Rusk County Department of Health & Human Services Board Minutes

September 11, 2008

The Rusk County Department of Health & Human Services Board meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chair Phil Schneider.

Board members present: Sandy Roth, Randy Tatur, Kathy Mai, Henry Golat, Tom Costello, Charles Frafjord (9 a.m.), Bill Ellmann, Marge Spangberg and Gene DuSell. Staff present: Gary Rivers with appearances by Sandy Stiner, Sue Hendricks, Irene Lehman, Ron Moser, and Ted East. Excused absence: Ron Grzeszkowiak

Motion made by Henry Golat and seconded Kathy Mai to approve the September meeting agenda. Motion carried.

Motion made by Henry Golat and seconded by Tom Costello to approve the August meeting minutes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Henry Golat and seconded by Tom Costello to approve the vouchers and out of county travel request. Motion carried.

Members of the public were in attendance.

A concerned citizen expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of action taken on complaints involving properties in the township of Stubbs that according to the citizen are buildings that have been vacant for 20 years, dilapidated and considered to be a public nuisance/human health hazard. The Complainant stated that they were in contact with the Health Officer 3 months ago, but to date, no action has been taken. Additional information provided indicated four or five years ago a previous Health Officer had determined the properties were a public nuisance/human health hazard and had ordered them to be removed within 30 days. The same buildings are still there, today. The question was asked, where do we go from here? It was suggested that this matter be set as an agenda item to be consider by the Board at 9:00 A.M. on October 9, 2008. It was also suggested that the citizen complainant be invited to attend as well as a representative from the township, Public Health Officer, Corporation Counsel, and possibly the Zoning administer.

Health & Human Services Board Chair opened the public hearing for the 2009 Health & Human Service Budget at approximately 9:05 A.M.;

Representatives from Kinship presented requests for funding. A request was made for a one time restoration of $30,000 in Kinship funding. If the funding request was granted the money would be used in the following manner: $15,000 for a part time grant writer; $10,000 for program services; and $5,000 for technology update. Previously, approximately 200 program participants had been able to be served through Kinship. Now with the current budget reduced to $70,000, only approximately 50 program participants can be served. A second request for funding was presented for $8,000. Without some funding, representatives of Kinship indicated that the program may not be able to continue and that a valuable prevention program would be lost. It was suggested that perhaps other services funded through Health & Human Services should be looked at for a possibly reduced so that funding would be available to Kinship. Ms. Hendricks informed the Board that she had met with Kinship staff and that possible partnerships could be developed that could assist Kinship with staff training and information sharing, but no funding was discussed or agreed upon.

Staff reviewed the 2009 proposed budget with the Board. There are many changes in the proposed budget due to the transition into managed care in 2009. In summary, the proposed budget requests a $70,000 dollar increase in levy (6.4%) from the 2008 budget. After much discussion, a motion was made by Charles Frafjord and seconded by Kathy Mai to approve the proposed budget as presented and to forward the budget to the Finance Committee. Motion carried.

Mr. Schneider informed the Board of information received at a recent WCHSA meeting. A current development is the consideration of the potential utilization of county owned nursing homes as an alternative to more expensive institutional placements. The tragedy at Virginia Tech has had a different impact in different geographical locations. Some locations are adding funding to improve their mental health services, while other locations are considering reducing their funding for mental health services due to declining financial resources.

Sue Hendricks presented a modification to the Under Age Alcohol Violators Program. Proposed is an increase in the participation charge from $35.00 to $50.00. A motion was made by Kathy Mai and seconded by Tom Costello to approve the participation fee increase from $35.00 to $50.00. Motion Carried.

Irene Lehman presented an Economic Support Program report: Participation rates were reviewed. The Board was informed that unless federal allocations are changed, heating assistance benefits will be reduced by 40% and electric assistance benefits will be reduced by 30% for the 2008/2009 heating season. Outreach sites for Energy Assistance have been established for September and October. Applications for Energy Assistance will start to be taken on October 1. Furnace repairs/replacements will be addressed through the Indianhead Community Action Agency this year and conversely applications for weatherization services will be done through Health & Human Services.

Ted East provided an Adult Services Program activity report. Jail services are occupying a significant amount of time. To enhance the Department’s financial position after Long Term Care is transferred to the managed care organization, all CSP participants are being moved to the Community Options Program. This move will maximize the amount of COP funding retained by the Department and not transferred to the managed care organization. Long Term Care Program assessments are substantially up from previous years. Recent applications show an approximate average of a 50% eligibility rate for Long Term Care Services. Care managers will be very busy over the next six month providing options counseling to current participants, preparing them for the managed care transition.

Ron Moser provided the Board with a Veterans Services update. Notable activities were correcting a situation where a Widow’s Pension was inaccurately being applied, and assisting an elderly veteran securing financial resource to address the need for a well. Mr. Moser also informed the Board that he intends to put a Veterans booth up at next year’s county fair. The VFW organization has already agreed to help fund and man the booth.

Gary Rivers provided the Board with a brief update on ADRC development. The application for an ADRC of Barron, Rusk and Washburn Counties has recently been submitted to the Department of Health Services.

At approximately 12:00 P.M. Chair Schneider closed the public hearing

Kathy Mai pointed out to the Board the Public Health Program Activity Report and specifically, the award presented to Diana Verdegan from the Department of Health Services for “Ongoing commitment to quality services for young children and their families” for meeting the requirements of Part C of the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA). The Board requested that a card be sent to Ms. Verdegan from the Board, congratulating her on her award.

A motion was made by Charles Frafjord and seconded by Sandy Roth to adjourn. Motion carried.

Minutes as prepared by staff

Gary Rivers