World History: Spring Final BINGO A

Directions: Read a definition, students call out the correct term and mark with a shield on their sheets…keep a record of each term used in a game…students win by getting BINGO across, down, or diagonal.

After the opening of this in 1869, Britain took an active interest in Egypt. Suez Canal

In 1876, Queen Victoria assumed the title of… Empress of India

The economy of Latin America in the nineteenth century was dominated by… Britain

Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire became known as the… Central Powers

This was the treaty signed with Germany that many Germans felt was a harsh peace. Treaty of Versailles

World War I involved a complete mobilization of resources and people…it was a total war

This is the aggressive preparation for war, was growing along with nations’ armies. Militarism

Germany’s plan for a two-front war with Russia and France is called…. The Schlieffen Plan

By attacking Austria in May 1915, this country betrayed Germany and Austria Italy

This resulted in new territories for the U.S. Spanish-American War

A colony was run by this brought in a new set of officials from the mother country. Direct Rule

He set up a nonviolent movement to aid the poor and grant independence to India. Mohandas Gandhi

In Latin American Colonies- they were the largest group; worked as servants and laborers Mestizos

He joined José de San Martín’s forces to complete the liberation of Peru. Simón Bolívar

This was the belief that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive peoples “White man’s burden”

He seized power in Egypt in 1805 and established a separate Egyptian state. Muhammad Ali

They were descendants of the original Dutch settlers of Cape Town, South Africa. Boers

In 1857, a growing Indian distrust of the British led to the Sepoy Mutiny

Their goal was a share in the governing process of India Indian National Congress

The United States to join the Allies in fighting World War I because of Germans sub attacks

This government aims to control the every aspect of the lives of its citizens. totalitarian

This allowed Hitler to establish a totalitarian state by ignoring the constitution for four years Enabling Act

To deal with runaway German inflation, this reduced Germany’s reparations debt. Dawes Plan

This is a period of low economic activity and rising unemployment. Economic depression

This glorifies a strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler. Fascism

He led the Spanish military in a revolt against the democratic government Franco

The belief that he ended Germany’s economic depression leading many accept Nazis Hitler

These excluded Jews from citizenship and forbade marriages between Jews and Germans. “Nuremberg laws”

Hitler demanded, and was given, what area in northwestern Czechoslovakia? Sudetenland

Two days after Hitler’s invasion of ____, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Poland

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor

The ____ was the period of political tension following World War II. Cold War

The slaughter of European civilians, particularly Jews, by the Nazis became known as what? Holocaust

The turning point of WWII in Asia was the battle at… Midway

Hitler planned to conquer them in order to secure land and Slavic slaves to strengthen the Reich. Soviet Union

This is a “lightning war” that utilized tanks supported by airplanes blitzkrieg

This policy initially kept the U. S. from becoming involved in the war against Germany isolationism

This is history’s greatest naval invasion D-Day

Nazi plan for the extermination of the Jews Final Solution

Japanese pilots who flew suicide missions against U.S. warships kamikaze

Under his leadership, the Bolsheviks became a party dedicated to violent revolution. Lenin

To end Russia’s involvement in WWI, Lenin signed this giving up Russian land Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

He’s the spokesperson for a new world based on democracy and international cooperation. Woodrow Wilson

After the war, Britain ruled this place by mandates for the League of Nations Iraq

World History: Spring Final BINGO A

His assassination started World War I Francis Ferdinand

This is assembling troops and supplies for war mobilization

This is the wearing down of other side down with constant attacks war of attrition

Siberian peasant who influenced Czarina Alexandra Grigori Rasputin

World organization created at the Paris Peace Conference League of Nations

World History: Spring Final BINGO B

Directions: Read a definition, students call out the correct term and mark with a shield on their sheets…keep a record of each term used in a game…students win by getting BINGO across, down, or diagonal.

U.S. feared communism was spreading when this became a Communist nation in 1949. China

This was a U.S. attempt to overthrow the Cuban government “Bay of Pigs”

The U.S. senator responsible for the anti-Communist movement known as the “Red Scare” was Joseph McCarthy

This stated that the U.S. would provide money to nations threatened by Communist expansion. Truman Doctrine

This created a military alliance between the Soviet Union and various Eastern European nations. Warsaw Pact

This was built to prevent East Germans from defecting to West Germany. Berlin Wall

Which nation declined economically after World War II? Great Britain

Which U.S. president signed into law the Civil Rights Act? Lyndon Johnson

The hotline between the White House and Kremlin was established because of… Cuban Missile Crisis

Postwar birthrates rose in the late 1940s and 1950s, creating a “baby boom.”

Country with both military powers and political influence superpower

U.S. effort to rebuild war-torn Europe Marshall Plan

Tactic used to overcome a Soviet blockade Berlin Air Lift

The Polish national trade union Solidarity was founded by Lech Walesa

The Soviet policy to intervene if communism in another nation was threatened was Brezhnev Doctrine

The Russian word perestroika, the reform movement led by Mikhail Gorbachev, means Restructuring

Russian President Vladimir Putin used military force to suppress a rebellion in the state of Chechnya

In the 1960-70s, the British struggled to stop fighting between Catholics and Protestants in… Northern Ireland

U.S. president that was forced to resign to avoid impeachment for the Watergate scandal. Richard Nixon

U.S. president Jimmy Carter faced an international crisis when 52 Americans were held hostage in.. Iran

President Carter protested Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by canceling U.S. participation in the.. Olympic Games

The United States signed a nuclear weapons treaty in 1990 because it needed to reduce military spending

Walesa’s trade union movement was supported by workers and the… Catholic Church

Challenged by President Kennedy in 1961, U.S. landed astronauts on the moon in 1969

World’s largest single trading bloc by 1992 EEC

Common currency established by the EU Euro

British government economic policy in the 1980s Thatcherism

Government spending in excess of revenues Budget deficit

Formal charges of misconduct Impeachment

Many Latin American nations suffered economic difficulties because of

overdependence on foreign nations and dramatic increase in… Population.

Who overthrew Cuba’s government on January 1, 1959? Castro

The military conflict over the Falkland Islands in 1982 involved Argentina and Great Britain

This government has been heavily influenced by drug cartels and cocaine production. Colombia

This is a farm owned and operated by a group of peasant workers “cooperative”

The book Silent Spring gave rise to a new field of science called Ecology

Tropical rain forests support ____ of the world’s plant and animal species. 50 percent

According to estimates by the UN, the world’s population could reach ____ by the year 2050. 9 billion

This refers to development of new strains of grains that have higher yields. “Green Revolution”

In 1986, a nuclear explosion at ____ released radiation that killed hundreds of people. Chernobyl

The release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere may impact ozone layer

Some scientists have been concerned this may create new strains of deadly bacteria Genetic engineering

These are characterized by a farming economy and little modern technology Developing countries

The Exxon Valdez was involved in oil spill

United Nations Security Council includes China, Russia, France, Great Britain and US

For many years, the effectiveness of the United Nations was limited by US and Soviet…. domination