finish ESO 4?
B: I’m going to take a year off to improve my English.


© Escola Sant Gregori