
I’ve won the lottery and I’ve netted $100,000,000 after tax. I can relax about things now.

I live in a very nice house on a lake here in Sacramento, and I live part of each year in different parts of the world, such as Paris.

The house has beautiful wood paneling and to ceiling book shelves to easily store all my books.

We travel all over and love to go to sun-drenched places.

We have super health care professionals work for us so that we are in excellent health, plus we work out so that our physical endurance, strength, flexibility, and tone are excellent.

I have computer hookups wherever I go and have the ability to tap the internet from anywhere by phone.

I am with my Life Partner, who is affectionate and very caring and so comfortable to be with, as she operates from the true partner viewpoint. We are true lovers. We hold hands and are physically demonstrative, such that other people look at us and know we are in love and committed fully to each other.

This is a heart time. I explore my heart and live into it. I create the greatest of confidence and gratitude in my life.

We go to movies a lot and we love to go dancing and to musical events, mostly rock and beautiful inspiring stuff.

I am an “angel” who provides capital for various causes or business startups, which are approved by my foundation’s staff.

I have a full staffing of my Life Management Institute, which also gets grants, and we are referring to great resources around the country, plus we have developed certain core classes that help people organize their lives. We develop complete plans and do “makeovers” of people so that they can do very well in life, from etiquette to grace to social skills to how to dress. Our plans are for 5 years in detail and for a lifetime. The staff investigates and finds or devises materials that are empowering and I review those, giving my perspective and insights, sometimes reading some in-depth to synthesize my viewpoints, always being able to dictate the input with someone else building it in and/or editing it. Every once in a while I appear on a satellite feed for discussion with the public and followers and supporters. The institute is mine and I am not owned by it, so I can go off for 6 months at a time without involvement if I want to.

I have a personal assistant who organizes and tracks what is needed.

My day when in town:

We hug in bed and/or make love to start the day. Then we do our own meditation/self reflection/prayer time. I do this for several hours, possibly 3, doing my personal writings and/or work on a book or workbook, developing materials.

The afternoons are filled with exercise, writing poems or other creative activities.

In the evening, we watch a video or go to a movie, sometimes reading a book or some hobby type of thing. We go to workshops as we like, so we can learn new things that we enjoy. We go out for walks with each other most evenings.

And we snuggle and/or make love late in the evening as we go off to bed, feeling very warm about each other and very good and satisfied with the day.

Weekly or bi-weekly we go visit with another couple. We travel down South to visit my sister and brother 3 or 4 times a year, plus visit Bob and Joyce several times, perhaps going to Hawaii with them.

On Sundays, we go to the Spiritual Life Center, for which we are also one of the biggest benefactors and supporters. Occasionally, we speak at SLC.

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