German Studies Option Curriculum: Learning Outcomes
GRMN 101 Elementary German I
F, Su alternate years 3 cr. RCT 3
An elementary level course designed to help students acquire basic proficiency in communication within culturally significant contexts. An integrated approach to teaching language skills with emphasis on vocabulary acquisition and basic grammatical structures.
Course Learning Outcomes
• Novice High on the ACTFL proficiency scale.
• Acquire basic cultural knowledge of German-speaking countries.
GRMN 102D Elementary German II
S 3 cr. RCT 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 101 or equivalent, or two years of high school German.
This course builds upon the foundation established in 101. Greater emphasis is placed upon oral and written expression. Reading and discussions are designed to increase comprehension of more linguistically complex texts and more conceptually complex cultural issues.
Course Learning Outcomes
• Intermediate Low on the ACTFL proficiency scale.
• Acquire basic cultural knowledge of German-speaking countries.
GRMN 201D Intermediate German I
F 3 cr. RCT 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 102 or equivalent, or a minimum three years of high school German, or placement interview.
Intensive methodical review of grammar and syntax combined with the integrated development of proficiency in the four language skills. Expansion of cultural knowledge and functional vocabulary through intermediate-level readings and discussions. Increased emphasis on written communication.- enhanced listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing, and cultural literacy
Course Learning Outcomes
• Intermediate Low to Intermediate Mid on the ACTFL proficiency scale
• basic understanding of foundations of German society
GRMN 220D German Language & Culture
S 3 cr. RCT 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 201 or equivalent, or a placement interview.
Designed to follow the third semester review of grammar and basic skills. Taught through a series of carefully selected readings in German culture, civilization and literature which will provide the basis for writing essays and reports and developing advanced language skills.-further enhanced listening and reading comprehension, speaking, writing, and cultural literacy
Course Learning Outcomes
• Intermediate Mid on the ACTFL proficiency scale
• basic understanding of foundations of German society
GRMN 270IH German-speaking Europe from the Enlightenment to the European Union
S 3 cr. RCT 3
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor(s).
Introduces students to the basic social, philosophical, and cultural concepts that formed the cornerstones of the European Enlightenment and its legacy, with a focus on German-speaking countries and Germany. Taught in English
Course Learning Outcomes
• understanding of cultural and global contexts of democracy
• enhanced competencies elementary for civic and democratic engagement in the globalized world of the 21st century
• better understanding of culture's role in the construction of national and supra-national identities
• better understanding of the contribution of social thought to the developments of society and governance
• deeper understanding of Germany's political role in the past and its challenges in the EU today
GRMN 303IH Issues in German Cinema
S alternate years, to be offered even years 3 cr. SEM 3
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
Acquaints students with the traditions of German cinema in national, European and global contexts. Theoretical film analysis of silent film, propaganda film, post-war cinema, rubble film, censored films, New German Cinema and other genres. All films, readings, and discussions in English. Mandatory weekly evening film screenings.
Course Learning Outcomes
• deeper understanding of the history of German film
• deeper and more critical understanding of the film medium and mass media in general
• introduction to film language/ analysis
• better understanding of interrelation between (trans-)national history/ society/ politics and film
GRMN 315 Survey of German Literature
F alternate years, to be offered odd years 3 cr. LEC 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 220.
A survey of representative works of German literature from selected literary periods before 1900.
Course Learning Outcomes
• deeper understanding of the history of German-language literature before 1900.
• understand literature as a reflection on societal and political conditions at a given time
• better understanding of literature as a mode of collective memory
• better understanding of the relation between the production modes of literatiure and the actual product
• better understanding of the Literary Market and its players.
• enhanced reading skills through familiarization with different genres and time periods
• enhanced writing skills through writing about literary genres
GRMN 320 Contemporary German Literature
On Demand 3 cr. LEC 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 220
Literary and cultural analysis of German literary production in the twentieth century and to present.
Course Learning Outcomes
GRMN 330 German: Advanced Grammar and Composition, Comp I
F alternate years, to be offered even years 3 cr. RCT 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 220
In-depth review of grammar, syntax, and idiomatic expression; vocabulary building practice in conversation. Short readings in German as a basis for conversation and composition. Emphasis on accuracy in grammar and expression.
Course Learning Outcomes
• enhanced oral fluency of contemporary spoken German.
• enhanced reading and writing skills through an exploration of relevant subject matters providing access to contemporary questions in German culture, society and economics.
GRMN 331 German: Advanced Grammar, Conversation, Comp II
F alternate years, to be offered odd years 3 cr. RCT 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 220 or permission of the instructor.
In-depth review of grammar, idiomatic expression, and conversation and writing skills. Longer readings in German. Emphasis on attaining proficiency in spoken and written German, some focus on phonetics and German for the professions.
Course Learning Outcomes
• further enhanced communication skills.
• attainment of proficiency in reading, speaking, writing, and listening.
GRMN 350 German Culture and Civilization
S alternate years, to be offered odd years 3 cr. LEC 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 220
A survey of some of the great figures and periods of German art, literature, music, and public life in German-speaking countries which have made significant cultural contributions to world civilization.
Course Learning Outcomes
• deeper understanding of German history, better understanding of the relevance of history in general
• deeper understanding of core elements of German traditions and culture
• better understanding of German national identity
• better understanding of the challenges of the 21st century for German national identity
• enhanced communication skills in speaking, reading and writing through engaging with course material
GRMN 360IH German Myths: The Loreli, Faust, and Vampires
F alternate years, to be offered even years 3 cr. LEC 3
Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
An examination of the German mythical figures in pursuit of love, knowledge, and blood. These themes are explored through the texts from medieval legends through contemporary popular culture. Authors include Goethe, Heine, and others. Films by Murnau and Herzog. All readings and discussions in English.
Course Learning Outcomes
• better understanding of the disciplinary and interdisciplinary methods that shape the study of culture.
• better understand of the aspects of the myths themselves and their interpretation have changed over time and across geographic boundaries.
• increased critical thinking and writing skills through class presentations and written assignments.
• gained proficiency in analyzing the common points of a particular myth from a variety of cultural and national perspectives.
GRMN 401 German Linguistics-Phonetics
On Demand 3 cr. RCT 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 220
An overview of significant linguistic concepts which contribute to an understanding of Modern German. Also a practical study of German sounds - their pronunciation, combination, and representation by written symbols. Contrastive linguistic study, German-English, for teaching application.
Course Learning Outcomes
GRMN 422IH Geman Text & Cinema
F 3 cr. RCT 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 330 or 331 or permission of instructor.
This seminar focuses on the cultural, historical, and linguistic elements crucial to an understanding of the relationship between text and cinema within a national and international tradition. It is designed to provide a context for majors and minors to read longer tests not otherwise taught in the curriculum, including the canonical novels of the late 19th century. Prerequisite: GRMN 331 (can be taken simultaneously). Taught in English.
Course Learning Outcomes
• better understanding of the relationship between text and cinema within a national and international tradition
• enhanced analytical skills in regards to text and film language
• more critical engagement with literary, cinematic, and new media products
GRMN 450R SEM: German Literature and Culture
S 3 cr. SEM 3
Prerequisite: GRMN 330, GRMN 315, or GRMN 320.
Senior capstone course. Topics offered at the upper division level which are not covered in regular courses. Students participate in preparing and presenting discussion material.
Course Learning Outcomes
• enhanced critical thinking skills
• deeper understanding of contemporary issues in German culture and society
• enhanced discussion skills
• broader understanding of research skills in literature and culture studies