January 11, 2010

The City Council of the City of Renville, Minnesota met in regular session on January 11, 2010at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall.

Mayor Janette Wertish called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. City Council members present were Dean Lindquist, Dennis Ulrich,Al Rohlik, Raye McKimand Shane Wohlman. City Administrator Paul McLaughlin was also present.

A motion was made by Raye McKim and seconded by Al Rohlik to approve the agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Shane Wohlman and seconded by Dennis Ulrich to approve the minutes of December 28, 2009 regular meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

The following General Fund bills were audited:

Paid Chk# 027392AFLAC1/12/2010$287.76Insurance

Paid Chk# 027393ALEXAIR APPARATUS, INC.1/12/2010$16,966.41Hurst HP Rescue Tools

Paid Chk# 027394ANDERSON LARSON HANSON &1/12/2010$1,492.65Attorney fees

Paid Chk# 027395CENTURYLINK1/12/2010$696.26Police Department

Paid Chk# 027396CLOUDNET INC.1/12/2010$19.95Web Hosting

Paid Chk# 027397COMMUNITY ELECTRIC1/12/2010$2,189.70Wiring Signs

Paid Chk# 027398DEHMLOW, BEN1/12/2010$303.59Reference Books

Paid Chk# 027399DUININCK BROSINC.1/12/2010$80,259.00Main St & Dupont

Paid Chk# 027400DVS RENEWAL1/12/2010$116.00License Renewals

Paid Chk# 027401GENERAL FUND1/12/2010$900.00Sewer bookkeeping

Paid Chk# 027402GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC1/12/2010$1.45Water contractual

Paid Chk# 027403GREAT PLAINS NATURAL GAS1/12/2010$2,132.19Clerk gas service

Paid Chk# 027404H&L MOTORS1/12/2010$871.12Plow Truck

Paid Chk# 027405HACH COMPANY1/12/2010$115.34Wastewater repair

Paid Chk# 027406HASLER FINANCIAL SERVICES1/12/2010$54.43Postage machine lease

Paid Chk# 027407HEIMAN INC.1/12/2010$60.90Fire Department

Paid Chk# 027408K1001/12/2010$165.00City Marketing/Development

Paid Chk# 027409KELTGENS, INC.1/12/2010$57.50Payloader

Paid Chk# 027410LANG'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, 1/12/2010$392.99Streets Department

Paid Chk# 027411LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES1/12/2010$340.00Subscription-Police Department

Paid Chk# 027412LMC INSURANCE TRUST1/12/2010$11,946.50General Liability Insurance

Paid Chk# 027413LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY1/12/2010$381.05Evidence Collection Supplies

Paid Chk# 027414MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE1/12/2010$325.00Training-Ben Dehmlow

Paid Chk# 027415MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE1/12/2010$96.00Insurance

Paid Chk# 027416MN WEST COMMUNITY 1/12/2010$275.00Annual Peace Officer Training

Paid Chk# 027417MVTL LABORATORIES, INC.1/12/2010$580.00Sewer testing

Paid Chk# 027418NORTHLAND TRUST 1/12/2010$35,012.50Prin-GO Improvement Bond

Paid Chk# 027419REDWOODCOUNTY1/12/2010$69.85Police Dept. Internet

Paid Chk# 027420RENCO PUBLISHING, INC.1/12/2010$27.12Publishing

Paid Chk# 027421RENVILLE HARDWARE & 1/12/2010$219.02Police Department

Paid Chk# 027422SCHROEDER, GARY1/12/2010$272.80Street Dept. Maintenance

Paid Chk# 027423SEHRCM1/12/2010$14,814.04WWTF Improvements

Paid Chk# 027424SW/WC SERVICE 1/12/2010$6,791.00Medical Insurance

Paid Chk# 027425THOMSON WEST1/12/2010$133.59MN Criminal Law 2010 Pamp.

Paid Chk# 027426XCEL ENERGY1/12/2010$6,033.87Sewer electric

Paid Chk# 027427ZIEGLER1/12/2010$103.19Payloader

PaidChk# 027428MAYNARDS1/12/2010$17.49Community Center Supplies

Total Checks$184,520.26

A motion made by Raye McKim and seconded by Al Rohlik to approve the General Fund bills for payment. The motion carried unanimously.

Public Works Committee report was given by Dennis Ulrich.

- Tabby Wittenberg was introduced to the Public Works Committee as a student representative of RCW.

- The PFA meeting was changed from Thursday, January 14 to Friday, January 15 regarding the possibility of converting the 3.5 million of 0% loan to a grant either in whole or in part. Paul McLaughlin will attend.

- The committee discussed raising the fee for turning water on from $25.00 to $50.00. No other fees were changed but possible future sewer rate increases were discussed.

- Bruce Stahnke who represents Operating Engineers Local 49 asked if the committee would consider the bid from Gridor regarding the alternate bid and the committee explained that the engineer was reviewing all bids and specs and would be making a recommendation to the council on Monday, January 11, 2010.

- Ben presented to the committee a solution to the stray dog issue that the City is having. He also recommended a few new fees to be passed down to the owner to help offset any cost that the City might incur with the approval of the solution. The committee recommended to adopt the solution and that an advertisement be placed in the newspaper stating the policy, new fees and an effective date of February 1, 2010.

- Ben handed out information pertaining to the safe and proper operation of snowmobiles within the city to the committee and after reviewing the information, the committee recommends that the council put an advertisement in the paper in an effort to educate the public on the safe operation of snowmobiles. The committee does not want to discourage the use of snowmobiles but does want the residents to understand and comply with all the safety rules and regulations. Copies of DNR safety rules, as well as, the County and City safety rules will be available at City Hall. Mayor Janette Wertish read the City Ordinance regarding snowmobiles.

A motion was made by Al Rohlik and seconded by Raye McKim to approve the Public Works Committee report. The motion carried unanimously.

City Administratorreport was given by Paul McLaughlin.

- Informed the Council that he has changed the audio feed back to the original in hopes that people can hear better when watching the council meeting on Channel 3.

- Jessica Werder with SEH sent a letter stating that on December 10, 2009, bid were received for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements project. Seven bids were opened and read aloud and recorded. The bids ranged from $3,290,000 to $3,685,600 for the total alternate bid price. The low bid was submitted by KHC Construction Inc. The Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost was $4,000,000 for the Base Bid. It was determined by SEH thatKHC Construction Inc. meets the minimum Contractor Qualifications set forth in the specifications and recommended that the City of Renville award the project to KHC Construction Inc. based on the Total Alternate Bid Price of $3,290,000.

- Discussed the email from Sarah Klaassen regarding the final recodification of the ordinances. The sections that may need further discussion/revision were: Chapter 2 – Urban v. Rural Service Districts; Chapter 7 – Snowmobile/Recreational Vehicles; Chapter 8 - 8.15.00 –Nuisance Storage/Nuisance Parking.

A motion was made by Dennis Ulrich and seconded by Al Rohlik to approve the City Administrator’s report. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Al Rohlik and seconded by Shane Wohlman to approve the monthly financials. The motion was carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Al Rohlik and seconded by Dean Lindquist to approve the new loan agreement for Java Junction with 3.99% interest rate. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Raye McKim and seconded by Dean Lindquist to approve Shane Wohlman to attend the Newly Elected Officials Conference on January 29 & 30, 2010. The motion carried unanimously.




Be It Therefore Resolved by the City Council of Renville, Minnesota, that the following persons, firms, and organizations shall be appointed to those positions or designated service providers as specified:


Fire Chief……………………………………………. Brandon Howard

Civil Defense Director………………………………. Police Chief, Ben Dehmlow

Pioneerland Library Board………………………….. Raye McKim

Weed Inspectors…………………………………….. Mayor, Janette Wertish

Pete Peterson

Nathan Sunvold

Tree Board…………………………………………... Pete Peterson

Nate Sunvold

Larry Penke

City Attorney………………………………………… Jon Saunders

Anderson Larson Hanson & Saunders

City Assessor…………………………………………RenvilleCounty Assessor

City Engineer…………………………………………Short Elliott Hendrickson

City Auditor………………………………………….Dennis Oberloh

Financial Advisors……………………………………Dick Asleson

Northland Securities

Depositories…………………………………………. American State Bank

First Security Bank

Dawson Coop Credit Union

4-M Fund/RBC Capital Markets

Northland Securities

Official Newspaper…………………………………..Renville CountyRegister

RenvilleCounty EDA/HRA……………………….. ..City Administrator, Paul McLaughlin

Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Renville, Minnesota this 11th day of January 2010. The resolution was offered by Raye McKim and seconded by Dennis Ulrich.

Voting in favor: Dean Lindquist, Dennis Ulrich, Al Rohlik, Shane Wohlman and Raye McKim

Voting against: None


Janette Wertish, Mayor


Teresa Zetah, City Clerk/Treas.





Be It Therefore Resolved by the City Council of the City of Renville, Minnesota, that the following persons shall be appointed to those committees as specified.

City Council Vice ChairDennis Ulrich

Public Works/Buildings/InfrastructureDennis Ulrich

Shane Wohlman

Jon Driggs

Pat LeGare

Craig VanHorn

Mike Schroeder

Pete Peterson

Tabby Wittenburg

Dan Knapper

Paul McLaughlin

Ad Hoc Raye McKim

Al Rohlik

Kris Thompson

Mavis Welter

Cameo VanHorn

Becky Hughes

Paul McLaughlin

EDADean Lindquist

Dennis Ulrich

Nelida Marcus

Art Driggs

Kevin Mulder

Bart Estum

School Dist. Representative Lance Bagstad

Jose Barajas

Erica Sinner

Cory Eischens

Paul McLaughlin

Human ResourcesRaye McKim

Al Rohlik

Paul McLaughlin

*Mayor - Ex Officio on all Committees

Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Renville, Minnesota this 11th day of January, 2010. The resolution was offered by Shane Wohlman and seconded by Dean Lindquist.

Voting aye: Dean Lindquist, Dennis Ulrich, Al Rohlik, Shane Wohlman and Raye McKim

Voting nay: None


Janette Wertish, Mayor


Teresa Zetah, City Clerk/Treas.





Be It Therefore Resolved by the City Council of the City of Renville, Minnesota, that the following fees shall be adopted for the year 2010 as specified.

Large Event: Dances, Receptions, Banquets, Parties $150

Small Event: Less than entire Ballroom usage $50/section

For Profit Event $200/Day

For Profit Event Setup Day/Tear Down Day $25/Day

Damage Deposit for Small Event (Returnable) $250

Damage Deposit for an Event With Alcohol and/or Dance$500


Setup-Large Event $100

Small Event $35/section

Cleanup (not optional for dances or "for profit").

Large Event $150

Small Event $50/section

Dog license $5.00/year

Dog impounding $50.00

Dog boarding fee $50.00

Dog transport fee$75.00

Zoning permit $25.00

Variance request $75.00

Conditional use permit - manufacturing $75.00

Rezoning request $75.00

Special Exception $75.00

Off-Sale Liquor License $50.00/year

On-Sale Liquor License $2,000.00/year

Sunday Liquor License $25.00/year

On Sale 3.2 $50.00/year

One day - on sale 3.2 $15.00/day

Transient merchant $35.00/day




Lawn Mowing $25.00/hr. (Minimum of 2 hours)

Copies $0.25/page

Fax - Incoming and Outgoing $1.00/page

Notary Fee $1.00

Water/Sewer Late Fee $10.00

Water Turn-On Fee $50.00

Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Renville, Minnesota this 11th day of January, 2010. The resolution was offered by Al Rohlik and seconded by Dennis Ulrich.

Voting aye: Dean Lindquist, Dennis Ulrich, Al Rohlik, Shane Wohlman and Raye McKim

Voting nay: None


Janette Wertish, Mayor


Teresa Zetah, City Clerk/Treas.



WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements, bids were received, opened, and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement:

Contractor / Total Base Bid Price / Additional Lump Sum to Meet Davis Bacon / Total Alternate Bid Price
KHC Construction / $3,290,000 / $0 / $3,290,000
Gridor / $3,389,600 / $2,000 / $3,391,600
Magney Construction / $3,397,800 / $0 / $3,397,800
Robert L. Carr / $3,523,000 / $0 / $3,523,000
Di-Mar Construction / $3,610,000 / $12,000 / $3,622,000
RiceLake Construction / $3,638,500 / $0 / $3,638,500
Madsen-Johnson / $3,683,600 / $2,000 / $3,685,600

AND WHEREAS, it appears that KHC Construction of Marshall, Minnesota, is the lowest responsible bidder,


  1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with KHC Construction of Marshall, Minnesota, in the name of the City of Renville, Minnesota, for the construction the Total Alternate Bid Price of the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements according to the plans and specification therefore approved by the city council and on file in the office of the city clerk.
  1. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed.

Adopted by the council this 11th day of January, 2010.

MayorCity Administrator

A motion was made by Dean Lindquist and seconded by Raye McKim for the Mayor, Janette Wertish, to sign and execute the Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment & Discharge Permit for MinAqua Fisheries, Inc regarding the year 2010. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion by Dennis Ulrich and seconded by Al Rohlik to adopt the new dog housing policy. The motion carried unanimously.

Mayor, Janette Wertish, requested that a strategic planning meeting be set as soon as possible. The meeting was set for Monday, February 8th following the regular council meeting.

A motion was made by Al Rohlik and seconded by Dean Lindquist to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously at 8:00 p.m.


Teresa Zetah, City Clerk/Treasurer