

3.Area of research

4.Keywords (max 100 characters)

5Length in months

6.List of participants

Name / Role / Scientist in charge
1 / Coordinator
2 / Partner
3 / Partner
4 / Partner


Name of the organism
Name of the legal representativeor delegate
Fiscal code orV.A.T. number
Telephone / Fax
Is the registered office or an operating center located within Trento province / YES / NO

Scientist in charge

Name / Surname
Name of the research group or of the department
Telephone / Fax
CV as an attachment

Scientific qualification (max 8000 characters)

6.2Partner n. 1

Name of the organism
Name of the legal representativeor delegate
Fiscal code or V.A.T. number
Telephone / Fax
Is the registered office or an operating center located within Trento province / YES / NO

Scientist in charge

Name / Surname
Name of the research group or of the department
Telephone / Fax
CV as an attachment

Scientific qualification (max 8000 characters)

6.3Partner n. 2

Name of the organism
Name of the legal representativeor delegate
Fiscal code or V.A.T. number
Telephone / Fax
Is the registered office or an operating center located within Trento province / YES / NO

Scientist in charge

Name / Surname
Name of the research group or of the department
Telephone / Fax
CV as an attachment

Scientific qualification (max 8000 characters)

6.4Partner n. 3

Name of the organism
Name of the legal representativeor delegate
Fiscal code or V.A.T. number
Telephone / Fax
Is the registered office or an operating center located within Trento province / YES / NO

Scientist in charge

Name / Surname
Name of the research group or of the department
Telephone / Fax
CV as an attachment

Scientific qualification (max 8000 characters)

7.Description of the project proposal and its short, middle- and long-term objectives(max 12.000 characters)

8.State of the art (max 12.000 characters)

9.General objective (max 8000 characters)

10.Workpackages(max 6)

10.1Work package title:

Description and methods of implementation- WP 10.1 (max 8000 characters)

Role of the partecipants in WP 10.1 (max 6000 characters)

10.2Work package title:

Description and methods of implementation- WP 10.2 (max 8000 characters)

Role of the partecipants in WP 10.2 (max 6000 characters)

10.3Work package title:

Description and methods of implementation- WP 10.3 (max 8000 characters)

Role of the partecipants in WP 10.3 (max 6000 characters)

10.4Work package title:

Description and methods of implementation- WP 10.4 (max 8000 characters)

Role of the partecipants in WP 10.4 (max 6000 characters)

10.5Work package title:

Description and methods of implementation- WP 10.5 (max 8000 characters)

Role of the partecipants in WP 10.5 (max 6000 characters)

10.6Work package title:

Description and methods of implementation- WP 10.6 (max 8000 characters)

Role of the partecipants in WP 10.6 (max 6000 characters)

  1. Table Man-months/WP/Participants

  1. Cost Plan

a)personnel cost;

b)costs for equipment, instruments,softwareand consumables;

c)costs for consultancy services and collaborations

d)costs for entrusting service activities supporting the research to companies

e)overhead - a fixed amount of a maximum of 20% of total costs for the research activities

  1. Check data

ElencoperE WorEk Package

Provincia autonoma di Trento

Legge provinciale 2 agosto 2005, n. 14, articolo 22 - Bandi per la realizzazione di progetti di ricerca1 / 7