F.3 Teenage Problems – friends
(teaching materials for listening)
PowerPoint/ Listening
Dear Antonio,I have a hard time talking with boys and girls I don’t know very well. I’m not good at
sports, either, and I’m always afraid I would be laughed at if I try them. So I’m very
lonely. I really envied Tom. Tom wasn’t shy; he was very outgoing and confident
and had lots of friends.
PowerPoint/ Listening
Dear Antonio,I hope you can help me. I’m very lonely at school. I find it difficult to make
friends with my classmates. I get good marks, but I’m very shy and don’t know how
to talk to my classmates. They don’t talk to me either. I get very sad and cry a lot.
Yours truly,
Miss Lonely
Dear Antonio,I have a problem and I need your advice. In school, my friend Tonysometimes asks
me for money and says he will beat me up if I don’t give it to him. Heis bigger
and stronger than me. What should I do?
Your friend,
Dear Antonio,It is another lonely day at school for me. My best friend Janet was angry with me
for the second time this week. I usually spend all time with Janet, and she won’t
talk to me if I play with anyone else in my class. I have no one else to talk to now.
What should I do?
Dear Antonio,I liked to go shopping with my friends. They went to all the coolest boutiques.
They never bought anything, of course, because they didn’t have any money.
Still, they usually managed to come out of the shop with something. I don’t join
in the shoplifting, but I help them keep watch. I know it is wrong to steal but I’m
too scared to say “no” to my friends.
David and Miss Lonely should- look friendly – smiling.
- take an interest in what others are doing.
- try to find out what they have in common with others.
- be willing to join in activities.
- let others get to know them.
- share their snacks with others when they are eating in front of them.
- lend their comics or interesting things to others.
- invite others to eat or play with them.
- tell his parents about the bullying.
- talk to his teachers.
- learn not to give money to Tony.
- tell Tony to stop bullying him if he still wants to be friends.
- say sorry (apologize) when she offends Janet.
- talk to Janet first.
- listen to Janet’s problems.
- get more friends and tell Janet that even she is her best friend, she wants
Jenny needs to
- say “no” to her friends.
- avoid going shopping with her friends.