Name ______Block ______Date ______

Getting to Know Infectious Disease

1.  In the Middle Ages how many people died as a result of the bubonic plague?

2.  True or false: In the Middle Ages people did not know how diseases were spread.

3.  What did scientists learn later about the bubonic plague?

Watch Video One – Germ Theory

1.  Why were women dying?

2.  What were the 2 wards?

3.  What percent died and why in each ward?

4.  What did physicians do that midwives did not?

5.  What might have caused women to die?

6.  What made the deaths drop?

7.  How many years before Louie Pasteur paid attention to germs?

8.  What industry put him on the right track?

9.  What was contaminated it?

10.  What theory did he discover and what is it?

That’s Catchy

1.  How many cases of the common cold are there annually?

2.  How many missed school days annually are there?

3.  How many cold viruses could be lined up side by side across this period?

4.  What is a vector-borne disease?

5.  What does a vector do when it bites a sick or infected host?

6.  How do we know that mosquitoes were feeding on blood during the days of the dinosaurs?

7.  What are prions?

8.  How are prions and viruses different?

9.  Prions are short for what?

10.  How do prions do their damage?

11.  Give 3 examples of prion diseases to humans

12.  True or false – Outside a cell a virus remains dormant? What kind of form?

13.  How long can virus remain in the inert state?

14.  After reading “Stop, You Demon”, what was the common belief?

15.  How did King Ramses V die?

16.  Why was the flu named influenza?

How the Body Fights the Flu?

1.  When does it multiply?

2.  How many did the Spanish flu kill around the world?

3.  What are phagocytes?

4.  How do they destroy pathogens?

5.  What do Tcells do?

6.  What is Bcells do?

7.  What do antibodies do?

8.  What does the flu viruses attack?

9.  How many deaths in the US a year?

10.  What do flu trackers do?

11.  What is a vaccine?

12.  How do they make the flu vaccines?

13.  What happens in August

14.  What happens in Oct?

This means War

1.  How do pathogenic bacteria harm us?

2.  What blocks bacterial growth?

3.  What happens if there is a break in skin and bacteria slips through?

4.  What does the white blood cells do?

5.  What does it tell you when you develop pus?

6.  What do you need to do when the white blood cell soldiers couldn’t hold back the bacteria?