11 September 2015


13 Sept- 19 Sept

1. Mission: Provide structured and focused training that develops Air Force leaders.

2. Execution: Below lists all mandatory Professional Military Training (PMT) and voluntary PMT for the week.

a. Mandatory PMT – All cadets are required to attend the following Physical Training (PT) and Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) events:

Physical Training

Mon 14 September 15 UOD: PTU

Cadets / Time / Activity / Location / Objective / POC
All / 0630-0730 / Mat room / Weight Room / 22, 33 / C/Say

Tue 15 September 15 UOD: PTU

Cadets / Time / Activity / Location / Objective / POC
All / 0630-0730 / Vineyard PT / Vineyard / 22, 33 / C/Say

Thurs 17 September 15 UOD: PTU

Cadets / Time / Activity / Location / Objective / POC
All / 0630-0730 / Dodge ball / South Gym 109 / 22, 26, 33 / C/Say

Safety Considerations: Stay hydrated throughout the week.

Inclement Weather: PT will be held in the South Gym if it is raining or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The South Gym has been reserved from 0630 to 0730 for PT activities on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays throughout the semester.

Leadership Laboratory

Thurs 17 September 15 UOD: Utilities

Cadets / Time / Activity / Location / Objective / POC
All / 1600-1610 / Retreat / Flag Pole / 4, 26 / C/Myers
All / 1610-1615 / Transit to EE 191 / Flag Pole / 5, 6, 19 / Flt CCs
All / 1615-1700 / Activity / EE 191 / 8, 19 / TBD
All / 1700-1710 / Transit to Flag Pole / EE 191 / 5, 6, 19 / Flt CCs
All / 1710-1720 / Station 1 / Flag Pole / 1, 2, 19, 23 / C/Doan
All / 1720-1730 / Station 2 / Flag Pole / 5, 6, 7, 11, 19 / C/Bautista
All / 1730-1745 / Mentor/Mentee Time / Flag Pole / 21, 29 / POC
All / 1745-1750 / Dismissal / Flag Pole / 19 / C/Myers

Safety Considerations: Any time the corps is marching in flight formation, FLT/CCs should ensure safety is not compromised while transiting. During formation do not lock your knees. Stay hydrated throughout the week. Do not intentionally harm others while performing Combatives on other Cadets. Have attention to detail when we have activities at the track. Watch for objects on the field surface which may cause injury if used inappropriately. Having leadership and communication is key for future success.

b. Voluntary PMT – Below are the voluntary PMT activities happening this week. You are encouraged to participate in as many of these events as possible.

Color Guard

19 September 2015

Cadets / Time / Activity / Location / Objective / GMC
Volunteer / TBD / Football Game / Football Stadium / N/A / C/Kirkwood


14 September 2015

Cadets / Time / Activity / Location / Objective / GMC
Volunteer / 1145 / Recruiting / Hoover High / N/A / C/Baldwin


18 September 2015

Cadets / Time / Activity / Location / Objective / GMC
Volunteer / 1645 / Air Force Birthday / WOC / 19 / C/Sheu

Community Service

Cadets / Time / Activity / Location / Objective / GMC
Volunteer / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / C/Lerner

3.* Points of Contact

Cadet / Phone Number / E-Mail
C/Col Joshua Myers CW/CC / 707-363-4893 /
C/Lt Col Kahli Demanty CW/IG / 559-348-3716 /
C/Lt Col Carlie Gantar TRG/CC / 701-213-3633 /
C/Lt Col Travis Dardis OG/CC / 916-606-0475 /
C/Lt Col Daniel Parsons MSG/CC / 559-824-9870 /
C/Capt Adam Kane OG/DO / 209-819-9985 /
C/Capt Carlos Caudana Alpha Flt/CC / 559-305-3953 /
C/1st Lt Eric Kilgore Bravo Flt/CC / 559-960-8194 /
C/1st Lt Clifford Williams Charlie Flt/CC / 559-681-2737 /
C/Capt LaVincha Wilbon Delta Flt/CC / 312-391-5436 /
C/3C Kemaya Kirkwood TRG/CG / 661-305-2894 /
C/3C Liam Baldwin OG/RM / 559-978-3920 /
C/3C Tommy Lerner OG/Comm Serve / 559-999-2170 /
C/3C James Sheu MSG/MWR / 559-283-3584 /

4. Summary of LLAB Objectives covered this training week:

Cadets / Objectives Accomplished
IMT – Initial Military Training (AS 100/250) / 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 33
FTP – Field Training Preparation (AS 200/250/500) / 7, 8, 11, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 33
ICL – Intermediate Cadet Leader (AS 300) / 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 29, 33
SCL – Senior Cadet Leader (AS 400) / 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 29, 33
ECL- Extended Cadet Leader (AS 700) / 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 29, 33

5. All training is IAW AFROTCI 36-2010 and AFROTC LLAB Curriculum Handbook T-508 (2013-14)

Joshua Myers, C/Col, AFROTC

Cadet Wing Commander

Operations Order is: Approved /Not Approved______Date


Operations Officer